
Started by General Austin, October 05, 2003, 04:35:06 PM

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General Austin

 A not-very-good-looking stoat decked in bright blue walks up into the halls of the forum. He takes out a scroll from his haversack and opens it in front of a large audience, as he has the insignia of the Emperor uponst his self. The words he spoke are as follows:

"Inne thisse event of utmoste impportance, the Famed Emperor, King Aubres, has found in his midst a TRAITOR. He leads a bedraggled army of bandittes across the Northlands, planning an awesome Naval assaulte against his Majesstye. King Aubres decrees that even though it be your Duttye to apprehende thisse banditte, he has decided to offer a BOUNTIE against this traitorousse Vermine. The offerede summe, including personalle cheques, assorted artworks made out of tinfoilles, and golden peices from Southsward, amounts to be Approximatelyye 2 billion Denke (RWL currency, equals dollars). The King wanttse this Wolf DEAD as soone as possible. He is assumed to be weak in rats, stoats, and weasels. Skiffyes are hisse stronge point. he also has a large number of leadersse that were press-ganged into hisse service by way of torture with Peanutte Butterre ande Snarklebeansse. Work well, for this is the Emperor you are preservingge!"

After speaking these words he promptly rolled up the scroll, bowed to the audience, and walked away.


You all know that I have done my best to be a good Emperor, giving aid when possible and at least TRYING to be kinder than normal. Please help me take 541, /usr/bin/rwl/, down to the dust. He has time and time again been threatening to kill me, and I don't want him hanging around any more. Good day, all!
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

The Beatles

 Yeah! Go kill the lousy slime! I'm with you mate, let's go get 'im.
Er.... no?



General Austin

 Thanks for the sarcasm, Beatles. If anyone wishes to take the bounty, do so by attacking and/or posting here. Please ignore Beatles' posts, as he's only doing it to get you off his back so he can ~try~ to hit me tomorrow. <_<  
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.




Wait a second!
/usr/bin/rwl was someone who came to TSOR trying to incite an anti-RWL revolt!
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


Peace Alliance

 Predictable... Just like almost any other Emporor, paranoia is inflicted apon them within 2 weeks.


 When you can't look up, you start to look down. And you know about looking down. That's when you realize you're standing over no foundations... then you fall.

Peace Alliance

 Veranor are you a nazi? *looks at your avatar*



Definately not.

This is the sign of the Get of Fenris, which is a group of Werewolves in another RPG I play, called "Werewolf: Armageddon." Published by White Wolf.


Also, it looks nothing like a swastika. Secondly swastika's weren't used by Nazi's alone. Buddhists and the Greeks used them.


I changed it though Peace, all for you.

Peace Alliance

 Oh, i see. 'cause it kind of looks like ah...... Anyways. Anyone know how much Aus is payin for the kill?


QuotePredictable... Just like almost any other Emporor, paranoia is inflicted apon them within 2 weeks.

meh.  not paranoia, as that would be thinking that others were after him.  This is more preventative, as Beatles issued a threat and is planning on following up with it..  yet, if Beatles is killed the threat is void..  neah.

Quoteamounts to be Approximatelyye 2 billion Denke (RWL currency, equals dollars).
Aus would be paying 2 bil to the killer, not bad.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


  I really don't think it looks like a Swastika, no more than the two images in Hounddog's signuture. If anyone finds it that offensive, I can change it.

He's paying $2billion for the kill. Considering he gives his clan members $1 billion when they ask, it seems a little low, maybe even an insult to Beatles   :lol:

Peace Alliance

 yes but is he so much of a threat that him and his clan cant deal with him alone? I think not, you and him are both powerful enough to crush him.


 I think though, that this is a way for Beatles to perhaps gain no supporters? Or maybe they are afraid of him and are trying to kill him quickly, but simply lack the turns to do so?