An emporor is lost

Started by Peace Alliance, October 09, 2003, 09:33:14 PM

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Peace Alliance

 retto should put this in the game guide :

(16k land + 450 turns) + Peace Alliance = Death to ALL!!!

MOA HA HA!! back to my rat-massing days, GOTTA love it! 450 turns i managed to mass like 15 mil rats and break Blue Tang with 22 million.

With help of course from Kilk, plus another person who i will not say whos name it was. They were who contributed to the 7 mil extra rats i needed. THANKS GUYS!! I'd also like to thank my mather, she's always been ther for me. I'd like to thank the man up above for shining on me. I'd also like to through one out to all the people who believed in me. and ~ OH~ is my time over? i... ~ Well i'd also like to thank rats for being so offensive, i'd like to ~HOLD ON!~ thank guard towers, and skiffs for sending so much aid. And *mike is turned off... so i shout* [edit, Meh... annoying and it didn't seem important more like spam]


 And now Lao-Tsu is emperor. Though most know who he is.....loren seems to have risen to the challenge.....first food masser emperor ever, I'd say. Though he has been emperor many times before.
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 Well, er...hehe. ::saves a screenshot of his stats:: Thankee, Peace.

I guess...well, if you didn't know it, I'm Lao-Tsu...and might I say how surprised I am? I'm surprised. Food-massing emperors. Who'dathunkit?

I have to admit that I didn't seek out the top. and I'll bet that this only lasts a little while before someone speeds ahead of me, but I do have to say that I'm happy that there isn't too much difference in networth between the rank 1 warlord, and the rank 10.
The 'ittle otter,


Quote from: ~>John<~And now Lao-Tsu is emperor. Though most know who he is.....loren seems to have risen to the challenge.....first food masser emperor ever, I'd say. Though he has been emperor many times before.
Beatles was the first one that I know of to rise to Emperor just with food. Second era as Warhammer, #4. Fairly sure, but I may be wrong.
I will not deleted this

The Beatles

 Nooo! I /had/ troops. I stompled people, I did. And hardly had food. That was when all 3 RRs held the top 3 positions, an unforgettable experience. Magical.
Food, uhm, in the second era, later, yes I did. Ragefur called me land-anorexic. But not emperor.


 The more I know about Loren, the more I resent it. We was tricked, yiss we was, precioussss...

*eats Retto*


 If you were not Emperor then, Retto isn't now. I thought about including that, but didn't feel it important. I believe it was once agreed that to be Emperor one had to hold their rank for at least a week, and have a good size Net above others.
And yes, I know you dominated, but using food as your Net builder later was the earliest account that I knew of.

BTW, why are you not on AIM?
NOTE: 1500 mark!  ::agrees::  
I will not deleted this


 *yawns*  congrats to Peace, I kinda though that my gaurds woulda fared better, but no matter, I think that was my 3rd day or so up top, so technically I wasnt an emporer, if anything I was windhound the reluctant  :P
and I was going to delete Blue Tang after it was broken, but I've decided to run some tests on it, experiment a bit...  its been a long time since I've tried any food massing strats, mayhaps I'll see the top spot again..  tehe..  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Ashyra Nightwing



The Beatles

 Does this really deserve a topic? You didn't even grab first.

Peace Alliance

 Fool, I wasn't trying to get first. No matter how high i get wolf bite had enough money to take me down. Look at his NW, all he's been doin is lootin and feastin. He's probably richer then everyone else in the game combined.

There was no chance of keeping first so i delete the land so nobody else could have it. Its stratagy.

The Beatles

 I'm not a "fool!"
I wanted to note since that was your purpose, the Death to All statement didn't apply.

Peace Alliance

 He isn't in power anymore, thats death enough for me.


 I'm puttin 5 dollars on Peace for this round....*slams a sweaty five dollar bill down*
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Peace Alliance

 *feels complimented then reolizes*
hey! I'm not trying to take over!