Ad The Guide (#111)

Started by Abby The Rat, September 21, 2003, 12:27:01 AM

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Quote from: Dead EyeKitty, back off. No one ver sent Ad aid really. He got where he was by himself. Why should he have to kill his account because he is changing his strategy?
Ad did not get there by himself. He was fed huge amounts of aid, putting him in the number 1 spot. However, Blood Wake poisoned some of it, and stole some of his money- which explains his drop in ranking slightly.
Do not accuse when you have no facts!
Also, Ad would not have made it as far had he been any old HPR. It is because he is highly-respected as a person on these forums that he was generally left alone!
I will not deleted this


 Actually, his rank dropped mostly because he dropped his massive amounts of food in favor of massive amounts of more-offensive sorts of items.
I don't think anyone could ever think of Addy as any old HPR... he is, or at least was, THE HPR in the game.

And yes, we're engaged. November 2007. Be there... free cake.

Dead Eye

 Sorry hobly. I changed my post.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

The Lady Shael

 Hm, I'll be out of high school then, I might actually be able to come. Do you know where it is yet? I can never pass up a free opportunity for free cake...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

Abby The Rat

Quote from: Holby
Quote from: Dead EyeKitty, back off. No one ver sent Ad aid really. He got where he was by himself. Why should he have to kill his account because he is changing his strategy?
Ad did not get there by himself. He was fed huge amounts of aid, putting him in the number 1 spot. However, Blood Wake poisoned some of it, and stole some of his money- which explains his drop in ranking slightly.
Do not accuse when you have no facts!
Also, Ad would not have made it as far had he been any old HPR. It is because he is highly-respected as a person on these forums that he was generally left alone!
Blood wake, in fact, did so much damage to me that I dropped to just about the same networth I had in the first place.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []

General Austin

 ADAM. Yooooooo hitted me whilst I were on vacation. Tha wasn't nice at all. If you don't apollergize, then I'll have to hit you back once I can get some power back in my house. *growls at hrricane*
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

The Beatles

 Cheerios. Free cake rocks!
Er... where? If US, I could manage, I think. I'd be, what, fresh out of college, all the money's gone, nowhere to go.. but oh that magic feeling... wait no, that's a Beatles song, You Never Give Me Your Money. Anyhoo, back on topic, yes I'll try to make it.
Don't stare at me now!


Quote from: calriaAnd yes, we're engaged. November 2007. Be there... free cake.
Real life? Aw. I wish I could, but I can't. I'm thirteen and I have very strict parents. (Say, can you send me some of the cake, please?)

Edit: I'll be seventeen then, but still no freedom. Send cake.
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



 Hmmmmmm.....2007, I'll be 19(WHOO!!!) With lots of freedom, though there's that thing called college that might interfere with me coming depending on where it is and all...

*just found out location of wedding and isn't going to tell anyone, but make them wait in anticipation*

Well, now that I know where its going to be at, I'll more than likely be there, unless of course I end up going to college in Florida like I kinda want to now, but I dunno...I'm kinda deciding otherwise....
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album


 Go to... erm... Seattle Pacific. *nods* West coast schools rock my socks!

The Lady Shael

 I dunno where I'm going to college yet...I don't really have much of a choice really. If I do pretty good on the SAT/ACT, I might go to MIT, if not, FIT it is. Ooh, TJ, come to Florida, it's nice down here. ^_^ Except for the hurricanes. And mosquitoes. And flies. And other bugs. And that we have the lowest high school graduates percentage. And a whole bunch of other stuff. But it's okay otherwise. (Which doesn't leave much...)
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Dixie Ros?

 Yikk. I'll be 17. Or...Wait....Maybe....16? Anyway, :wub: . I'll make sure to send you an ecard. :P

BTW, have ya meet IRL? Sounds stupid, but still...  
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"


We haven't met yet, but he's coming in either December or January to Texas, and then in May I'm going to try to get to England to see him. England... *swoon*


Quote from: Ad The Rat
Quote from: Holby
Quote from: Dead EyeKitty, back off. No one ver sent Ad aid really. He got where he was by himself. Why should he have to kill his account because he is changing his strategy?
Ad did not get there by himself. He was fed huge amounts of aid, putting him in the number 1 spot. However, Blood Wake poisoned some of it, and stole some of his money- which explains his drop in ranking slightly.
Do not accuse when you have no facts!
Also, Ad would not have made it as far had he been any old HPR. It is because he is highly-respected as a person on these forums that he was generally left alone!
Blood wake, in fact, did so much damage to me that I dropped to just about the same networth I had in the first place.
But, you got to that place under the name of Ad The Peaceful, someone who never attacked. Because of this, you were largely left alone until BloodWake attacked you.
If you want to be warlike, start like we all had to, battling it out to get to the top.
I will not deleted this