RWL's First Anniversary Celebration Topic!

Started by The Lady Shael, October 13, 2003, 07:30:15 PM

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Nobody's memories include me.

*runs away to cry*

Abby The Rat


Err... ~looks around~

~kisses Sarah~

The biggest memory I have of RWL, Sarah is you.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []



Ok, now I feel happy.

<3  <3  <3  

Abby The Rat

 And when you're happy, so am I

<3  <3  <3  
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 *wades through knee-deep mush to post*

Ahh, memories...

When we actually had a story for the game, as whipped up by me and Retto... ("You write the next bit!" "Argh, I don't have time!" "Fine, I'll do it...")

Working on Dark Empires coding... ("It's not WORKING. It says it's healing me, but my health stays the same. I'm going to scream." "Lemme see that.")

The night Dark Empires came out... ("Let's all lynch Retto! Lynch him I say!" *Retto is now known as DIEXEPHERDIE*)

Watching Shael's reaction to being requested to take the throne. That was funny.

And various crises, problems, difficulties, and other things too numerous to mention. Like the Australian Stalker-Brat, which I'm fairly sure none of you will find familiar. Or the Drunkard incident. That was amusing.

Well, here's to a year of Redwall: Warlords.
A Departed Hero...

The First Emperor, Stormclaw, called by history The Noble, Longest-Ruling of the Eight.

Ryach Karin

 Ad and Sarah, chattin in a forum. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.


 I meant to reply to this topic earlier this evening, but for some reason or another I got distracted. It is also no longer the 14th, and hasn't been for *counts* 20 hours.
However, better late than never.
I joined RWL on October 30, 2002. I had seen notices for it in several places, but it wasn't until I saw "A Squirrel" (*Winks at Shael*) posting about how great it was that I signed up.
I thought for a while on my horde name. The game was about vermin, so I came up with Hair Raisers. It seemed fitting at the time.
Almost immediately I joined the forums, and was rather impressed. Most of the people seemed interesting, and the quality of posts were good. But they accepted me, and that was a good feeling.

I unknowingly struggled at the game. Ereptor sent me a messgae to join TBV, but I turned it down, saying I wanted to play as a single horde for the time being.
Another thing that happened during this time, was that windhound (only 6 numbers lower than me) was successfully defending himself against my attacks, and retaliating successfully. I kept it up, not making a good show of it.
This led to us becoming firm friends over the game. I even have the message saved, along with a few I salvaged at the end of the first era.

As I slowly rose and fell, I hovered around the top 20 or so, often slipping. But I was sent a message to join DI, and as soon as a position was open, I became a member. My first clan, and the most famoue one at that, seemed like a great achievement at the time. Within a few days after I joined, DI disbanded, and I made my own clan. It wasn't successful, partly because I wasn't a good player, partly becuase I didn't know how to attract members, and partly because I didn't know how to get in contact with them.
RWL led me to getting AIM, which was amazingly fun. I had MSN beforehand, but few people used it.

I disbanded my clan (HR- Holby's Regiment) and eventually joined Slynder Talderhash's Falcon. I was between several clans inbetween, but don't recall them.
Falcon lasted until the end of the first era, and slightly into the second.

The last day (or second last, not completely sure) before the new server was open was the greatest RWL day for me. We all went crazy, attacking each other, making kills (I think someone said John was having a ball spearing minnows, lol), spamming (healthy, clean, non-junk spamming) on the forums, and I was listening to a midi of Lancepaw's which was sorta inspiring at the time. I was also listening to a bit of The Beatles (*Mentally thanks Beatles for putting it up*) and generally having a good time.

On the day of the new server, I was that frantic about being a double-digiter that I got up at around 4 in the morning to be there when it opened. This was one of the craziest things someone has done in regards to RWL, probably. (It was a Saturday!) It was well worth it, though, as I got #10. King of the double-digiter!
That concludes my beginnings at RWL.
To continue through the whole of my RWL history would get rather tiring and dull, but I'll speak shortly on Turbo, or at least as short as I can manage.

