What... major losses

Started by Veranor, October 10, 2003, 10:15:05 PM

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 After a failing struggle, your army is repelled by Cain Versus Able's defenses. In the attempt, you lost:
2,839,549 Rats
In their defense, Cain Versus Able lost:
11,187 Rats

I attacked with 6 million. That's almost half of my forces. I'm sorry but he would have to have a huge mod to my losses for that. Also considering I've been breaking him all night with 5mil. That's not cool

# rovl.org


 Well, apparently it is possible... just highly improbable.


 Attack him with skiffs.Skiffs are the way to go.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

Peace Alliance

 Doesn't matter what you attack with. I showed you the calculations before in a nother thread. But they are not exact because like everything in this game its all randomized and you could possibly loose a LOT more then usualy. Although i would have to say... thats pretty amazing.

Badrang the Tyrant

 What was your health when you attacked him?

Peace Alliance

 it wouldn't matter, look at the equation in the game guide


 I attacked him with 11 mil rats and full health and I was repelled and lost over 3 mil, and he lost 100,000 or so... it bites.


 well hes a tower let me be your friend.... then i guess! just muff his behind and then dont have to worry now do ya


 Heh, it's true then. I guess RWLers have alot more class. Look at the way these barbarians spell.

well hes a tower let me be your friend.... then i guess! just muff his azz and then dont have to worry now do ya
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Peace Alliance

 Yup, i pointed that out in another topic. Looks like we've got an unRWL'ed 12 year old on our hands.


Quote from: BlackeyesHeh, it's true then. I guess RWLers have alot more class. Look at the way these barbarians spell.

well hes a tower let me be your friend.... then i guess! just muff his behind and then dont have to worry now do ya
These barbarians
stop tarnishing us ALL with the same god (I am so stupid it brush

you guys are turning out to be very ignorant

i am sick of all this "disrespect" you are showing us
just because of one person
we DO not expect to be respected
but tarnishing us with the same brush as someone who si quite possibily the most illterate person i have ever met

is total [edit]

[edit, I do try to make sure the rules are followed]


 Even so, dilf, it would help your case more if you'd watch your language when you're responding to these accusations.

We're very big on SPAG around here, for one thing.

I think, though, that the more mature RWLers know that not all of you are barbarians, like that guy.
They're just goading you. Ignore it.


 dont make my post different then what i said and if ya cant handle the truth then dont read it or respond to it like all the little children you all are! and dilf i spwak for me i dont speak for him so leave his behind out of it and to make my post look like a grabled piece of [edit] is something you kids do very well so leave my words alone or ask for me to change them not you! all your little puny punk inmautre ways are really starting to get to me, seems all you people do is complain whine and sit in front of a computer screen all dang day and nite most of us have life unlike you! as for dilf i dont speak for him or anyone else i speak for me so please dont throw him in this! ill tell all you how i feel any dang time i wish i dont hold punches and a i and dilf or any other sg'r could wipe this sever out alone we dont need help as you see .go there play us you wont last long i know that ask dilf i can be the worst thing thats came of the gaming world. i know how to kill fast and swift and dilf knows that and i think will respect me for that. i also can be fair if left alone and not badgerd like you all do so well ill just have to open a can of whoop behind in here i see, lift your hit limit and ill show you how to play! you all wont last long! i can bet ya that, youll have so many on me trying to kill me youll quit! i dont go away im like a bad smell in your shoes and will always be there so you all BETTER SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN IM BACK AND ANNOYED

[edit, sorry just changing a few words nothing too bad]


Quote from: calriaEven so, dilf, it would help your case more if you'd watch your language when you're responding to these accusations.

We're very big on SPAG around here, for one thing.

I think, though, that the more mature RWLers know that not all of you are barbarians, like that guy.
They're just goading you. Ignore it.
you have got to be kidding me right?

so far, since i have been here i have used maybe [edit]
that is it
just the one time
and you're telling ME to watch MY language?
i am quite possibly one of the politest / wellspelled people in an internet community
mistakes are often typos or REALLY big words...

this is jsut getting ridiculous

you're not adoring yourself to me at all at this moment in time


 well spoken dilf and to think there all kids and where here ot defend ourselfs on mere kids lmao i [edit] bigger thing for am bowel movement lmao i dont need this [edit] unreal wannabe cry babbies