RWL Forum Member Awards

Started by The Lady Shael, October 24, 2003, 09:38:55 PM

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 Most Helpful - Retto
Most Amusing - Ragefur
Most Active - Riverpaw
Best Ultra-Mod Participater - I'm not sure.
Best Spa Room Participater - Nev.
Best Spammer - Not sure.
Most Serious - Beatles (What? He seems serious to me...)
Most Bloodthirsty - Not sure.
Most Lovable - Aus
Most Popular - Stormclaw
Best AIM chatter - Calan
Best role-player - Calria
Best Personality - Shael
Most wanted back - Julie
Favorite Banned Member - Erm.
Best Signature - Tania
Best Avatar - Steph, er, Teufel
Best Photo Album Pic - The group one. Mwuahaha.
Favorite Forum Name - Ilse's! I can't spell it, though. >.> Well, I could. But that's beside the point.
Best Couple - Shael and Kilk ;)
Most Likely to Become a Mod - Holby
Most Artistically Talented - Beem, even though he's not really around
Overall Best Member - Everyone here. =D

Abby The Rat

 Most Helpful - Sarah
Most Amusing - Sarah
Most Active -  Shael
Best Ultra-Mod Participater - ~shrug~
Best Spa Room Participater - Shael or Nev
Best Spammer - No idea
Most Serious - Er...... Stormclaw
Most Bloodthirsty - Holby
Most Lovable - Calria
Most Popular - Calria
Best AIM chatter - Calria and Sha
Best role-player - Everyone who DO role play
Best Personality - Calria.. ~Smiles~
Most wanted back - Teufel and Klamath
Favorite Banned Member - ........ The Two ~cough~
Best Signature - I can't choice.. everyone are all good.
Best Avatar - ... Calria
Best Photo Album Pic - Me and Aus
Favorite Forum Name - hmmmmmm... ~shrug~
Best Couple -  ........ Kilk and Shael are next to me and Sarah
Most Likely to Become a Mod - Sarah
Most Artistically Talented - Menatus
Overall Best Member - You're asking me to pick out of the lots??? .. ok .. Sarah

Sarah/Calria (so you don't get confused)

Oh and thank you all those who have voted for me
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []

The Lady Shael

 I think it's amusing so many people nominated me for best Ultra-Mod participater, I've hardly posted in that forum, maybe they took it the wrong way. I should rephrase that...

I should add my own nominations, I suppose...

Most Helpful - Ad
Most Amusing - Julie (Windy and Holbs get honorable mention though. ^_^)
Most Active - Riverpaw
Best Ultra-Mod Participater - Wolf Bite
Best Spa Room Participater - Nev
Best Spammer - Cal, just look at how many posts she has...
Most Serious - Ereptor
Most Bloodthirsty - Erm, Peace, I guess, can't think of many people right now...
Most Lovable - Tania
Most Popular - Ad
Best AIM chatter -  Sha *deadishly*
Best role-player - Kilk
Best Personality - Holbs
Most wanted back - Raine, hands down.
Favorite Banned Member - Merc
Best Signature - Riverpaw, I did the calligraphy. *looks proud*
Best Avatar - Hm, Dixie's, it amuses me.
Best Photo Album Pic - Raggy's is cool...
Favorite Forum Name - Ilse (Aminrael)
Best Couple - Dixie and Retto...heh. *hides from Retto*
Most Likely to Become a Mod - TJ
Most Artistically Talented - Kelly Hamilton, who did the RWL picture
Overall Best Member - Kilk...heh.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


wolf bite

 After almost a year and about 700 posts, I mostly got: Most blood thirsty and most serious.  Gee, I don?t see my self as either of those.  Maybe I should chat to more then Rahl and Holby on Aim.  

Signed the funny, lovable, and helpful,
Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Sorry Wolf Bite but you aren't all that funny and lovable lol!
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

wolf bite

 I think my point is that few know me. So, yeah, you would not think so.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 I think I know like three people on this forum really good, the rest I don't know at all.  Maybe thats why I didn't get nominated plus I don't post at all.  
"Ever since using Strongbad's Ab- Abber 2000, the ladies have been all up ons"

Lend me some sugar, I am your neigbor!

Whats cooler than bein cool? ICE COLD!
Shake it like a Polroid Picture!

The Lady Shael

 Tania: The RWL picture in the photo album, the one with different shades of red.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 I change my "most loveable" vote to Wolf Bite. Take that note, Shae'z!

The Beatles

 Most Helpful - Shael
Most Amusing - Holby
Most Active - Riverpaw
Best Spammer - Blackeyes
Most Serious - Stormclaw
Most Bloodthirsty - Blackeyes, but in game
Most Lovable - Julie
Most Popular - Boze (duh)
Best AIM chatter - Holby
Best Personality - Holby
Most wanted back - Josh
Favorite Banned Member - Josh
Best Avatar - Julie
Best Photo Album Pic - I would've said Ragz drinking coffee, but now... Ashyra
Favorite Forum Name - On AIM, Veranor
Most Likely to Become a Mod - Riverpaw
Most Artistically Talented - Tania
Overall Best Member - Can't pick...

Best Newbie - Mikalae, totally.
Most Game-Related Member - Wolf Bite


 *looks through ALL the nominations and sees his name twice*  Lessee I'm in Mostly Likely to become a mod (YAY!!) and Best AIM Chatter (YAY!!)

*stares at everyone else who he gave nominations for that were "cheap" and didn't nominate him for anything....*

(30 seconds later)

*thinks about going to change his nominations, but doesn't feel like it*
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album

wolf bite

 (Hugs Menatus and gives her a teddy bear)

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

 *shudders* did I  just see a 42 year old man hug that girl and giver her a teddy bear?

*shakes head* anywho, I see myself all over the place there... I'm just glad people know who i am  :D  


Quote from: TR ShadowMost Helpful - Me.
Most Amusing - Me.
Most Active - Me.
Best Ultra-Mod Participater - Me. I serious?
Best Spa Room Participater - Me.
Best Spammer - Me.
Most Serious - Me.  Again, I'm finding out many new things about myself.
Most Bloodthirsty - Me.  Woah, I didn't know I was bloodthirsty...
Most Lovable - Me.
Most Popular - Me.
Best AIM chatter - Me.  Yes, I chat with myself.
Best role-player - Me.
Best Personality - Me.
Most wanted back - Me.
Favorite Banned Member - Me.  I have been banned at one time, so I guess I count XD.
Best Signature - Me.
Best Avatar - Me.
Best Photo Album Pic - Me.
Favorite Forum Name - Me.
Best Couple - Me!
Most Likely to Become a Mod - Me.
Most Artistically Talented - Me
Overall Best Member - Me.

Can I add two more categories?

Most cynical - RIVERPAW!  I KNOW it's him!  *Coughmecough*
Most not here that is not posting in this topic - Me.  I SWEAR this isn't a post!  It isn't!

~A Pointless Not Post From Julie
I thought you and Colin broke up? He isn't on here, is he? You're not supposed to vote for yourself, either... *points at shaels post*