I signed up for Turbo the day it was open, not sure exactly when that was. I had a good time that round, but lost interest halfway though. By the end, I had started foraging, and had enough Net to finish in the d top 10.
(I also got 2 kills that round, hehe.) I'm not sure whether it was late that round, or early in the second, that I met wolf bite. I was exercising my power with leaders, and esping everyone in the top 10. It took me a while, but I finally got his. He said my skills may be a benefit to him sometime, so we spoke over IG messages before I got his AIM. Wolf Bite has been a friend and mentor ever since.
Turbo was something I was better at than regular, as it is more forgiving and  allowed room for error. I improved my leader skills greatly on there, and it has certainly contributed to success I've had in this game. No-one was there to teach me in the beginning, I had to teach myself. Not being a quick learner, it took me a while to be successful at what I did. But finally leaders would work for me, they would seemingly bend at my will. *cackles evilly* With wolf bite dropping in ranks midway through round 2, I was becoming successful with the land I had been given on his stepping down. By the end of round 2, my horde was still intact and at the top. Everything was in order for winning the round, largely due to wolf bite's help. But wolf bite was building condos at the time ( ;) ), according to his post, and suddenly came up with a heap of Net and troops. He was just ahead of me in Net, and about to win the round. But Retto jumped out of nowhere, unsetting his Admin account to buy troops. He attacked wolf bite, and knocked him down enough Net for me to finish first in the round. I was asleep as this happened, interestingly enough. ^_^
Ever since, I have played Turbo, and always enjoyed it, always scheming with my buddies on how to take down the top guy, or how to secure the top spot. Great times.

As I have mentioned of one of my good friends, maybe I had better mention the rest of those most important to me.

Beatles. Most intelligent person I know, I don't know how he puts up with my lack of knowledge in most areas. ;)
We've had some great times. Sometimes serious, often fun. He introduced me to a cool band called The Beatles, lent me a book (in a manner of speaking) which I enjoyed immensely, was patient with me and directed as I downloaded programs and files I needed, helped me when I asked, chatted when I needed someone to talk to, and reassured me when something was wrong.
If you're reading this Beatles, thanks for your great friendship, you mean a lot to me.

Shael. I know we haven't had all that much time to talk, but I sorta knew you before RWL as Jessie Oakshade.
You always lifted me up, and put a smile on my face. You had that fun spark, but were able to debate easily, all of your posts high-quality, 5-star. Much like Beatles.
One day when we chatted on AIM for about an hour or so, it seemed we were on the exact same wavelength, felt the same way in regards to the ROC and RWL.
Since you received your mod powers, you seem to have sorta changed, that or it's me that did the changing. I spoke to you the other day over MSN, and you seemed completely disinterested, uncaring.
I hope that can change one day.

Ad. We're not as close we once more, I realise that. But that is my fault.
If you remember, every Thursday after Table Tennis last year and early into this year, we would talk. You were always on then, and we would talk for about 3 hours or so before I went to bed. You opened up to me, and I tried in my own way to do the same. I appreciate that, it must be hard to do. Thanks Ad.

Jules. Always fun to talk to, to brighten me up. In particular, that night with your friends. That's right up there with the best time I've had online.  You have great friends, hang on to them. I'm always there if you need me, too.

windhound. I remembered not to capitalise it! We've known each other since November 2, a very long time in regards to when this game was created. Not once have you refused to share your stats, nor give assistance, nor share your views and strats. Thanks windhound.

Now, some special times... There's been so many!
*Laughs* Jules and her friends, Peace and the spam, Veranor and the game, Slynder's leadership, Sha and Veggie Tales, Aus and Steve Irwin, Trident and the markers, Tania and her uniqueness, Ereptor and his views, Heat's willing to trust me, and Cal's assiatance with my debate. (We won our last two, btw. :D)

(Remind me if I forget something)

This has been a great year for RWL. Thanks to everyone who made it that way.
I suddenly feel like bursting into song. *Starts to hum, then relaises what he sounds like* Anyhow, "Thanks for the memories"

Thanks for the memory:
Of things I can't forget, journeys on a jet,
Our wond'rous week in Martinique and Vegas and roulette.
How lucky I was.

