A dull pounding from the north...

Started by Kilkenne, October 05, 2003, 09:29:05 PM

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Ashyra Nightwing

 Ashyra looked around approvingly at the stone walls of the castle. "Very nice. I should have invited you over to see my floating city... It's made entirely of wood. It's a bit of a fire risk, but it looks nice..  As for the matter of ruling with you, I rule with no one. I have my clan, the Knights of Invicticus, who I would happily share a place with.. But no one else. How could I know that you're not going to backstab me,like Ragefur did to Shael... I do not share power."
The wildcat turned away and stared across the courtyard, deep in thought.

General Austin

 Agglan awoke slowly, his head pounding from his fall on the stone floor, and his feet almost blue from the cold. He opened his eyes reluctantly and quickly shut them again, the icy wind coming in from the window proving too much for his weakened eyes. He covered his face with his paw and opened his eyes halfway to take stock of his surroundings.

     He was lying on a straw mattress with a lantern right next to it, it's flame long been blown out from the freezing wind. The entire room was roughly hewn stone, some old used torches were in their holders on the walls. There were a few decorations in the room. A beautifully made sword hung over a small window (for anybeast's information, medieval royalty never had glass panes for their windows, usually just a metal grate covering it for protection), a shield embossed with some foreign warlord's colours, and a small tapestry depicting a battle that Kilkenne had won in the past age.

The temperature was only about 10 degrees fahrenheit, but in Agglan's bitter thoughts it seemed colder than any winter he could have imagined. After a long pause and quite a bit of debating with himself he decided to try to escape.  He got up slowly, being cautious and yet finding that his limbs were much better than they were a few hours ago,  although still sore. He walked to the window and looked out. The distance to the bottom was astounding! Apparently Kilkenne's officers had thought of his trying to escape and had put him up in the higher living quarters. Finding also that the doors were well-locked and guarded, he tried to find some kind of weapon to break down the door and attack the guards.

Seeing the beautifully adorned sword on the wall, he reached out to take hold of it. He paused a while, checking for traps and also checking for spiders (he has an extreme diversion to spiders); when he saw a small glint of bronze right below the sword. He wiped off the ice from it and found that it was a plaque.

"This is the sword of the Late, Deposed, and utterly in-competent Emperor Duke Aubres, defeated by the Great Rebel Usr in 1254"

Agglan stared at the cruel words for hours, his few tears freezing as soon as they came from his saddened eyes. It all proved too much. Agglan gave up and wept bitterly, cursing his fate to be held as a prisoner for the rest of his life.

Only a miracle could save him now.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Dead Eye

 Dead eye was taken a back. Surely Ashyra wished for peace? Why did she tempt him to fight her. "Dearest Ashyra, greatest of the great, your words suprise me. For I do not wish to rule the seas alone, and if to war then you shall have it. The KOI is a mighty clan, but together we can make it mightier. I am no back stabber. Please rethink. Now, I must attend to other bussiness. I must see to Agglan. I have not seen him since his faint. You may come to see the son of Aubres, or leave now. Whichever you like.  But please reconsider your answer, or war as none have ever know shall visit KOI. Kilk believe that I should and shall be leader of the seas. I am only doing to his wishes. Please Ashyra, let me join you as leader of the sea." And with that Dead Eye started walking up to where he was told Agglan was.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

Ashyra Nightwing

 The wildcat stood, facing the wall, her head lowered. "Well, I don't want a huge war. I can't let you become Ruler of the Seas. I just can't... I made a promise to someone, a long time ago, never to give up my position..."  
Ashyra's eyes widened and she spun around. "You mentioned Aubres' son? He's here? Where? Is he alright? Show me!"


OOC: Are you saying that if we weren't involved with the events here that we can't be in the RP? Anyhoo, if we can, here's my bit.

RazorClaw was growing restless. For years he had stayed there, in the heart of the volcano, awaiting more followers. The Black Cross was back, and he must defeat it, he drilled himself over this one goal constantly. And yet, at the morn of that day, he realized that defeating the Black Cross was not plausible. He had already spent many seasons gathering followers and he had only a small bit over half of Kilkenne?s forces. It was time to join them. RazorClaw called out into a special echoing cavern, ?Attention! All troops report to the main entry! I repeat! All troops to the main entry!?
   He walked to the main entry. The last creature had just gotten in line. He looked upon his horde, a group of physically fit, well groomed, and well fed cultivated animals, who were all quick in battle. Foxes, weasels, and golden eagles made up the army, for RazorClaw believed them to be the most fit of animals. There were a few ferrets and otters as well, but not very many. They weren?t stupid, but they were very loyal to RazorClaw. He had personally trained each one, which had taken many seasons. He called out, ?We are moving to Kilkenne?s fortress. We no longer have hope of defeating him, so we must join him. If he denies us, do not draw weapons. Go away peacefully and we?ll  see if we can join another army, to fight Kilkenne. If he denies us the chance to be with him, we must be against him. Hopefully he?ll accept. Anyways,  we move on!!!?
   There was a loud cheering from the horde, glad to be rid of the cold, stuffy inactive volcano.


