Is promisance attacking US???

Started by Peace Alliance, October 02, 2003, 08:42:29 PM

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 get in touch with me ;)

Prodigy of Peace (#90)
if you want to join a clan for the remainder of the set
we can help you guys out..

a clan i personally recommend is SA
Silent ASsassins, they are looking for more members and will offer you lots more help than my clan could
with out larger player  base one:one training isn' t easy for us to achieve, if you are interested in Playing in a  clan in WC Prom - go for SA

URL = SA Clan Site

if you are interested...


 Latest SG news (if you guys didn't read it)

(apologies for double post, but they are separate things, and this is quite long..)

As those who saw in Alliance Talk, I hinted that SwiftGaming Promisance maybe no more. That is in fact true.
The last time I spoke to another SwiftGaming Staff member was over 4 months ago at least so I have no idea if one day someone with power will just decide to pull the plug to save some of his much loved cash.

For those who remember the GuardsGame -> SwiftGaming switch over will remember it caused alot of confusion and was one of the main reasons for a large loss in our community's size. I don't want this to happen again and fortunately fate as it seems has given me a chance to save this from happening.

Recently I got offered a nice bit of work at a hosting company who specialise in Linux shell accounts and web hosting. They have agreed to pay a sum of cash and a nice big account of hosting in return for coding their website. This hosting is where we will be moving to.

The site will be hosted in America, good news for Yanks, like the current site is.  
Since I can speak easily to the owner (A Brit) I can have an explanation for downtime pretty fast.  
As this will be going under my hosting rather than tagging onto another company like GuardsGame/SwiftGaming it will be just Det's Promisance or will it?

Sadly it won't, it instead will be joining my gaming community where I'm usually found hiding, The Pyromaniacs which currently have a player base of around 2,000. How many of those that will give Promisance a try, I have no idea.
So we shall be The Pyromaniac's Promisance (PM Prom). I know it doesn't have the same ring to it but not much can be done there.  
Apart from the new name we will also get:

- New design. (Sorry, no previews! But it will be blue!)

- New address

- An IRC channel. (QuakeNet)

- An IRC bot that may do some funky stuff

- Possibly more staff

I will try to add some new code for when I publicly launch the game.

And now for the answers you probably want most from this thread. When and where?
I should hope to be working on moving things over, sorting designs, code changes in a week.
At the moment I'm still working on a suitable domain name with the rest of the staff, I will most likely have a big spammy message on this site when the move is complete.  

Finally a side not for Shoot Me (who's aim in life seems to be to see my code since that was the first thing he said when he saw my hint on the move) and others interested. I will most likely release a version of the server 1 code but maybe my only release for a while. Why? I will probably get quite upset when I see 5 SG Promisance clones appear within a week claiming their superiority over every other Promisance.

I will keep you guys posted(if u are still interested in warring us sometime in the future ;))

The Beatles

 Cool. What are your AIM's?
BTW, Duels is nearly over. 20 of the 25 players were killed in about 4-5 days. :D :D

Edit: the count is 22 dead. 3 players left. Whee! So I will let you all know on AIM when it's done, or by forums PM.

Badrang the Tyrant

 I'm signing up for the WC-Prom game at this moment....


 Duels is indeed down to three players... and I'm one of them. It's scary... me and Xeno versus Wolf Bite? Gaaah...


Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Urran Voh

 Yea, and look at the scores.  Wolf is taking it to the remaining Brave Crew members...
I only log into this name when my Badrang name takes too long to log in.  (Sorry if this doesn't make sense...)


 Hey, you have to admit we're lasting nicely.

Agglan Muirscant

 Bah! I would have helped if I hadn't have had to go out to dinner and defended my realm. Ah, well. Wolf Bite must be beating you badly by the looks of it...*sighs wistfully*
Agglan Muirscant, Leader of Agglan's Spearhead horde.

Son of Duke Aubres