And thanks for the memory:
Of summers by the sea, dawn in Waikiki.
We had a pad in London but we didn't stop for tea;
How cozy it was.

Now since our breakup I wake up
Alone on a gray morning-after.
I long for the sound of your laughter,
And then I see the laugh's on me.

But, thanks for the memory:
Of every touch a thrill. I've been through the mill.
I've lived a lot and learned a lot, you loved me not and still;
I miss you so much.

Thanks for the memory:
Of how we used to jog even in a fog,
That barbecue in Malibu, away from all the smog -
How rainy it was.

Thanks for the memory:
Of letters I destroyed, books that we enjoyed,
Tonight the way things look, I need a book by Sigmund Freud -
How brainy he was.

Gone are those evenings on Broadway.
Together we'd go to a great show.
But now I begin with the Late Show,
And wish that you were watching, too.

I know it's a fallacy:
That grown men never cry, baby, that's a lie.
We had our bed of roses, but forgot that roses die.
And thank you so much.
I will not deleted this

Abby The Rat

Quote from: Ryach KarinAd and Sarah, chattin in a forum. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
Lucky for you, that's all we be doing in the forum..... or is it?  :blink:

And thanks you Holby for that touching post. It's the way, I am Holby. Open.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 That comma was unnecissary, Ad. I don't think you are Holby.

But Lo! Holbs is the #1 one person on my friends list. :) You know, on my website. Under Warlords. Hee!

I remember when the new server came out, I kept clicking the new server link frantically and pressing "enter...F5...enter...F5..." until the site came up and I'm like AHH! And I signed up as fast as possible (fortunately not making a spelling error like Holbs did) and I made #7. Good times, good times.

Heh, in the first server I wanted to be that cool independent person, too, so I didn't accept any clan offerings (and there were a lot of desperate little clans) until I was like #20 and <==}= offered me. Thats when they were Clan of the Evil Blades. Fun! But then I left and attacked them. I never got an offerering for EO or DI though. :(

Oh well. Good people, you all!

The Lady Shael

 Holbs, that was one of the best well-written posts I've ever seen in a long time...I'd forgotten that you found RWL through my post.  :)  That one AIM chat you mentioned was probably the last best AIM conversation I've had with a RWLer. I've had, er...certain restrictions since then, because the reason I had to leave that chat was because my mom became a little irate when she learned I was chatting with someone on the other side of the world at midnight. But that was a long time ago, and the restrictions have become forgotten.

I twitched a little when you said "since you received your mod powers". I've gotten a couple comments like that, but I don't think my changing was due to getting my mod powers. My personality probably wouldn't have been any different than if I never became a mod at all. Since I started public schooling again from last year, my real life friends noticed a change in me too, and I guess that's somehow directly affected my online life as well.

I haven't been able to hold very many interesting AIM or MSN convos with anyone lately, partly because I'm usually multi-tasking (which includes doing homework by the comp as well) and/or I'm probably just not in the mood to talk or can't find something to talk about.

I can't guarantee I'll turn back into the person I was before, but I'll try to be a little more attentive.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 Well,Holby,nice post,even though I didn't read it,everyone else is saying it had good point. year?Seems more like a lot more.And did anyone mention me???

Ashyra Nightwing

 Aww... *hugs* I thought of everyone on these forums. You're all great! If it weren't for everyone, I'd have left long ago. Now I can't leave, because of all the great people here!


 *Sarah an Ad make him SICK* Get a room, guys.   :snicker:   Methinks I was here since about November, so, almost a year for me.


 I cannot believe I'm not on the cool people list. I should be at the very top, in BOLD!