Imperial and their attacking habits

Started by Holby, October 16, 2003, 02:32:49 AM

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wolf bite

 Talking about playing fair, I just got an email form Blood Wake, it seems someone got his email address and signing up with Blood Wake Returns! (#656) so that Imperial would have one less Loren player that could fight back.  Now we don't know who did that, but it happened right before the attacks.  

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 This completely threw off my attack plan, as I said. If he gets to play again on that account though, it is bad for both of us. With his turns, it just takes away our plan. Not fair to anyone.

Sun Jian

 Can't we all just get along???.....NOT!Hehe,we should getsa war hehe....Kill em' all!!!
Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.

Peace Alliance

Quote from: wolf biteTalking about playing fair, I just got an email form Blood Wake, it seems someone got his email address and signing up with Blood Wake Returns! (#656) so that Imperial would have one less Loren player that could fight back.  Now we don't know who did that, but it happened right before the attacks.  

Wolf Bite
I assume your implying Imperial did it then? It would have been more benificial if blood wake WASN'T disabled.
*decides to think like wolf bite*
Actually, we were all worried that we would get ratted out before we could attack... Maybe we DID, so bloodwake made another account - same e mail address. that way he could be disabled, and later argue to get his account back saying that nobody would be stupid enought o start another account with a similar name with the same e mail address... HMMMMmmmmmm, is this fair play?

wolf bite

 Hummm, thinking like me I would say that Blood Wake would have been better to go into protection so he could pick the time he would come out, not the admins.  I think Peace once said "it is not cheating if no one finds out who did it."

The point is that someone started a 2nd accout for blood wake and he would not have tried to make his own multi with his own name in it.  Some people want to win even if the way the do it does not prove they are good at the game.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Bah... My then 2 mil stoats could punch through any guards that you could have, and did put up. Also, I would have had 300 turns to work with. You had already spent most of your turns in attacks. You would be out of turns as I pummled away, and rebuilt.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

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The Beatles

 Leave the 'would be's. Leave the accusations.
1. The attacks were, in the context of the game, entirely fair.
2. However, Imperial made one small oversight. To wit: Holby is my friend.
From today, the clan Imperial is my sworn enemy. After my physics midterm tomorrow, that is.


Quote from: calriaLoren: If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the top ten.
You're one to speak about "heat", Cal. You complained about several attacks on you only about a month ago and raged on about how unfair that was. Another time I attacked you in Duels, and you swore at me. You can't stand the heat of the game, let alone the top ten. Hypocrite.

QuoteIn the old days, it was the norm to have a massive clan ambush every month or so, and a new clan would rise to power. You're just upset because you had gotten nice and settled in the top spots for a long long time.
We have not been "nice and settled" in our spots. At least, I haven't, after getting killed the first time I signed up.
And I know it was a norm for a new clan to take power, but that seemed to happen as one clan disbanded for one reason or another, rather than huge wars.

QuoteThe days of massive dominant clans who sit at peace in the top spots is over. This is Redwall: Warlords, and Imperial's armies aren't here to eat rhubarb pies.
I've never eaten a rhubarb pie. What do they taste like? Actually, what do they look like?


Quote from: The Lady Shael
Also, Loren members, we have absolutely nothing against any of you. No grudges, except for the fact you're inhabiting the top ten. Every clan has it's worst and best moments. Yes, sometime, even Imperial will fall. Every clan does. C'est la vie.

No grudges? Not according to what I was told. Peace told me you each had our own reasons, own grudges. Ask him if you don't believe me. Again, Imperial's motives are questionable. Looks like they just need an excuse to beat up another clan for land.

