Don't bite the new girl!!!

Started by Aurora Beam, September 29, 2003, 04:32:34 PM

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The Beatles

 mpan -
I am not Fenix. That was a joke; did you bother to read the explanation? The one in small letters? XDD

[edit] Does one-sided true love count?


Quote from: The Beatlesmpan -
I am not Fenix. That was a joke; did you bother to read the explanation? The one in small letters? XDD

[edit] Does one-sided true love count?
Yes, though I'm not sure who or what to believe...
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



Quote from: Riverpaw
Quote from: Dead Eye,Sep 29 2003, 11:53 PM
Dead Eye is TJ
Ahem. Dead Eye is not TJ. TJ is Scarwake. Yes. Thank you. If someone already posted correcting this, sorry! Meep.
"JWPOINGKLGNF, she says. This is non-typical. Why she says it, we're not sure."

Dixie Ros?

 Add a space to the end pf the URL.

*Gets poked*

Whhhaa?? Ragefur acts younger...Fwee.  
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"

Ashyra Nightwing

 Aurora Beam... Are you Luistia Cessiana from Terrouge?

...Are you Lancepaw?

Dixie Ros?

 I think she's Grath of Terruge, the way she signs her siggy....
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"

Aurora Beam


Quote from: Aurora BeamWhat's terrouge?

The "original" ROC club type site thingy...
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


The Beatles

 Yeah right!
It's not the first in any project, and it's not a club. It wasn't first with QB, the ezine thing, VI, Greenhawk, or forums.
It's merely the only living ezine in the ROC right now. Its forums also have what is probably the sixth largest member base in the ROC.

Boze (Admin)

 In what way is VI not original?
That's me!


 Thank you, Ilse for correcting Riverpaw in whom is who.....Because Dead Eye is not ME!!!  I am TJ, the one and only TJ on all of RWL!!!  *throws a mountain on Riverpaw*
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album


 You're welcome. *bows*

*watches as Riverpaw disapears under a mountain*
That was, erm, interesting, TJ. *wanders off*
"JWPOINGKLGNF, she says. This is non-typical. Why she says it, we're not sure."

The Beatles

 VI is not original because there have been others like it, for a long while. Mossflower Patrol, RWL, etc. Must I list them all?
[edit] If you mean it's original in that it's about the Vulpine Imperium, and nobody else has ever made a club on the Vulpine Imperium, then of course it is original. And so is every Redwall site.

Boze (Admin)

 I don't mean to disagree on every point you being up, but...

How is VI in any way like MP or RWL?
That's me!

The Lady Shael

 I've always looked at VI as a base version of a Redwall-related Neopets game. It certainly is original, but considering it's category and competitors on the ROC, it can't avoided here at RWL. I see where Beatles is going with this, but VI definitely isn't the same as RWL. Doesn't even satisfy the same audience. Well, some people in that audience, anyway.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.