Brief quiz, please take it.

Started by The Beatles, September 24, 2003, 02:37:39 PM

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The Beatles

 Well, anyhoo, I'm proud of the fact that I am a nerd/geek/whatever, etc.
Here is a brief set of questions I made up to see if you're one too:
Do you have a highly deficient social life?
Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends?
Do you enjoy reading?
Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music?
Do you do programming, are you a techie?
Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? Maybe classical music?
Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks?
Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music?
Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc.
Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating? Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time?
Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words?
Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics?

I realize this list is hardly comprehensive, and I am expanding it all the time, plus I forgot some of the questions, so please submit questions (serious ones) like these.
If you reply 'yes' to about 70-80% or more of these, you can safely say you're a nerd/geek/whatever. BE PROUD OF THIS! :P
I score almost all of them, except some of the classical music ones and the one about the definition of long words. I used to be a classical music freak, but now I've moved more to Classic Rock, e.g. The Beatles.


 Do you have a highly deficient social life? Ummm...Well, I tend to stay at home to be on the computer sooo

Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends? Yes, no doubt about that

Do you enjoy reading? Sometimes

Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music? I like classical rock, BUT I also like modern music too...

Do you do programming, are you a techie? yepperz

Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? Maybe classical music? No....

Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks? Not nerds/geeks/freaks....Well, freaks(gothics) yes, but I don't consider them freaks, as for the others no...I hang with the popular people

Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music? Nope

Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc.?  Actually, I like to hang out with friends outside of school, but I never know what's going on sooo...
Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating? Ummm...No, I spend more time on the computer and just a little less eating....

Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time? No....

Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words? Ummm...not definitions, and I not really help...I just let them have the answers

Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics? nooo....

[EDIT by TJ] I'd say that I answered about 50% maybe 60%

A Message from ME: I think this should be in the Poll forum or the Spa Room 101. Considering it doesn't have anything to do with the game or RWL in any direct way.
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
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Mikalae Gildar

 Aha!  I'm definately all of those.  I answered yes to all those questions!  ROFL!  And proud of it!
"A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place, to force them to acknowledge your greatness."

"Then you kill them?"

"...Only if it's necessary."

--Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "Sacrifice of Angels"

The Lady Shael

 Hm. Gee. I wonder what my result will be...*sarcastic*

Do you have a highly deficient social life? Hey, I'm a RWL addict, what do you think?

Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends? Oh definitely yes.

Do you enjoy reading? *nods*

Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music? Actually, not really.

Do you do programming, are you a techie? Yep.

Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? *nods* My friends are geeks too...once they were standing at in a line at a Disney field trip without an adult, and they started arguing about some specifics on the Roman empire. That tells you what my friends are like.

Maybe classical music? Mm, sometimes.

Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks? Yep.

Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music? Yep, pretty much.

Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc.  Not really...I'm actually on the homecoming ticket sales committee this year.

Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating? Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time? Haha, yes.

Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words? Whoa. o.0 That sentence just totally describes me...just today, a girl I hardly talk to came up to me and asked for some help on her english homework because she said I'm brilliant at spanish.

Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics? Yep. I actually just bought a math college textbook a few weeks ago, along with a psychology college textbook. My friends (who are pretty geeky) looked at me like I was a slug or something when I told them...I'm like the geekette of all geeks. Which is probably why no one's ever asked me to homecoming. But everyone at my school are geeks and nerds anyways...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Do you have a highly deficient social life?Not really.

Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends?Yep.

Do you enjoy reading?Yeah.

Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music?No.

Do you do programming, are you a techie?No.

Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? Maybe classical music?No.

Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks?Not nerds/geek/freaks.But they are intereseted in the same things as me.

Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music?No.

Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc.No.

Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating? Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time?More time on the computer.

Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words?Yes.

Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics?No.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!


 Do you have a highly deficient social life? Sorta

Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends?Yes

Do you enjoy reading?Yes

Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music?No

Do you do programming, are you a techie?Yes

Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? No

Maybe classical music?No

Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks?Nope, not by a long shot.

Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music?No

Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc. No

Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating?No

Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time?No

Do others ask you for help with homework?Yes

For the definition of long words?Not that I remember.

Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics?No
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

Blood Wake

 Do you have a highly deficient social life?  define deficient

Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends? bout the same

Do you enjoy reading? REDWALL!!! this is a forum about a game about a book series, what do you think?

Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music? i listen to classic rock and heavy metal

Do you do programming, are you a techie? yep, i'm planning on learning php soon

Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? Maybe classical music? Heck no!

Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks? meh, i have a friend who plays RWL who goes to my school, i guess that counts. but no

Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music? NO

Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc. yeah, snooze

Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating? Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time? i haven't read for a while but loamhedge is coming in 4 days!! YAY!!

Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words? no, i ask for the help, they get me more confuzzled

Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics? I repeat: REDWALL!!

that was fun, whats my grade teacher?
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:


 Do you have a highly deficient social life?
Yes, I'd say so.

Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends?
Considering there are now 54 people on my MSN list, yes.

Do you enjoy reading?

Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music?
Yes!  Classic rock!  Mmm...

Do you do programming, are you a techie?
If HTML is considered a form of programming, yes.

Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? Maybe classical music?

Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks?
Freaks!  Yes!  My group is one of freaks.

Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music?

Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc.

Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating?
No, I probably spend more of my day on the comp than eating.  I eat fast.

Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music?
No... I don't have any good books lately.

Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words?

Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics?
Not most of them, no, but I do own War and Peace.

I think that's 70%...
~High Marshal Svoldira Klamath of the Aurelia Corps~

Underneath the blue sky, the wind blows toward the future,
as if embracing the rays of the sun.
Merely wandering along,
I leave behind only a trail of footsteps.


 Do you have a highly deficient social life? Yeah...
Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends? YEP!
Do you enjoy reading? Yes...
Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music? Most, yeah.
Do you do programming, are you a techie? I'm a theatre techie, and I program light boards, so yes! :D
Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics? No...
Maybe classical music? Yes...
Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks? Yes!!!
Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp. sci./physics/classical music? No... we're all drama freaks mostly...
Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc. Yes, generally...
Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating? Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time? MORE.
Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words? Yeah... I read the dictionary for FUN, man...
Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics? Nope.. sorry... romance novels and sci-fi/fantasy...


 Really, you read the dictionary for fun???  You must've had a really boring life, because I don't even do that....And my life is super boring
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album

The Beatles

 Ergh... my reply got eaten... oh well.

Real nerds: The Beatles, Calria, Mikalae, Quami, Shael
Edge: Klamath, Blood Wake, Aqualis
Not: Almkman, Scarwake

Of course, what do you figure, being on a board like this is a good precursor of being a nerd, what what?
Cal, nice surprise!

[edit] Clearing up: Drama counts too.
HTML, CSS, XML and VB don't count toward being a techie. Javascript does, though, for now.

Abby The Rat

 And why does VB doesn't count?? ~stares~
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []

Ashyra Nightwing

 Do you have a highly deficient social life?
Is your online circle of friends larger, or significantly larger than your real-life circle of friends?
Do you enjoy reading?
Do you prefer classical music and perhaps classic rock to modern music?
Do you do programming, are you a techie?
If HTML counts.
Are your favorite topics of conversation in the sciences, preferably math, computer science, and physics?
Nope. Me hatesh science..
Maybe classical music?
Is your circle of real-life friends generally limited to people interested in the same things as you, in this case, nerds/geeks/freaks?
Are you friends with them because of the great conversations you've had in math/comp.
sci./physics/classical music?
Do you generally detest large social events? These events are any civilized events, and do not include: LAN parties, scientific competitions, etc.
No! I like socal eventsh.
Do you spend as much time at the computer as you spend eating? Alternately, do you spend as much time reading or listening to classical music as much time?
Do others ask you for help with homework? For the definition of long words?
Yup. But not math.
Are most of your books either in classics or in math, comp. sci., or physics?
Not really.


The Beatles

 VB can be learned by primates. There's a study for it, this bonobo had a clean compile on a VB form. :D
Err... Ashyra's an edge case too, then.

Abby The Rat

 Ah yes, but have you ever made VB with a SQL backend (I mean SQL not mySQL)
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []