Last Advice

Started by The Beatles, October 12, 2003, 01:22:10 PM

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The Beatles

 Summoner Of Fate: You are teh leet
laddiebuck1234: i r teh 1337


So, all you need to do is, on Turbo, continually pound the SG guys (19, 33, 44, and 27), with leader attacks. You see, they, having obscene leader numbers and relying on them, will get into an unpleasant situation if you hit them with leaders, they losing maybe 6% (can't remember) of their leaders per attack. We tried it with Vera, hit some of them before they got maxed, and noticed that they lost about 80-120k leaders per attack... rather devastating, you'll agree? So your duty as a loyal RWL player is to pound them with as many leaders as you've got (and 100 leaders is enough for this, because it's based on percentages) and eventually something unpleasant will happen to them, or one of us will break through and murder or steal...
That is my penultimate advice to these forums before December. Please consider it. It is working.
My last advice is to be nice to each other, because you're all great people.



Sun Jian

 Brillliant,absolutely brilliant.
Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.


 Luff ya, Beatleses! Makes me want to re-sign-up on Turbo...
*beats herself* Must. Do. Classwork. Before. RWL. AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!

Peace Alliance

 I LOVE the plan beatles, but it won't work unless EVERYBODY helps, so no matter what your plans were, change them to this one because its IMPORTANT.

P.S. i'm not a |)arklord anymore, retto wont change my name for me though :\

The Beatles

 Mind you, don't move this to the Turbo forum, or you might as well scrap it, because almost nobody reads that. Regularly, at least.


 Judging from the amount of leaders that #33 lost, I would say he has around 2.2 million of them.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

The Beatles

 Aqualis, 'bout your sig, you're asking for a whole lot... :D

Your Leaders tremble at your attack on such a strong opponent. Many desert!
Mission: Success
Your Leaders battle it out with That guy from SG promisance's...
...and you fail to succeed against your enemy's Leaders!
You lose 66849 Leaders, but you manage to kill 187166 of your enemy's Leaders!
[edit] He did that about 22 more times, killing 150k per attack on average. Until he was maxed in fact. Good job, Peace!
[edit edit] He's doing it to rank 2 now... getting 100k per hit.

That was Peace's attack on him. This strat is sound.


 That's like 3.3 million leaders...

The Beatles

 Well, he did have 40-50k acres before I smoked him.


 With 20k land, you can support 3500000 leaders. AND THAT'S ALL HUTS. Either he hasn't been taking turns, or he's been losing a lot of leaders.

EDIT: Or my math is off...

The Beatles

 Hasn't been taking  turns.


 I guess I'll give it a shot, anything's worth geting rid o' them good for nothing things...
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
user posted image
If someone died for you? Would you care?


QuoteWith 20k land, you can support 3500000 leaders. AND THAT'S ALL HUTS. Either he hasn't been taking turns, or he's been losing a lot of leaders.

How many leaders can you have per hut?
The noises of the world cannot hurt the clouds
The only certainly in life is death
Remember where ever you go there you are
There are 3 types of people, ones good at maths and the others not


 175. They stop filling at 100.
I will not deleted this