A possible Multi...

Started by Trident, September 20, 2003, 01:51:46 PM

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 Well, anywhoo...That's nice for you to say Dead Eye, but I also deleted my account not due to the war or anything like that, but simply because I wanted to.  I'll not tell who I am now, for I'm going to be doing other things in the game as I previously stated, so If you can figure out who I am in one guess I'll give you a cookie, and message me in-game if you think you know who I am..
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
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Ashyra Nightwing

 Yiss, he could have been storing turns and gaining lots of food. Most people who rise ranks fast are all food.


 What are stored turns?  I thought that after you maxed out your turns at 450, the next 250 get stored.  IF you go and use your 450 turns, you can still only use the 450 turns.  But when your done, and you start collecting more turns again, you will get 2 turns per 10 mins, rather than just 1, until the stored turns run out.

Hmmm, Everyone understand that?  I am not sure I did.  But looking at it this way, I don't see how stored turns would have helped him.  He did all the attacking before the stored turns would have made a difference.