Julie's survey

Started by TR Shadow, October 10, 2003, 11:58:17 AM

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TR Shadow

 Okay, this survey is only for people who have too much time on their hands because a large portion of it is pointless.  Feel free to copy the whole thing and change my answers to your own.

Section one- The Basics

RWL Screen name: TR Shadow.
Real Name: Julie.
Age: Almost fourteen.
Warlord Number: I don't have one.
Blood Type: B Positive.

Section two- Birthday

When were you born?
November seventeenth, 1989.
Where were you born?
In a hospitle.
Why were you born?
I don't know.
How old are you now?
How old were you then?

Zero, but a lot more mature.
How old will you be in a little while?
When is your Birthday?
November seventeenth.
When is not your Birthday?

Section three: Other stuff

What is your favorite ice cream?
Cookies and cream.
About how many books do you read in a month?
About how many books do you not read in a month?
What book is your favorite book?
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Why is it your favorite book?
I don't know.
Do you like Care Bears?
Are you an Innie or an outie?
Have you ever tried to fly?
Did you suceed?  If not, why?
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Buy a penguin.
How many times have you hugged a donkey in the past hour?
What is your favorite band?
What is not your favorite band?
Linkin Park.
Please give a complete list of all the names you don't have.

~This was a pointless post by Julie

The Beatles

 The forums would be muuuuch less without you.

TR Shadow

 *Blink* What's that suppose to mean?


The Beatles

 You're so lively and cheerful. You and Holby contribute 70% of the forums' cheer factor.


 In this topic everyone should copy and paste and reply to with their own answer...
how's about it peeps?
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
user posted image
If someone died for you? Would you care?

Dixie Ros?

 Section one- The Basics

RWL Screen name: Dixie R.
Real Name: Well, not Dixie....
Age: Twelve and a half.
Warlord Number: n/a
Blood Type: O type

Section two- Birthday

When were you born?
January 14, 1991.
Where were you born?
Chicago, IL.
Why were you born?
My mum wanted a kid.
How old are you now?
How old were you then?
How old will you be in a little while?
When is your Birthday?
January 14
When is not your Birthday?
Hallows eve
Section three: Other stuff

What is your favorite ice cream?
About how many books do you read in a month?
About how many books do you not read in a month?
What book is your favorite book?
Pearl's Of Lutra
Why is it your favorite book?
Very good story.
Do you like Care Bears?
Are you an Innie or an outie?
Have you ever tried to fly?
Did you suceed? If not, why?
No. I crashed.
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Buy an otter.
How many times have you hugged a donkey in the past hour?
What is your favorite band?
What is not your favorite band?
Backstreet Boys
Please give a complete list of all the names you don't have.
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"

The Beatles

 Section one- The Basics

RWL Screen name: The Beatles
Real Name: John
Age: 15
Warlord Number: 612, Rock and Roll
Blood Type: A-er-something

Section two- Birthday

When were you born?
February 27, 1988
Where were you born?
In Hungary.
Why were you born?
To achieve world domination.
How old are you now?
Fifteen, by last count. Of course, it may be 16 if I add 1 every time someone asks me.
How old were you then?
Hmm. Infinity, or something. Nah.
How old will you be in a little while?
When is your Birthday?
February 27, probably.
When is not your Birthday?
February 28, probably.

Section three: Other stuff

What is your favorite ice cream?
Er... dunno. Chocolate? Ooh... lemon.
About how many books do you read in a month?
When I was younger, that number was 8-10. Now it's 2 at most. Lovelyn college.
About how many books do you not read in a month?
About 200 that I would love to.
What book is your favorite book?
Why is it your favorite book?
Brilliant... cynical too. Hilarious.
Do you like Care Bears?
No... what are they?
Are you an Innie or an outie?
Have you ever tried to fly?
Did you suceed? If not, why?
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Hire hitmen to exterminate all annoying neighbors. Or give the cash to Greenpeace.
How many times have you hugged a donkey in the past hour?
What is your favorite band?
The Beatles, of course!
What is not your favorite band?
Is Eminem a band?
Please give a complete list of all the names you don't have.
Sure. Here's a link, and ignore the entry called 'John'. http://www.zelo.com/firstnames/

Mikalae Gildar

 RWL Screen Name: Mikalae LovelykKnight
Real Name: Allen
Real Age: 15
Warlord Number: If I told you, I'd have to kill you...
Blood Type: I'm not positive, but (pardon the pun) I think I'm B Postive

