RWL's First Anniversary Celebration Topic!

Started by The Lady Shael, October 13, 2003, 07:30:15 PM

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 Hurray!!!!!!!!!! I can't belive it!!!! It's finnaly happened!!!!! Happy Birthday ::hats::  Happy Birthday ::hats::  Happy Birthday ::hats::  Happy Birthday ::hats::  Happy Birthday ::hats::  Happy Birthday ::hats::  Happy Birthday ::hats::  Happy Birthday ::hats::  Happy Birthday ::hats::  Happy Birthday ::hats::

I kicked the dodo out of some people!!!! The I was ganged up on and almost killed Hurrray for me!!!!!! Lol, Happy B-day RWL!!
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Ashyra Nightwing


Happy birthday, RWL!!



Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Ashyra Nightwing

 *gets out a hyoooooge lump of cheese*



Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Ryach Karin

 Congrats, RWL! You've made it an entire year.

Anyone remember me? I doubt it. I was Ryach Karin (#16) back in the original RWL game, WAY before Dark Empires expansion, and I've come back today just to celebrate your anniversary.  

Ashyra Nightwing

 YAY! Are you playing again, or just visiting the forums?

Ryach Karin

 Just visiting. I'm too busy running my website (The Sword of Redwall) to play RWL anymore.


Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Abby The Rat

 I think I know who that is, and aye, I do.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 Hey Ad, haven't talked to you in awhile either!!
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 Yes that's more correct Beatles, though if I recall I found the first portion of the original, at that point it was useless. You found that you could spoof the other things which really was the major meat of the bug.


 Who cares Veranor! It's RWL's B-day!!!
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 My own memories...

well, I'll admit, when I signed up for RWL...I really thought it was kinda a joke. Digger (first era, somefins Mauraders) convinced me to join, and I decided that, as a spoof, I'd make my name the Deran-Jed Pumer Clan (deranged plumbers? I thought it was funny. I named myself Captain Spitot. Many laughs on that).

I was in DI...because that was the happenin' place (Sorry Nev). Stormy had been emperor for a while...and that went on for a while.

Eventually, I got more and more interested in the game, and asked Boze for the source. A month or so later, when Boze said that he hadn't the time for RWL, he asked Stormy (then a while-long Emperor) and me (one of the few people who actually requested the source). So we became the admins.

And DI kept in power and Stormy was still Emperor, and frankly, everyone was just pretty bored. So we hatched a scheme. Stormy would promise to lay off me for about four days, and I would do my best to make use of the fact that the only person in the game who could stop me...wasn't.

This was the era when "Standard Attack" was so much more of a friend than it is nowadays. I massed rats, broke from DI, formed a new clan, and put out it's clan password openly (not many clans doing that nowadays...used to be quite a few, and now just Loren...and they're the first ones in a while. CG was the first to do that, I believe). The only way to avoid my wrath was to join me. Beatles was an early recruit, and throughout the four days or so, was asking for someone to be appointed assistant or diplomat, and for me to give aid.

Royale stomped the game, and we brought species specalized (mostly Gurellia) attacks to the forefront. By the end of the four days, I had surpassed Stormy in networth, and most of DI had been hit hard.

An agreement of Stormy leaving me alone was that I would leave /him/ alone, which was great, because it meant that I had first attacks on him. Late a saturday night, I plowed through his defenses, gathered up tons of land, and built guards.

The next day, he got on, and couldn't break me. All was good for three more days or so, and then I realized that he had been massing leaders (that being obvious when he took half my land with leader missions)

So we went back and forth, and could have gone on for quite a while, but we agreed that it should not persist for too long. So after a while, I gave away my stuff, took down my guards, and opened my land to any who wanted.

Stormy took his share and a bit back, as did a few other DIers. Things were good...I had taken out a loan at my height, to supply a last wave of rats against Stormy. So I plunged down and down until I had about 400 land, and no troops. This was an intriguing point - (a week later) - what would happen if my net worth went /negative/? I lost all my food and cash exchanging the two on the Mercenary market, and then dropped 399 acres of land (loosing 3% of my few troops each turn). My networth dropped...and was negative!

Two minutes later, the turn script went around, and because of an odd bug which nobody had realized before, gave me about 18 quintillion dollars (In my bank account: over 18,000,000,000,000,000,000). I was, again, at the top of the scores ranking, and left myself there for about a day before fixing the bug and making a negative networth automatically convert to 1.

And that...was my first warlord.
The 'ittle otter,


 Wow, 18 quntillion dollars... I wish you kept that bug, I could use some of that...
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....