
Started by Mark, October 15, 2003, 07:57:53 PM

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 I know how all of you just love Mac products, but I thought I should just let all of you know that I got a ipod.  Now *eyes the crowd carefully* I'll wager most of you don't know what a ipod is.  It's simply a hand held palm-top, it can play MP3s (fits up to 7500 songs), it can store books (probaly all the book in your house), it is a clock, calender, I can store contacts on it too.  Take a look here to see what they look like.
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
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If someone died for you? Would you care?


 It also costs a lot... -_-. It's a great product I think, but expensive.


Also, I don't think I have 7500 songs on my computer. At about 15 songs per cd, you'd need about 500 CDs (without using pirated songs)  to fill that. Now with the way the RIAA likes to do things, that would cost you about... $7500, give or take a hundred... Think there is enough space?
# rovl.org


 Well, this product will last at last until it is no longer conpatible with newer conputers.  It is worth every last cent ya out in it.
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
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If someone died for you? Would you care?


 I love one of the sale points:

QuoteNew 20GB and 40GB models
Smaller than ever (just 0.62 inches thick), the iPod fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and slips easily into your pocket ? and your life. At 5.6 ounces, it weighs less than 2 compact discs, and even many cell phones. And yet the iPod gives you a huge 10GB, 20GB or 40GB hard drive ? that?s 10,000 songs. Do the math: that?s space enough to store four weeks of music ? played continuously, 24/7 ? or one new song a day for the next 27 years.

That kind of discourages me from buying one... I mean, the 8 hour battery would die (several times) before you even listened to all that music.
# rovl.org


Quote from: VeranorI love one of the sale points:

QuoteNew 20GB and 40GB models
Smaller than ever (just 0.62 inches thick), the iPod fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and slips easily into your pocket ? and your life. At 5.6 ounces, it weighs less than 2 compact discs, and even many cell phones. And yet the iPod gives you a huge 10GB, 20GB or 40GB hard drive ? that?s 10,000 songs. Do the math: that?s space enough to store four weeks of music ? played continuously, 24/7 ? or one new song a day for the next 27 years.

That kind of discourages me from buying one... I mean, the 8 hour battery would die (several times) before you even listened to all that music.
First:  Who has 10,000 songs to put on it?
You don't just put songs on it, you can put anything you want on it (within reason), just read the first post at the top.
Second: you can recharge it very quickly, get it get to full battary in 2 hours.
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
user posted image
If someone died for you? Would you care?


 My point was, one of  their pitches was "WOW! You can put a song on it for each day for 27 years!"

That's nice and all but not very practical.
# rovl.org


 Ooo, I've wanted an iPod ever since they came out (even though I hate Mac products). The price was what stopped me from buying it, as you can well imagine. Also, I heard that it has some weird battery thing that dies after about a year, and the only way to replace the battery is to replace the iPod. I'm not sure where I heard that, or even if it's right, but I'd want to find out before I'd buy one. O.o
"JWPOINGKLGNF, she says. This is non-typical. Why she says it, we're not sure."

Peace Alliance

 haha, You got suckered man.
At the computer store near my house, I found a "minicomputer" (as the store guy called it  :blink: )

it had a 40GB hard drive, and a nice screen you could fold out. You could edit videos, and store tons just as many songs. It was like half that price and could probably to more things. sorry to burst your Ipod, hehe.

still looks cool, i would want it