When were you born? 9:45 AM on May 18, 1988
Where were you born? Toledo, Ohio
Why were you born? A servant around the house.  :P
How old are you now? 15
How old were you then? Ageless
How old will you be in a little while? 16
When is your Birthday? May 18
When is not your Birthday? the other 364 days of the year (sometimes 365)
What is your favorite ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip
About how many books do you read in a month? 30+, and I read LOTR and all of Redwall at least once a month
About how many books do you not read in a month? 7
What book is your favorite book? Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis
Why is it your favorite book? Because it is a well-written, thought-provoking, and wonderfully true work.
Do you like Care Bears? NEIN!
Are you an Innie or an outie? Innie
Have you ever tried to fly? Many a time
Did you suceed? If not, why? No, I discovered the principles of gravity.
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? Give it to a charity
How many times have you hugged a donkey in the past hour? Absolutely none, thank you
What is your favorite band? Berlioz all the way!
What is not your favorite band? Pretty much any modern rock, pop, hip-hop, rap, or alternative band
Please give a complete list of all the names you don't have. How about another time, my friends; the daylight is waning
"A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place, to force them to acknowledge your greatness."

"Then you kill them?"

"...Only if it's necessary."

--Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "Sacrifice of Angels"

Agglan Muirscant

 RWL Screen Name: Aus
Real Name: Aus-TIN
Real Age: 13
Warlord Number: I'm sorry, that's classified. Stuff.
Blood Type: I don't know, and I'm glad I'm not obsessed with knowing it.

When were you born? On the eleventy-seventh of Novober.
Where were you born? Long Island, N.Y.
Why were you born?  To be a specialized septic tank maintenance man.
How old are you now? 13
How old were you then? About the age of a normal specialized septic tank maintenance man.
How old will you be in a little while? 546 Snarks old.
When is your Birthday? July 30th
When is not your Birthday? Er..I forgot...Would you please repeat the question?
What is your favorite ice cream? White Chocolate Mint Iced Frappucino Strawberry Mocha!
About how many books do you read in a month? About 10
About how many books do you not read in a month? Well, it depends. If it's a leap year, then it's definitely eleventy-seven.
What book is your favorite book? The Bible, written by God.
Why is it your favorite book? 'Cuz it's COOL! Oy vey, the questions these days...
Do you like Care Bears?cuddly...fluffy..mass-produced bombs of utter hypnotizing cuteness wrapped in a talking bear..KILL THEM ALL!!!
Are you an Innie or an outie? Both. Unless, again, it's a leap year.
Have you ever tried to fly? Many a time
Did you suceed? If not, why? No, my mom stopped me before I could buy the specialized waxed wings. she said it's dangerous...Fwah! What do they know? They thought the earth was ROUND, for heaven's sake..
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? Give it to Samaritan's Purse organization.
How many times have you hugged a donkey in the past hour? A few, but AGAIN, if it's a leap year, then no, of course not.
What is your favorite band? Deliriou5?
What is not your favorite band? Pretty much any modern rock, pop, hip-hop, rap, or alternative band, like Mikalae said.
Please give a complete list of all the names you don't have.  Bob and Francis.
Agglan Muirscant, Leader of Agglan's Spearhead horde.

Son of Duke Aubres

Dixie Ros?

 Beatles' has good taste.  
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"


 Section one- The Basics

RWL Screen name: Teufel
Real Name: Stephanie
Age: 18
Warlord Number: *smiles mysteriously* That's for me to know and you to find out.
Blood Type: A+

Section two- Birthday

When were you born? On a cold autumn day
Where were you born? Bremerhaven, Germany
Why were you born? Hmm... I don't really know. According to my parents, I was a mistake. *grins*
How old are you now? 18
How old were you then? I'm sorry. I don't recall.
How old will you be in a little while? Umm... 19?
When is your Birthday? September 26
When is not your Birthday?
February 29

Section three: Other stuff

What is your favorite ice cream?
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
About how many books do you read in a month?
About how many books do you not read in a month?
What book is your favorite book?
As of right now, The Color of Magic
Why is it your favorite book?
Because I just read it, and I found it highly amusing, entertaining, and well-written.
Do you like Care Bears?
Not especially
Are you an Innie or an outie?
Have you ever tried to fly?
Hmm... in body, no. In spirit, yes.
Did you succeed? If not, why?
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Invest it well.
How many times have you hugged a donkey in the past hour?
*coughJewlsisaweirdocough* Nil.
What is your favorite band?
What is not your favorite [artist]?
Please give a complete list of all the names you don't have.
O.o What kind of request is that? I respectfully decline.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


 Section one- The Basics

RWL Screen name: Aminrael
Real Name: Ilse
Age: 15
Warlord Number: Dun have one.
Blood Type: Uhh....

