If Tarsonis and Wolfbite were against eachother...

Started by FunkyFerretGuy, October 13, 2003, 09:10:30 PM

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 Now this poll makes sense, as we've narrowed it done to Wolf Bite being one of the greatest players, and Tarsonis being a quick Emperor, though sometimes through the form of foriegn aid and multis.
On a rock climbing trip

-Mother has tripped five times-

Mother- "Matt, these shoes have great traction!"

Me- "Inwhich you have demonstrated so well..."

The following is going to be my extremely stupid bumper sticker:

Honk if you love peace and quiet.

Peace Alliance

 Josh is a GREAT player. Wolf bite is good too. but unless wolf bute had his *cough"friends"cough* helping him out....


 Josh is an amazing player. His skills get overshadowed by his... bad habits... though.


 Josh is a good player, when he doesn't cheat.
But you will find the only time he's beaten Wolf Bite is /when/ he cheated.
Wolf Bite ended on top every other time, and sometimes when Josh was cheating, too.
I will not deleted this

Peace Alliance

Quotethe only time he's beaten Wolf Bite is /when/ he cheated
maybe the only times YOU know of ;)


 That I know of, yes, but what I know is normally fairly complete and accurate.
Your vote probably had something to do with your, er... dislike for Wolf Bite.
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Peace Alliance

 True, I dislike wolf bite. and I am friends with josh. But that I've been friends with both of them, and i've seen how both of them play. You may know how wolf bite does stuff, but Josh has a completely differnt style.

Quotewhat I know is normally fairly complete and accurate
what i meant by that, is that josh might have done things none of us know about.


 I am friends with both of them. Josh has a style, yes, and an amazing knack for handling troops.
But Wolf Bite has played every strat that I've heard of and more, with success in each of those. He has also reached the top in every reg and turbo, except for the first era of RWL, in which he joined late. (Also in every Duels he's played)
He has never had to cheat to do that.
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Peace Alliance

QuoteHe has never had to cheat to do that.
maybe the only times YOU know of  ;)

Josh was banned, plus he has a life... so of course he hasn't been emperor as much.


 You will find that each time Josh has tried to rise to the top, he hasn't always made it, even for a few hours.

And Wolf Bite has never cheated that I know of. Of course, you could always ask the admin again, who have confirmed that Wolf Bite has not cheated.
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Peace Alliance

 People can cheat without  the admins knowing! I've done it myself.

QuoteYou will find that each time Josh has tried to rise to the top, he hasn't always made it, even for a few hours

What if he rose to the top, and you had NO idea it was him? huh? whats that... you have nothing to say to that??? thats what i thought!


Quote from: Peace AlliancePeople can cheat without  the admins knowing! I've done it myself.

People can cheat without the admins knowing in some occasions, but can they cheat without hiding from their good friends? Wolf Bite has not cheated, and I am a friend of his.

QuoteYou will find that each time Josh has tried to rise to the top, he hasn't always made it, even for a few hours

What if he rose to the top, and you had NO idea it was him? huh? whats that... you have nothing to say to that??? thats what i thought!
What if Wolf Bite did the same thing?
On most occasions, I've known Josh to be playing. Only on occasion is it I not know he's playing before his account is gone. And I haven't known him to keep it totally hidden for that long, either.
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wolf bite

 Point: Josh is a good player. We have fought many times. Only once did he beat me at that was when he had multis and 80% of the game against me.  Many of the other times we have fought, he cheated, I still won.  Enough said.

As far as if I cheat, I don't have to.  At least at one time in this game, I was the most watched player ever by the admins.  There has never been ANY claim that has ANY founding.  I do not cheat, but if I did, I must be the best at it, hehe.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Ashyra Nightwing

 I'd say that it would probably end up as a tie..


Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....