Is promisance attacking US???

Started by Peace Alliance, October 02, 2003, 08:42:29 PM

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The Lady Shael

 Mm, 'tis okay. For now. We get people like that all the time, and we're used to dealing with them. If he continues in this way, I'll go and tip Stormy off to buy him a one-way ticket to Mars and give the Merc some company.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Badrang the Tyrant

 Bah, I've played SG games before and most of the people there aren't that good.  I very nearly got into the top ten in less than 2 weeks (with the slow turns and all).  I admit though, some of them know how to play the game.  

If it will be a time based protection thing, make it 48 hours and faster turns.  Say, 1 every minute or two minutes.  (What can I say, I loved Battle for Redwall  ;) )


Quote from: Badrang the TyrantBah, I've played SG games before and most of the people there aren't that good.  I very nearly got into the top ten in less than 2 weeks (with the slow turns and all).
erm - top ten with only a few players playing - isn't too hard ;)
so don't think you're anythign special...

oh and btw erm - we should have wars on both servers...
like a two legged tie...

that'd be fun :) let alone FAIR :)

The Beatles

I PMed you Dilf.... that is the ultimate codebase for Dueling, hehe, I made it. If you want to see the forums to get a feel for it, the archives (and current round) are at
You can access old clan forums there.


 cool :)
i will take a look whe it allows me to sign up :(


 Ah, that's the lovely thing about Duels- sign-ups are closed when the round starts.

I used to play SG... in some ways, I prefer its format to that of RWL (but only in a few...)
I played it fairly consistantly for a couple months last fall, but I stopped because people kept killing me, because I was hitting people hard and fast and not letting them get back up from it. *shrugs* So I crept back to RWL with my tail between my legs and didn't come back out of hiding until I started playing Duels lol.

Our player base is probably more like 80-90, because there's about 70 active accounts on regular, and then add to that the people who play Turbo but not Regular.
We probably could muster up to 100-125 people, though, since a large portion of us aren't playing at any one time, and we have several people who are pretty much forum-only, like Sha and Ilse.

Badrang the Tyrant

Quote from: Dilf
Quote from: Badrang the TyrantBah, I've played SG games before and most of the people there aren't that good.  I very nearly got into the top ten in less than 2 weeks (with the slow turns and all).
erm - top ten with only a few players playing - isn't too hard ;)
so don't think you're anythign special...

oh and btw erm - we should have wars on both servers...
like a two legged tie...

that'd be fun :) let alone FAIR :)
No, this was about 4 months back.  I was in a clan that worked very well together (I forgot the name) and we were at war with the somethingSTICKS clan.  There were a lot of people playing then.


 even 4 months back the size wasn't great...

oh and calria
we were trying to promote friendliness in the game, mainly to encourage players
and try different strats
i for one hated it when people got farmed for no reason

i tried my best to make it diplomatic so we could get more players, but no
satans helper put paid to my hard work there, he went on a killing spree almost every set

(he will deny his thuggish acts - but hey he wouldn't be a complete thug without that ;))
anyway - i hope you guys can bring people to SG and we can bring as many people as we can here
SG is great if you have lots of players
i don't play regular here unfortunately i don't have time - but i enjoy turbo (except for hit limit) but you know - its all good ;)

i migh ttry the dualling thing aswell next set and drag shoot me there too ;)

yeah - but come and play SG with us next set (after its moved)
if we all get along nicely, and maybe sort out some kind of rules... (hit limits / policies and stuff) it might help revive SG prom, i'd like it if you guys could help us out :D

cheers - Dilf

Badrang the Tyrant

 The size of it might not have been that great to you, but compared to what I'm used to it was pretty big..

Angrod Palant?r

 I think SG would probably knock us up pretty bad, if it went to even numbers. We have some great players, but SG has been in operation for longer than we have, and I also believe that while this was the first Prom for many of us, it wasn't for them. We're up against the toughest of vets here, and I think they have more skill.



I've done the Promisance Game circuit before, and while we here at RWL are pretty much isolated to our servers and TSOR/Duels, I get the idea that most other Promisance gamers float between game servers a lot... I guess it's because they often don't have a binding theme like we do. (Redwall)

I've even played on a Promisance where you were a drug dealer and what we call a horde was a street corner or something. *laughs*

Oh, and SGers- y'all rock. *claims them* Stick around!


Quote from: calriaI've even played on a Promisance where you were a drug dealer and what we call a horde was a street corner or something. *laughs*

Oh, and SGers- y'all rock. *claims them* Stick around!
i do believe its called PIMP WARS - lol

and im sticking around :)
aswell as WC prom which i play - this one is loads of fun ;)

WC prom has about 250 - 300 players - and its really good fun
same style as SG (language wise - names etc) but totally different gameplay...
it rules :)

so - yeah - if u want...
check it out ;)

let me knwo when this dual thing starts up again

Ashyra Nightwing

 Ooh, wowy... A big Promisance... I'd like to play that, if you get lots of turns...

What's the url for it?


 You don't get lots of turns 1 per 10 minutes
but they do have a fight server (no clans, no limits (a bit like your turbo version))

Standard server = 1 turn per 10 minute
Fight Server = 4 turns per 10 minutes (but its ruthless in there)

thats the URL ;)
its a slow game, but fun :)

you have ED there (wizards use spells to create land)
its different to SG and here..
try it out
if you wanta clan contact me
i have a great clan that will gladly have you
we are called ITA
we are doing pretty good, we are trying to get our vets back (the ones that left)
and we have 3 of them back so far...
but yeah - i'd gladly put in a good word for you in ITA if you feel you want to stay there....


Ashyra Nightwing, similar to Regular RWL? That suits me fine... *signeth up*