Section two- Birthday

When were you born? April 10, 1988
Where were you born? Oakland, California
Why were you born? Because I could.
How old are you now? 15
How old were you then? 27.
How old will you be in a little while? ......16........
When is your Birthday? See above, eh?
When is not your Birthday?
October 10

Section three: Other stuff

What is your favorite ice cream?
Double Fudge Brownie
About how many books do you read in a month?
Right now, none
About how many books do you not read in a month?
What book is your favorite book?
Sabriel-Liriel-Abhorsen (Trilogy)
Why is it your favorite book?
Because it's well written, really original idea. Too bad it's not that popular.
Do you like Care Bears?
Ew. *twitch*
Are you an Innie or an outie?
Have you ever tried to fly?
Did you succeed? If not, why?
Yes. Then I woke up.
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Move back to California. And drag Rachel along with me. :D
How many times have you hugged a donkey in the past hour?
36747 divided by 56?
What is your favorite band?
Linkin Park
What is not your favorite [artist]?
Dave Matthews Band
Please give a complete list of all the names you don't have.
"JWPOINGKLGNF, she says. This is non-typical. Why she says it, we're not sure."


 Section one- The Basics

RWL Screen name: Menatus
Real Name: Tania
Age: Classified :)
Warlord Number: To be honest, I have no idea. ^_^;; Hope Threeturnal is all I know.
Blood Type: Hellifino.

Section two- Birthday

When were you born?
August 9th
Where were you born?
In a hospital
Why were you born?
That's really a question you should be asking your mother.
How old are you now?
Didn't you already ask that?
How old were you then?
Four and three quarters.
How old will you be in a little while?
You're quite obsessed with age.
When is your Birthday?
When has birthday been capitalized all the time?
When is not your Birthday?
August 9th

Section three: Other stuff

What is your favorite ice cream?
Cookies and cream, cookie dough, peanut butter cups..*drool* anything not chocolate.
About how many books do you read in a month?
If I read all the books my book-obsessed friend Lindsey wants me to, about 15 (no joke) but I dunno. If I like something I'll read it, I don't keep track.
About how many books do you not read in a month?
How many contradictions doesn't this questionaire not have?
What book is your favorite book?
Umm...Song in the Silence?
Why is it your favorite book?
Because it has dragons.
Do you like Care Bears?
Are you an Innie or an outie?
Have you ever tried to fly?
Did you suceed?  If not, why?
No, I actually flew.
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Eat it.
How many times have you hugged a donkey in the past hour?
17 and a half. The 18th time it kicked me.
What is your favorite band?
Offspring, Goldfinger, The Living End and Kansas. Or...offfingerlivingkansas.
What is not your favorite band?
Good question.
Please give a complete list of all the names you don't have.
Umm...Bo--, no I got that...hmm, there doesn't seem to be any names I don't have. Oh! Except Mohammed.

[edit] The Bible by God? XDD! Heh, the Bible: By Jesus Christ. My father wanted to make the world. I told him not to, that there would be chaos and impudence, but did he listen to me? No.

Oh, I also like some Ozzy.



 *refuses to do the survey*



 I decided to do this for fun ;)

Section one- The Basics

RWL Screen name: Chris 1 Life 0
Real Name: Chris Kilcoyne (Eh, don't care if yall know, hehe)
Age: 16
Warlord Number: I've had a lot of those.  
Blood Type: AB negative. I'm 1 out of 400 ;)

Section two- Birthday

When were you born?
June 11th, 1987
Where were you born?
Why were you born?
;)  ;)  :lol:  :blink:  :blink:  ;)
How old are you now?
How old were you then?
91 3/4
How old will you be in a little while?
91 4/5
When is your Birthday?
Every year
When is not your Birthday?
When I'm dead I suppose

Section three: Other stuff

What is your favorite ice cream?
iced...cream? new things scare me.
About how many books do you read in a month?
Eh...2ish...Football takes up my time.
About how many books do you not read in a month?
Eh...2ish...Football doesnt take up enough time
What book is your favorite book?
Big fan of...errrrrr...that big one that fell on my head that one time
Why is it your favorite book?
Do you like Care Bears?
Killing them - YES. Doing cuddly cutsie things with them...-YES (but killing them shortly thereafter)
Are you an Innie or an outie?
Representin' the innie front
Have you ever tried to fly?
Did you suceed? If not, why?
No. It's these (I am so stupid ited arms. Now if I had a good pair of wings, or just some flap of skin I could spread out like a flying squirrel...now THAT would rule
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Invest it...I'm a businessy sort of guy. You could make 10 cents a minute on interest, enough to dial 1-800-callatt and get a phone call thats free for me and cheap for them...wait a moment...
How many times have you hugged a donkey in the past hour?
Who's donkey?
What is your favorite band?
Dunno. I like Toby Keith though. I like to listen to country while stompling people on rwl.
What is not your favorite band?
Stupid punk piece of (Note to all: I am a fool) bands who just complain about everything and take all their rights as Americans for granted in their incessant spew of stupid...
Please give a complete list of all the names you don't have.
Nah. I'm comfortable with my sexuality, thanks.