Quote from: The Lady ShaelThe way people are acting about this is that it should be against the rules to pummel a clan more than 200 times...maybe that's not exactly what you mean, but it sure sounds like it.
No, it's not what I mean, though 200 attacks is excessive. I used all those attacks mainly as evidence Loren were in the right , we had done nothing wrong. I was hoping for support as most of my members have been hit down too far to rise quickly. I was also trying to bring across the point that Imperial had little or no motive.  Each excuse has been different, this enhances what I'm saying, yet very few appear to be able to think for themselves, and see what Imperial are doing.
I will not deleted this


Quote from: KilkenneI never said I had a grudge against anyone.
Peace told me that was the reason you lot attacked.
QuoteBy choice I always go against the ruling clan, which here is Loren, what you people have to understand is the goal of the game is to be the best, and not diplomacy.
Loren was the clan on top, but we were not ruling. Loren is one of the newer clans in the game, but has risen quickly.
The game is not about diplomacy? The War Center is under the heading of Diplomacy, and you appear to think that's what being the best means.

QuoteI would set clans to war to get land because of the 1.2 x attack bonus, and I can attack higher that what the game lets me without losing troops, which is nice. But to say that I declared war on allies before is wrong.

Sure, I do the same to take land sometimes. But the remark about not declaring war? I was under the impression we were at peace with those we later went to war with. I'm not the only one who supposedly got it wrong.

Quotewhich was shortlived because my clan members turned on me, thanks guys, once the bad guy, always the bad guy.
Not true, people treat you like a hero, the best of the best, and all that rot. Be glad they are such forgiving people here.

Quoteit was obvious we were waiting when not attacking, I was just waiting for someone to catch on and rat us out, but it never happened, everyone was too secure in their spots in the game to do anything about it.
I don't actually go around checking your news, to see what you're doing. Not exactly obvious.
The remark about people being too secure in their spots... no idea what you're on about there. I've only used a total of 2000 turns.

QuoteDeal with it and stop your crying. If I get beat down, I can always get back up again if necessary, as I have done so many times before.
Crying? Your attacks were unjustified, I was pointing this out, hoping for support. If I felt like crying, I would. Speaking of crying, you were the one who left this game, only to magically reappear. They treat you like a hero for it. Gosh I dislike this forum's attitudes sometimes.

QuoteI repeat, I myself had no grudge with Loren, some of my members have, but read above if you want the store again, because reiterating makes my head hurt.
Shael told me you gave out a list of numbers to hit. Not sure whether that information was supposed to be confidential or not, but you sound like the one who stirred the trouble up. Peace told me your reasons came down to grudges, another was to rearrange the top ten. Really, your clan should get their story straight before they start acting it out.

Quote from: Kilkenne?
Remember in Era 1 KM vs =}==>? We had a 2 week war and we just beat the (Note to all: I am a fool) out of eachother every other day. We held eachother's lower members out of the top 40 and everything. KM barely won that one, holding them down until a ceasefire was gained, but I think it was just because we had 3 members in the top 10 and they had 4 starting that was our victory because we got a good jump and planned the attacks. (This was KM with Myself, Josh, Germania, so we had an advantage in skill at that point, Wolfy hadn't come into his own yet...)
*Sarcastic* This one by surprise, too?
I honestly don't remember this incident, but I know Blades wasn't thought much of at the time. New clans never are, which means KM woulda been supported then, too, despite who's fault it was.
I will not deleted this


Quote from: Peace AllianceSo now your out to make Kilk look like the bad guy too? Like you've done so many times to me.
Make Kilk the bad guy? Kilk was the bad guy early this round. He's back with a clean slate, and in the wrong again. Except this time nostalgia and sentimentality take preference over what he's doing now. It makes Kilksy Boy the "answer to all our troubles" in taking down Loren.
Well guess what? Not gonna happen.

QuoteThe objective of this game is to go for the top.
*Coughs* We talked about this Peace, 'tis to have fun. *Winks*

QuotePower and land, its what its all about.
Power, yes. Land, no. Some have had power and been successful without land. Those that are good players.

QuoteImperial wanted to play this game, thus they would be trying to achieve this objective. Loren would be in our way.
Loren would not necessarily be in you way, you had enough land to go on, and you were doing fine before this. Actually, I only see little imrpovement in your situation and rank.
However, I can see Loren could be a quicker stepping stone.

QuoteWe could be allied with them, then crawl around in the bottom 30 ranks with no land or anything. Or we could have attacked them.
Again, more options than that available to you. Unles syou like making decisions without thinking properly.

QuoteImperial is a clan of good players, we are all good, honerable people.
Good? Yes, mainly. However, a huge sneak attack is far from honourable when you're dragging in weak members and a training clan.

QuoteTo take out a clan like loren, we could just go on the forums and say to everyone "Look at us, were declairing war on loren!". WE would have gotten killed. We were smaller, weaker, and the underdogs.
However, when only a few Loren members are in top rank spots, and one in LRecruit, you weren't all that far behind.
What struck me, too, was that after you made your attacks, all of you pretended as if nothing had happened. No topics, no IG messages. Pathetic, really.

QuoteTo beat Loren we would have to hit them HARD, and by surprise. That is exactly what we did. we did it with skill, and it was a success. If you guys want to find something dishonerable about us playing the game, go right ahead and do it.
You hit us hard, wounding severaly. But it's not over yet.

QuoteThe attacks were not a disgrace, they were an act of stratagy!
Strategy is not all honour and victory, there is such a thing as a disgraceful strategy.

Quote from: ~>John<~
also, Wolf Bite, one problem. If this was all about land why did we attack when they had 2000 acres, 3000 acres? It was to overthrow the ruling clan. thats all I'll say.
I'm sure taking one or two k extra made all the difference in you supposedly removing Loren, too.   <_<
Though I can see how taking land in such small doses backs up what you are saying, it is possible you make a point of this to cover up the fact so much land was taken. Oh wait, you contradicted your clan again. Attacks were supposed to be for power, no?
Again, practice your lines.

Quote from: Orcrist
Another thing- I dunno about anyone else in Imperial, but when things are SOOO peaceful and quiet up in the top ten that people are starting to get bored, then something has to change. Basically, all we've done is level out the playing field a little, making things more interesting. Also, about being attacked, that's sorta part of the game. We all end up getting attacked heavily at one point in time at least, complaining won't stop it from happening. ?
There was no quiet and peace in the top ten. Either you have no memory of how this era has been going Orcrist, or you come back and speak as if you do.
Loren had only just secured a few spots up there, LRecruit only just in formation.
The playing field was interesting. Slayer made it interesting by exiting the game. Loren made it interesting again, by rising in the game, warring with Blades. The same lot of players did this.

As to getting attacked heavily, I've faced that as much as you, Orcrist. True you played before me, but it is also true I had no one to help me, that I struggled with this game, that I was hit time and time again early on, and have been throughout my RWL history.
It has allowed me to bounce back quicker, to react, to take attacks better.
I got hit hard by Imperial, I can deal with that. what I don't like is this being taken out on the whole clan for no reason. I would much prefer Imperial war with me, then take out my new players, my recruits.
I will not deleted this


Quote from: Dead Eye
Yea, Holby, didnt you just yell at me for complaining. I mean I know I wasnt attacked as much, but you said you had been hit worse before and that attacking is part of game.
I didn't yell at you. I told you not to complain about a few attacks, a few attacks you call being killed, a few attacks you restart your account over. Attacking is part of the game, but you have to deal with retal without it being a big deal.

Beatles: Thanks for sticking with me on this one, you rock.
I will not deleted this


 So basically, Holby, you spent about an hour and a half or so typing complaints because you can't deal with the fact that a clan attacked another clan? It doesn't MATTER if we didn't have a "Story". The fact is, you were the ruling clan, and we went after you, what is so wrong with that? If this game were more than just a community anymore, and that's all it's gotten to be, a bunch of wussies that don't attack each other and think 10 attacks is brutal, then I might as well leave again. This is pathetic, look at it from a neutral standpoint, it doesn't take that much to just attack a clan, but to completely dismantle them? Planning and talent.

