Last Advice

Started by The Beatles, October 12, 2003, 01:22:10 PM

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Peace Alliance

 no that would suck. lol, ma ybe make it so you can only attack everyone else 15 times... that would work.


 Well yes, the other non-war attacking thing could be workable, but it would be limited.


 Wow- this SG guy sounds pretty confident. I'm gonna rejoin and try to get everybody else to also. This oughta be interesting.

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

Peace Alliance

 sounds good to me


 Here is my little bit on advice on this subject...*decides to be blunt and somewhat mean* Keep it on the Turbo forum is my advice!  Afterall ther turbo forum is for discussing the happenings in Turbo.
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
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Peace Alliance

 That was... nonesense, lol.

Beatles stratagy is the only way to go. you guys can take all the land form them you want, but thats just gonna give em a better leader ratio.

The Beatles

 It apparently has worked. Go Holby!

Ashyra Nightwing

 Ooh, yiss. I shall hit them with leaderses..

The Beatles

 And Holby can now espionage them! Whee....

Peace Alliance

 YAY!! well it might have been a success because we are all so lovely good at this game, or it might have been because the guy hadn't logged on for days... who knows.

The Beatles

 If it's a success at all... yet.

Peace Alliance

 All i know is that this season is wierd. Everybody has so much, and theres so much networth and... i donno, maybe i left the game for too long. Everythings just so different from what it was like when i played before. I dont know if i like it or not. I like a challange, but its just... there are so FEW things i can do. My rat-massing talents dont help, my good leader stratagys don't go very far against theres... O.o  i sat there for 10 minutes trying to figure out what i was going to do with my 450 turns, i had NO idea. *shakes head* i'm loosin my touch


 Hey Peace, lol it must be the old ageLol remember that conversation? Lol good times.. good times...
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

The Beatles

 I'm /not/ losing my touch. And I massed 20m rats in 400 turns.


Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....