Is promisance attacking US???

Started by Peace Alliance, October 02, 2003, 08:42:29 PM

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Peace Alliance

 Promisance members taking over in our game? WE cannot let this happen! Quick, fight back!

That guy from SG promisance (#19)

Dilf Killer Of SG "snuggles" (#33)

anybody know anything about SG?

Shoot Me

 Just so you guys know #19 is mine... No I'm not here to take over... I would have brought a much larger crew over if i wanted to try that ;)

SwiftGaming (SG) Promisance is that server you guys were gonna invade this month, not sure if thats still happening but all 3 of us left over there decided to give this game a shot. Just felt like trying something out that was new to me :D

Oh and btw you missed one of us... *Snuggles* of the SG Variety (#27)

Have fun everybody :D

Peace Alliance

 Saw him too, but he wasn't in the top 10 so i didn't see him from the outside. didn't wanna log in.

Frankly... I wish you would send the whole crew over. In fact... I challange you. Send as many over as you can and watch as we crush them one by one. You've shown some skill so far, but its only the beginning, soon you wont stand a chance no matter how many you bring over.  B)  


 hahaha....well i would be whoopin on ya with shoot...but everytime i try to log tells me im not logged in....wat is that :) (I have no brain. None.).....

and you honestly think you could take on us?? :snicker:  

Shoot Me

 You know you guys are limited to a preset amount of hits against me in turbo so no matter how many of you were on me I know I can only suffer so many hits at once (what is it, 25 here?) and then maybe 1-2 more per hour. I have learned to adapt to a 50 hit limit in other similarly paced games, Im sure i can handle half that amount without too much frustration ;)

I do know the Promisance code like I know the back of my hand... But how much do I really know the back of my hand?  :rolleyes:

I will not rush in "bringing in the crew" just like you guys were planning for about a month to take over a game with an entire 3 players in it. I do need time to learn the code, even though, based on my observation so far, it is basically the standard promisance code with a few names and numbers altered and a couple other things here and there. Consider this a practice set for me B)

Anyways, Carry on :D


 and i love your guys online hitting...its wonderful


 hmmm Ive never been to sg prom or this prom for that matter but id be happy to help out me old bud shootme :)

General Austin

 Well, I hope you beat Peace, ennyhoo. He's gotten extremely big for his britches lately, with almost no-one to beat him. <_<

By the by, I declare war on Peace and Tarsonis (hopefully Josh). So, expect me to post your stats and stuff like that. Aheh. :D

In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Abby The Rat

 Yes, it is a basic but if you read the update forum, you'll see that there is a exp planned. All I can say.. is there's some really big changes planned. Some to make life easier and some to make it a lot harder... ~mwahahahah~

Hmm.. I think I need to see if I can get Retto to leak something to me...
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []

Peace Alliance

 The attack limits are a pain, i personally would MUCH prefer a 50 attack limit. or at least make it +10 attacks per hour or something.

and yes, I really think we could take you. We don't even really have our best guys in turbo right now. We've got me (don't wanna brag but i am told to be one of the best, lol  :P ) and thats pretty much it, the others are great players too, but you guys couldn't take over.

The Beatles

 Don't worry, Peace, you're not. XD
I'm glad to see you guys here, this should be fun. You know what you should try?
Redwall Duels, it's my game, I'm not allowed to advertise here for it, just send me a forums PM, and I'll reply with the link. It'll play for a week or more, and then accept signups again.


 dont forget the good old me shoot me bro and far as all of you were not even trying and were in toip 10 lmao 1st time here and were killing ya if we made a tag and you all made a tag bet ya be dead in like 24 hours all of ya lol well of to wax a few more of your so called cough cough great men well shoot just point the way and im off to kill lmao


 Derani Slauter is back under a different name, if that means anything to you.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


 no why to me your nothing but my land [edit] and always will be :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

[Edit, Ease up on your lang. I don't want to have to give you a lovely warning.]

Dead Eye

 Is the word [edit] even allowed here. It definatly isn't allowed in school, and the word bans are worse here then school. So I got a feeling it is considered a swear word.

[edit, It is]
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;a href=&#039;; target=&#039;_blank&#039;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Spokesperson for The winter clan. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov