Must go

Started by The Beatles, October 11, 2003, 05:13:51 PM

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The Beatles

 Hello all,

Due to unfortunate circumstances in my life (college, to be specific) I shall be leaving the ROC for approximately the next two-and-a-half months. I expect to return in December or January. Until then I will not be on AIM, and will halt all my projects except Free Redwall Webhosting, where I will continue to review applications, but nothing else. This also means that there will be no more Duels until then, no developments on RWCenter, and probably no Frost and Flame by me. Which is rather not nice of me, so I will try to do the latter one weekend.
The only things I will do immediately before I leave, are:
1. Put my hordes on vacation.
2. Open up the clan forums and lock this Duels round when it ends.
3. Give Holby my music.

You shall not be able to reach me, and that is my intention. Holby alone can, though. For your info, I will check our chat regularly.
If there is anything you wish me to do before I go, I will take note of it until Tuesday, and perhaps be on AIM until Tuesday.

Thank you,

PS That also means that there is free food and cash on the turbo server, #74.
PPS I shall not bother to make a list of people I have found fun and/or interesting. Suffice it to say that you are all very great people, and those who are my friends know it anyways.


 See ya. We had some cool times. Kind of stinks, I'm coming back and you're leaving. Heh, well make good on your life for the next 2 months.


 J-funk, you're not allowed to have a life!

...did I just call you J-funk?

*hangs self*


 Well... See ya, I guess...
As long as you'll be back...
Hopefully, you'll see me making some use of the webspace you gave me when you get back...
Have a good (or at least bearable, if it happens to be something totally interesting) time...

Edit: **spags self**
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


The Lady Shael

 Aww, we'll see ya later then...don't work yourself too hard...not fun.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Beatles! Noooo! *clings*

What will I do without Duels for so long? *hyperventilates* No! No! Not the dreaded H-word!


*ritually disembowels herself*


 Lets all ritually commit mass suicide to J-Funk!


 {{not quoting due to obvious reasons, see above}}

I normally appreciate forum humor, but that just offends me for some reason, reminds me of a particularly gruesome bit of reading...
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


Peace Alliance

 you... leave... without... finishing... frost and flame????? NOOO!!!! This can't be!!! PLease no beatles!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!! I will die without frost and flame! i check for it every day!

AHHHHH!!! *runs to cry some more*

oh, and it'll suck without YOU too.... (heh, no sarcasm)


 Even though we hate each other. I'll say bye... Bye!

P.S. Make Frost and Flame. We need something to keep us going.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

The Beatles

 I don't hate you, I'm sorry, Blackeyes.
I'll skip sleep one weekend and do FaF... and do a Duels round, for you Cal.
Love ya all.

Ashyra Nightwing

 Aww.... Bye, Beatles... I'll miss you..



Have fun with your college classes. I'll be looking for you toward the beginning of the year.

"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


 Uh, whoops. I was just thinking about a joke I made about all the foofs () committing mass suicide to their Foof idol. You can't be offended by hair commiting suicide, can you?

Sorry anyway. See ya later, Beatles.

Sun Jian

  :snicker: Dude he left Frost and flame ::cries::  ::cries::  ::cries:: NO!!!Why?i've been waiting so long for it to come up why oh why why now??? ::cries::  ::cries:: boo hoo,well not really bye
Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.