As to me putting out a list of people to attack...Yup. Our MOTD says all the targets of attack. Good for it.


 You play this game to have fun, right? Other people like to do that, too, and it doesn't help when you smash them up because you're supposedly overthrowing the evil, ruling clan. Or maybe that was yesterday's idea?
The point of your post, though, was to avoid everything I've said, as you don't have a reasonable response to it.
Loren did have a strong(ish) position in the top ranks, but it was working its way up. In Loren, there were probably only three or four hordes including myself in the top 20.
Retto (who is peaceful), myself (starting again after being killed), Violent Ray Vixens, and Nevada. LRecruit is no more than a training clan, not involved in clan wars and actions as you can see from the clan crier, and they shouldn't have been involved.
If you had so much talent and skill, why didn't you take down Slayer, hmm?
And did I say 10 attacks were brutal? I can dish it out and take it, but I see no reason for you to massacre an entire clan.
You gave out a few reasons as to why you attacked, but this one is pathetic.
It's gone from Blood Wake, to grudges, to taking out the top ten, to getting power, to overthrowing the evil rulers, and now just for the sake of it.
You want to have fun, and I want to have fun. But attacking like you lot did is just low, it doesn't leave a very good gaming experience for those less-skilled than yourself.
I will not deleted this

Mikalae Gildar

 Safely hidden in his refuge across the sea, Mikalae DarkKnight sat upon his throne, misery and sorrow hidden in his heart.  And Duke Aubres had thought the Risen One, Kilkenne, was his friend.  And that was just before his "friend" had murdered him.  Mikalae pounded his fist against the wood.  Curse them!  Traitorous backstabbers!  He ill-temperedly threw his cup of water away from him (for he had little food and water for even himself, much less the soldiers) and stalked through his camp.  His men were a weary, dirty bunch, but he knew they would fight well.  They would have to.

He strode to the edge of the sea, and looked to where horizon met rolling waves.


His sword flashed in the light of the sun, and, far away across the ocean, the hearts of Kilkenne's men were stricken with a nameless fear.  Mikalae would return.
"A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place, to force them to acknowledge your greatness."

"Then you kill them?"

"...Only if it's necessary."

--Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "Sacrifice of Angels"

The Lady Shael

 This is just a game, Holbs, and we're all playing to have fun, hence the definition of 'game'. But it's no fun when you won't let us take a slice of the glory.

I'm not sure why Peace said we do have grudges, but he's the only clan member who's said that, and now you thrust that statement out at us over and over again. If we did have grudges against any Loren member, or specifically the entire Loren clan as a whole, why are we denying it? Think about it. I'm not the kind of person to keep silent about a grudge I have against someone. Neither is Kilk, or anyone else in our clan. If we had a grudge like that, I think we would have said it by now.

This game revolves around attacking. I still don't see what we did wrong. Are these laws of a warlord's etiquette we've broken? Is a clan massacre against the rules of RWL? Maybe it is in RWL: HPR, but as far as I know, not here.

This isn't the first time in history a clan war like this has happened. It can't be. It's been an entire year, and only now we get a complaint? I would've thought you all might've accepted it with a grave face, show your skills that were sufficient enough to get you into the top ten, regroup and reorganize yourselves, and retaliate. Yet all you do is complain about how unfair this is. That honestly won't do anything. What are you trying to do by this? Make us feel sorry for ourselves, and leave from the shame? Announce Loren's plight to the forum, in hopes others might feel some sympathy for the victims, and join your side?

Which brings me to another point, why is it that the victim is always the "good guy", and his attacker is the "bad guy"? At the end of a fairy tale story, then bad guy becomes the victim, yet he's still labeled as the "bad guy". Just because Kilk is the leader of Imperial, you bring up a stereotype, immediately recalling his history, and re-labeling him as the "bad guy".

*sadly* You've changed too, Holbs. I don't know what blinds you, why you take these attacks so seriously.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.