Brief quiz, please take it.

Started by The Beatles, September 24, 2003, 02:37:39 PM

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Quote from: Yellow EyesDo others ask you for help with homework? sometimes For the definition of long words?no
:lol:  :lol:  :D

Not even gonna touch that man. I guess I'll give you credit if it's a subject like French or something, but lol. Though you've never asked me for help on math. Although, other topics....


 Do you have a highly deficient social life?

Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends?
Not significantly. I have more people on my AIM buddy list under Not IRL than IRL, but most of them I don't talk to/are double accounts.

Do you enjoy reading?

Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music?
Classic rock, of course! Kansas all the way. I like some classical music, too. Hall of the Mountain King, F?r Elise and what not.

Do you do programming, are you a techie?

Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math,
computer science, and physics? Maybe classical music?
Hah, no. My band geek friends talk about band, though.

Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the
same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks?
No, I have a wide variety of RL friends. Which makes it hard to figure out where to sit, because my groups sit at OPPOSITE SIDES!

Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music?

Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized
events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc.
Not at all! I love parties. (there's parties with my brother's friends at my house like every day)

Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating?
Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music
as much time?

Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words?
Sometimes, because I'm smarter than them :P

Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics?

The Beatles

 Nice, Vera. Still improving.. heh
No, I don't pick my friend based on their intellect. That's just... how it happened, I guess. Of course, mind you, it being college, I'm always with different people each quarter except in our real geeky Honors Math, in which we've done over a year together... that helped.
And yeah, philosophy and metaphysics should be there too.

Tania: Not a geek, sorry! XD



 Do you have a highly deficient social life? Social life? What's that?
Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends? Indeed.
Do you enjoy reading? Reading is my life, thank you.
Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music? Yes.
Do you do programming, are you a techie? No, but I'd like to.
Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? Maybe classical music? They're not my favourite topics (I prefer religion and politics), but I don't mind talking about them. =D
Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks? Yes.
Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music? Eh, mostly.
Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc. It depends.
Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating? Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time? I spend more time at the computer than I do eating... and yes.
Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words? Haha. Yes. Quite often.
Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics? No, but I have quite a few of those books.


 Do you have a highly deficient social life? Nope *smiles* That what living on campus does for ya.  ;)
Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends? Nope
Do you enjoy reading? Most definitely
Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music? Hmm... I'd have to say no, because I'm a music freak, so I love all kinds of music.
Do you do programming, are you a techie? Besides HTML, no. *snorts* I wish though....
Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? Maybe classical music? Physics, yes. Math, hmm... sometimes. Classical music, definitely.
Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks? Nope, I've got a lot of different friends. Some of them are "nerds," some are "popular," and some are "loners."
Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music? With some of my friends, yes.
Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc. Yes, very much so.
Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating? Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time? Umm... I don't think so. Of course, when I was at home, I could say yes, but I only have limited access to the T1 line, and I refuse to work for long periods of time on dial-up.
Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words? Unfortunately, yes.
Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics? *laughs* Hardly! I read almost all fiction books or biographies.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

The Beatles

 Sha: true nerd, another one!
Teufel: edge case

And you're wrong in that bit about campus... I've been on campus over a year now, and my circle of friends is limited to geeks/nerds. You see, with most of my classes, I see the people once a week, for a quarter at most. But with my Honors Math class, it's been a steady core of people for over a year now, and I see them 5 times a week... that helps. Of course there are exceptions, though.


 The Nerd Pryde is freaking me out, man! Today one of my best friends had to write a paper on an anecdote, some random moral. She made it "don't judge a book by it's cover" and it was about me. She called me "weird", a "nerd" and "a geek". Or, that's what she thought of me before she became my friend.

But then I changed from a nerd, geek, like you guys are (:P would have said yes to a lot more of those) to....not.