A season later, RazorClaw had arrived at the fortress? gates. He marveled upon them, speculating to himself. ?Yes, stone, won?t catch fire, hmm, looks like it has some black diamond accents as well, to prevent seismic damage, yes, well, very good.? He looked upon the gates. He attached his golden claws he used for special occasions, putting away his black diamond ones, and knocked thrice upon the gates loudly.


(I am disreguarding the whole Pikepaw ordeal, sorry for that. I'm putting myself back by Ashyra, having never left, watching her go up to see Agglan)

He turned on his heel, looking from towards the gate to Deadeye as he led Ashyra out of his sight and into the keep. A knocking was coming from the gate, and it was opening. He walked forward, beckoning for Shael to come as well as he stood mere meters from the door, awaiting who his guards saw fit to let enter.

Kilkenne was taken aback when he saw the outside. Millions of troops were camped outside! Four banners flew among them, and Razorclaw stood at his gate.

"Come in, friend! Bringing a peaceable army to the center of Northern power is always a good sign in times of strife!" The emperor stated, smiling.

"What brings you here, anyhow?" He inquired in wondrance of why Razorclaw, a strong warlord of the south would show up in the North. "And have you met the Empress, the Lady Shael?"

Dead Eye

 Dead Eye turned to Ashyra "You shall not give up your post. You will just be sharing it. War will come, and that I can assure you. The 7 seas must stay as 1 nation. I will not take over, but tule together. And yes, Agglan is here and we shall see him in his chamber in a minute"

ooc:Aus, do you mind if I say I find you dead?
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 RazorClaw walked in. He stood in front of Kilkenne, and said, "As to your question, no, I haven't met your new Empress." He smiled. "That's a bit slower than usual for you, Kilk, I'd have expected for you to have gotten one seasons ago. But enough talk of that. I come here on important business. The MoonClaw army would like to join with the Black Cross. As you can see, we would increase your numbers vastly. I ask only shelter, and battles to fight. I personally would hear any position you would see fit for myself. I need an honorable path to take, and becoming a petty hit-and-fade group is not an honorable path. As a token of my sincerity, take this."
     He gave Kilk one of his golden claws and attached a spare.
     "If I ever betray you, stab me in the heart with this so that my horde may know that it was through my own treachery that I died, and they shall stay faithful to you." He waited for Kilkenne's reply. It would probably take a minute to swallow it all, for it was a lot to swallow. RazorClaw knew he certainlycouldn't have thought of an appropriate reply right on the spot if he was in Kilk's position. So, he waited.

Dead Eye

 Dead Eye got up the stairs and told the guards to open the door. They were a little hiestent, but Dead Eye was not in the mood to talk. Hitting one in the back with the flat of his spear he asked again to open the door. It was opened.

Dead Eye walked into the room to a sight he disliked. Agglan lay on the ground, his fathers sword through his chest. Dead Eye nealed down, and pulled out the sword. Blood dripped all over the ground. Two tears fell out of his eyes. Agglan was dead.

Dead eye got up and saw Ashyra. "My lady, the Emperor is dead." and with that Dead Eye ran down the stairs, making for where he was sure Kilk was. But while running down the stairs he saw a giant army. Razorclaw had shown. Dead Eye was glad, Razorclaw being one of his old friends. He ran down the stairs. He saw Kilk and Razorclaw talking. He inturupted.

"Emperor! Agglan is dead. His fathers sword has ran him threw. The rightful Emperor is dead." Dead Eye waited for a reply. He nodded at Razorclaw, then bowed his head at the thought of Agglan.  
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

The Lady Shael

 Shael's eyes widened, the tiny smile on her face disappeared. She drew in her breath sharply, looking up at Kilk to see his reaction.
OOC: Sorry for not posting much, there's not really much else I can do...  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 OOC: How is Bran emperor of southsward? Also, Shael, I'm now the semi-ruler of Mossflower since your in the north.....

John looked up from his papers to see a stoat standing by the door. "Yes?" he inquired. "What is it?"  The stoat mubled slightly, but then spoke out clearly "Sir, the surprise attack against the rebels on the edge of the Mossflower-Southsward border was successful.  All of the rebels were either killed or captured. We have 3 score of the captured in the prison, the rest, amounting to about 40 random hordebeasts and goodbeasts, are working as slaves in the field. We have raised the Blue Sphere and the Black Cross."  John thought over this news quietly. "This is well, that we now control all Mossflower, but.....the new age is coming, and the Northern Allegiance is falling. If I want this empire, my empire, to survive, it must become a different empire entirely. So, take down all the Blue Spheres, and put them in the holds under the fortress, below the prison. Raise the Red Eagle of," John sighed, then rose. " the new empire of Manetheren."

"Yes sir." the stoat answered. " But what of the leader of the rebels?" He asked.
 John stood up. " Bring Sha to me. Personally." "Yes sir!" the stoat cried as he ran down the steps towards the guards house.  John looked out the window. " My, my, Sha, it has been a long time."


Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


The Ferret's eyes narrowed for a moment as he thought, and his paw slowly extended to accept the token of service.

"Good. You have come to the right side in this coming war. The darkness that surrounds will soon be broken under a new rule. The only thing I ask of you is to build your forces, and along with my armies, arrange the building of a new outer wall of this citadel so both of our armies may grow into one, along with what the Empress Shael has brought from the south."

Yet another high ranking officer of his army whispered something in his right ear, the one that remained but a stump, but he still heard it and nodded gravely.

"I have bad news. Regent John of the Mossflower Region has seceded from our Empire. A war is brewing. That wall has just become that much more necessary." He turned without looking to Deadeye.

"I apologize for this, but your new position of Admiral must be drawn back, you are to mobilize what is left of your forces to try to help defend this capitol of ours from attacks. If we win this war, then we may be able to get you on the sea just yet."

A third time he turned, and this time to Ashyra. "You have shown up in the hour of the Empire's greatest need for allies. Our paws extend, but not to the seas or the coast. You had mentioned being in a clan of warriors. Would it not be beneficial for us both to help each other in this war that may be the last to cover the earth? The seas cannot keep you safe forever, Ashyra. You know that, as I know that the cold and the distance from the rest of everything the North is can't help me to it's fullest."

The captain that had given the information pawed the ground slightly, impatiently. Kilkenne's head turned. "You heard me. The plans that we had made for a wall will be followed through. Inform everyone in my army they are to start construction at once. Stone is to be quarried, wood to be brought in as supports. I want this done within the month. If others are to show up to help you in construction from other armies, get them started on their sections of the wall. If you finish before this war begins, then you may make it taller, higher, and start digging trenches in front of and behind it. We are going to be besieged in the beginning of the war that will be the last war. Ever."

A strange glint came across the grey ferret's red eyes as he gave the order and awaited response from all of his new allies. He was going back to war at last, there was just one more message to send, but no help would arrive from across the great sea where Raine the Conqueror had gone, he knew this, but he had to attempt it.

War was coming.

Dead Eye

 Dead Eye grunted. Yet again Kilk was pulling him about. His paws itched his swords, but then he smiled. Now John was going to get payback. Dead Eye saluted Kilk, then said "Kilk, master. I will gather a guard for your fortress. I will take command of the guard, if it is your command."

Just then a stoat ran in. He turned to Dead Eye "Sir, your workers creating the port in mossflower saw John talking with the rebels. It looks like an alliance. Should I pull them back?"

"Yes, bring back all our forces here. Tell my skiffs to guard Mossflower's shores. Gather all my other forces and bring them here." Dead Eye awaited what Ashyra would say.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;a href=&#039;http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha&#039; target=&#039;_blank&#039;&gt;http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Spokesperson for The winter clan. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


Quote from: Kilkenne--------------------------------
The Ferret's eyes narrowed for a moment as he thought, and his paw slowly extended to accept the token of service.

"Good. You have come to the right side in this coming war. The darkness that surrounds will soon be broken under a new rule. The only thing I ask of you is to build your forces, and along with my armies, arrange the building of a new outer wall of this citadel so both of our armies may grow into one, along with what the Empress Shael has brought from the south."

OOC: That's meant to me, isn't it?

RazorClaw turned to his econd-in-command, MoonScar. "You shall instruct all of our foxes and weasels to join with Kilk's army in the barracks. As for the rest, get them to the postition where the great wall is to be built. Tell them that they shall have to have it done in a season." He turned to Kilk. I have heard many rumors, my lord, none of them good. I have sent twoscore eagles to scout around the land, checking the movements of various armies." He smiled. "As to Bran Stoneshield and Pikepaw, I have something more... personal with them. If you wish it of me, I shall gladly crush them. I have some contacts, to help me see. OOC: Sorry, bad joke. I have contacts around various places, and I can cobble together a temporary alliance of creatures that would outstrip your own forces. They're all friendly with the Black Cross though, so I couldn't use them when we had open hostilities." He waited.

Ashyra Nightwing

 The wildcat closed her eyes. There was truth in what Kilk said. The seas could not keep her safe forever. When she started building her giant navy, she had not thought ahead. She had not thought about what would happen if she ran out of troops. Out on the open sea, there was nowhere to build guard towers. If she was attacked, she would just lose the land. There was nothing she could do about it. If enough of her land was taken, she would be set back for days, with no hope of recovery other than selling skiffs. As soon as she had her land back, she would lose it again. It was a vicious circle.
Ashyra faced Dead Eye. "Your skiffs guarding Mossflower's shores? That would deprive me of land, the land I need to make skiffs, the skiffs I need to stay strong... Or would I be forced to make more skiffs to get past them? The choice is yours. Remove your skiffs, I attack as normal. Keep them there, I will destroy them. We both know that I have many more skiffs than you."
She spoke to Kilk. "As for the alliance, I'll consider it. But don't expect me to say yes."