An observation.

Started by Sha, September 21, 2003, 07:35:08 PM

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 *applauds Sha*  Very good. We all needed to hear that... and apply it.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

The Beatles

 This wouldn't be 5pm without your daily spam.

Peace Alliance

QuoteIf you have problems with someone, and it only includes one or two people, PM them, IM them, email them, whatever the case may be. Do not bring it to the message board. You should not try to publicise your arguements. This usually ends up bringing out hard feelings, dislike, and heaven knows what else.
I agree about that point at least. Simply because i'm sick of wolf bite feeling he has to come on the forums and tell everyone every time he has some nutty suspicion that i've cheated... why not just go to the admins and get proven wrong, instead he has to do it on the forums and wait for me to come on and prove him wrong... *sigh*

Thats pretty much where i stopped aggreeing. I think that arguing is good. In fact, arguing is great. Its fun, and its exciting. its also a good way to get your points across. I think arguing has a lot to do with this game. People fighting with eachother in a pretend game... how is that hurtful? I mean, when i t get personal, thats just stupid. but when its about the game, then if you ask me... FIGHT ON!! Loren and blades fighting was fun, it was something that should have been on the forums.

Excluding all the stuff you are suggesting we exclude, would leave the forum full of happy fluffy SPAM. more and more topics about "hey, this is what i did today" and "*Poll: huggles how much do you love eachother?* ". PFFT!


 Whoa, whoa.

We're even getting fighting in this topic.
Remember : if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Hmm?

Yes. And enter is evil when you're not finished with your post.

But I recommend everyone tries thinking before they post. Yes. Remember everyone here has feelings and they don't feel the same way you do about things.


 It took me a little while to find this, but it was worth it.

I was in the mood to yell at you all to, oh, what was it again? Oh, yes. Calm down and relax. But, then I realized I didn't want to type up something I had already typed up. So. Here it is again, and perhaps in light of some of the things that are going on in another areas of this forum (which will remain nameless due to the fact everyone knows which one I'm talking about) it should be considered once again. But, to reiterate...

A. The game is not real life. Do not take it as such. It is just a game. Do not take attacks personally. Do not drag grudges/fights from the game onto the message board

B. Administrators are administrators are administrators.

Um, yeah. So just reread the first post in this topic and think about it a little (again), eh?


 If only everyone could be as wonderful as you, Sha!

But they can't, therefore everyone should look up to me.

Nice posts. Too bad people are too dumb to listen.