What... major losses

Started by Veranor, October 10, 2003, 10:15:05 PM

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 seem a jerk you have
lol - not really
but i find this style is easier to read
instead of me having to addpunctuation,and all that stuff, in a big fat massively over lengthed sentence like this one is currentlyturning out to be, at least with my old style it was easy to see when / where i changed subject,so i prefer that styleof writing,whats wrong with it anyway??

see - its just better this way
at least you can see where i have changed topic ;)

well i think so anyway
and its MY post :P
so :P :P :P :ph34r:  :unsure:  B)  :huh:  ROTFLMAO!!!  :lily:  

Dead Eye

 Whatever.. I personally have more trouble reading this way. But what ever. It is your post so do what you wish.  
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 That's what paragraphs are for, but you don't have to \n every 3-4 words and in the middle of a sentence.

Also, "seem a jerk you have," makes no sense. This is why Cal is the way she is, we like to understand people on these forums.

Or, sense we don't want to use punctuation, why not use spaces? Or spell out entire words, I mean, that's so much more difficult than hitting one key when your thought is over.

# rovl.org


you guys...

im sure i mentioned before that my space bar is slowly breaking
and i for one do not have the time to go round editingmy posts
just to make you happy

and also
that guy ^^^ said "sorryif i seema jerk to you"
my response: "Seem a jerk you have" should have a comma between jerk and you
but i forgot
and seema jerk you have,is saying,yesyou seemed to be a jerk
i don't understand why that was so hard...
you guys are just nit-picking (don't know what that is - look it up)

but anyywa
i can spell
mostof the mistakes are typos
and yes this is easierto read
and i don't really care what you think
im not going to change my ways
you can edit my posts if you are so bothered about it ;)

Have a nice day


 Yes we know what nit-picking is. Also, I could have interpreted it to mean "seems like you guys have lots of jerks." Yes it was hard, if you don't have the time to make your posts make sense, then we don't have time to decipher them and get meaning from them.

Frankly, I don't care how you write your posts, but it bothers some people, and we'd like you to at least give a [can't say the word here].
# rovl.org


snake and four soldiers... is what you're looking for i think

i can't makemy posts make senseall the tiem,my space bar is breaking slowly,
so it sometimes doesn't have a space in between words ;)
but i can't help it

and also - it made perfect sense to me
and i don't know where you got "a lot of jerks" from ;)


 Ok "a jerk." If your keyboard is breaking maybe you left out an "s," sorry.
# rovl.org


Quote from: Dilflol
You guys, look:

I'm sure that I mentioned before that my space bar is slowly breaking, and I, for one, do not have the time to go round editing my posts just to make you happy.

Also, that guy said "sorry if i seema jerk to you."
My response, "Seem a jerk you have," should have a comma, between jerk and you, but I forgot... and, 'seem a jerk you have' is saying that yes, you seemed to be a jerk.
I don't understand why that was so hard...
You guys are just nit-picking. (Don't know what that is? Look it up.)

...but, anyway... I can spell. Most of the mistakes are typos... and yes, this is easier to read. I don't really care what you think. I'm not going to change my ways.
You can edit my posts if you are so bothered about it.
RWLers, I haven't done this in a *long* time. It is now time for a flash to the past...

Dilf, since you said I could do this, I'm going to now make your posts legible each time I find one. Unfortunately, I don't have the power to edit your actual post, so I'll have to do it this way instead.

I don't particularly care if I come off as a jerk. I'd much rather come off as an English major whose eyeglass prescription is for driving, and who, therefore, has a hard time lately reading sentences that aren't sentences.

Have a nice day, Dilf, dear.

The Beatles

 Cal: whee...
Apropos, I wanted to say this earlier. My parting present to you is to make you a mod on Duels forums, because if there's anyone, you deserve it.

Peace Alliance

 Don't worry Dilf, she used to do it to me too.
What i did was i just told everyone that from now on i would write everything in MS word before posting it... Then i never actually did that, but the believed me and got off my back.

P.S. i don't care if i don't capitalise my i's!!!!


Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Abby The Rat

 I know you haven't been using MS word, because if you had, MS word would of normal caps your I's for you. And it's far mor easy to read I then i because of that little dot on top when in small. And it breaks up the line, is smaller and makes your post untidy.

Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]


Quote from: The BeatlesCal: whee...
Apropos, I wanted to say this earlier. My parting present to you is to make you a mod on Duels forums, because if there's anyone, you deserve it.
Really? Awesomeness! *cackle*

Dead Eye

 Cal really should be a mod so she can edit posts. She used to edit more then mods and admins did. But of course, because of her and Ad's relationship, if she was ever made a mod, people would yell about favortism. (This was meant for RWL, not Duels)
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 I wish that I was a mod a lot of the time, but I wouldn't really want to be... I get into... *moods* and you all know how evil I am then. I'd rather avoid the extra conflict and just be that annoying girl with the amazingly high post count.

Anyway, in moments of high emotion I've used banned words on here, so I wouldn't think that would make me a good example.

I am, however, wonderful at doing things the mods would like to do but can't (like talk back in a flame war! :D)