Brief quiz, please take it.

Started by The Beatles, September 24, 2003, 02:37:39 PM

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 Do you have a highly deficient social life?

Yes, unfortunately. Everyone finds me annoying. Me? I think it's prejudice against Asians.

Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends?

Yes, for a better term... (Never mind. Must not bore to death.)

Do you enjoy reading?

YES!! More than is healthy...

Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music?

Classical? Yes. Classic rock? Should try that. Other? Yep, nature sounds.

Do you do programming, are you a techie?

Techie? Yes. I couldn't program a "Hello World!" for my life, though. I'm learning...

Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? Maybe classical music?

Yes... ditto... etc. Nobody else enjoys these, so I tend to lay off.

Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks?

No, I happen to live in the most non-geek neighborhood in the world.

Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music?

N/A, see above.

Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc.

No, but I might as well. I have yet to go to one with an invitation.

Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating?

I've got parents, ya know? Really strict ones, too. 1hr/day more or less. I know, I eat slow.

Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time?

Yes, but only in the summer when I have time.

Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words?

Yes, yes. Too much. Also, they want only answers, not explanations.

Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics?

I have no books. I'm a library freak though.


I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


The Beatles

 Yep! Be proud, and good luck! Go to college where thou shalt find fulfillment.
BUT be a Christian too! And don't drink.

(And wear warm mittens and don't talk to bug-eyed aliens.)

The Beatles

 No, Ad, but how many people connect to SQL with VB? It's a crazy idea.


 Do you have a highly deficient social life?
Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends?
Do you enjoy reading?
Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music?
I only like AC DC and Tupac, thats the only older stuff I listen too.
Do you do programming, are you a techie?
Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? Maybe classical music?
Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks?
Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music?
Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc.
Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating?
Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time?
Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words?
Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics?

Lol, some of you peopel are huge nerds!
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

The Beatles

 Real nerds: The Beatles, Calria, Mikalae, Quami, Shael, Riverpaw
Edge: Klamath, Blood Wake, Aqualis, Ashyra
Not: Almkman, Scarwake, Blackeyes, Ad


Quote from: The BeatlesReal nerds: The Beatles, Calria, Mikalae, Quami, Shael, Riverpaw
Edge: Klamath, Blood Wake, Aqualis, Ashyra
Not: Almkman, Scarwake, Blackeyes, Ad
We nerds outnumber all others! World domination! (Or not...)  :P  :P  *snerk* (Correct usuage?)
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


Abby The Rat

 Well that what I do... the company uses VB as frontend and SQL as the back end. Doesn't that count enough?

And I also know PHP and Pascal
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []

Yellow Eyes

 Do you have a highly deficient social life? Ya...fairly good

Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends? no

Do you enjoy reading? Its ok

Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music? no

Do you do programming, are you a techie? umm...well i know a lil php/sql, tons of html, css. trying to learn java and python....taking a corse on C++ next school year, i yes.

Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? no

Maybe classical music?no

Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks?no

Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music?no

Do you generally detest large social events? sometimes: depeneds really
Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating?more
Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time?no
Do others ask you for help with homework? sometimes For the definition of long words?no
Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics?no

Yellow Eyes

 ad, how hard is pascal...i saw it somewhere....i didnt really wanna learn it tho, is it good?


 Must... not... spag...
Must... not... discourage... new... member...

Welcome to RWL, even if it isn't my job to welcome you.
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


Dixie Ros?

 Do you have a highly deficient social life? NO. I'm somehat antisocial.

Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends? Heck yea.

Do you enjoy reading? Bookworm Here!!

Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music? Classical only.

Do you do programming, are you a techie?: HTML, CSS, DIV layers... (Same thing, I know.) Yea, muchlie.

Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? Maybe classical music? Umm...Only the science part....

Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks? Heck yes.

Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music?  No.

Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc. Hehe, mostly, mainly family reunions.

Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating? I spend little time eatting, and I tend to eat in front of the comp, though I don't spend too must time online....

Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time? No. MAYBE reading.

Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words?  No, I'm often the asked.

Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics? No, I read geeky stuff, though.
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"

Yellow Eyes

 I'm not new...I just forgot how to write in the forums.  :D  I've been around way before lil dibbun. lol


Quote from: Yellow EyesI'm not new...I just forgot how to write in the forums.  :D  I've been around way before lil dibbun. lol
Forgot?? Hm... Anyways, I take that as an insult. (Okay, just kidding.)
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


The Beatles

 Bumping. Now let's see what Vera has to say...


 Ahaha, and I just happened to stumble upon this topic.

Do you have a highly deficient social life? That's iffy. Not in school, but out of it, yeah.

Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends? No sense about half of my buddy list is real life friends.

Do you enjoy reading? Yes.
Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music? Kind of. I prefer the former as opposed to Hip-hop or rap say.

Do you do programming, are you a techie? Yes, I program, and I do light/sound boards for school plays.

Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? Maybe classical music? Yes. Philosophy  is up there too.

Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks?  Nope, it's just people who accept me for who I am, and I they. Generally we're the people looked down upon by the popular kids, but I don't chose friends based off of their intellect.

Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music? No, in fact we don't talk about this at all. My online friends, yes.

Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc.: It really depends, but dances are ok, but you won't find me enjoying myself at a wedding party.

Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating? More on the computer.

Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words? Yes, and generally I'm willing to help, but I'm not just there to give them the answers.

Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics? Of my current selection? Yes (that's not counting books I've read as a younger child)

So yeah, I'm a geek/nerd/whatever. I suppose I can fit in with any group if I really wanted to, but I enjoy who I am, and proud to.


Most of my age group friends aren't really geeks, in fact I know no one in my age group who is a geek as I am. I get along fine with some of my brother's Geeky friends.