
Started by calria, September 20, 2003, 01:29:41 AM

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 Given certain things that have happened, about which I will neither give my opinion nor give any specific details, I'm officially near-leaving these forums. I'll still be around, but I intend to be inactive for the most part.
I'm sure everyone who hates me will be quite happy to hear it. The five or six of you who don't will still speak to me on AIM, I'm sure.

I'll be back either when things change, or when the anniversary rolls around I'll pop in for a bit.

Until then, blessed be.

Ashyra Nightwing

 *sniff* Bye, Calria... I'll miss you muchly..

The Lady Shael

 I only had a vague idea of what was going on, I'll have to pop on AIM sometime and have someone fill me in.

*sniff* I hope that it won't be easy for you to leave, Cal. We'll all be missing you. And if you find you can't be inactive, that's fine, just stay with us. ^_^
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

The Beatles

 NOO! What will the forums do without you?


 Heh, we'll still see ya around. Bye Cal!!!!
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 Bye, Cal! I'll miss you!

And I'll talk to you online soon, I'm sure.  ^_^  
"JWPOINGKLGNF, she says. This is non-typical. Why she says it, we're not sure."


 I'm new here and have no clue as to who anyone is. Yet I feel than anyone going away is a loss. Well, have a good time doing whatever.
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



 Erm... I was gone for almost a full 3 days... or two... or something...
*sob* I'm too addicted! *is back in all her posting glory*


 You know, your last little line on that first post.. Blessed Be.. well. It makes me want to break out into a camp song. Is this a bad thing?

And welcome.. backish... stuff.

I love  how my good grammar has completely deteriorated. Alas.

Dead Eye

 They always come back. I think I was gone for pretty long. Better then most of you. What, a month? Maybe even 2! But Menatus was first who was an oldbie and got away for good. Who else has left for good? RAGGY! He never comes here anymore. He isn't an admin. He doesnt even play VI. He is dissapearing from the ROC!
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 Razorclaw and Pikepaw haven't been coming around.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!


 *pats Sha* That's ok. It happens to the best of us.

Welcome back, Cal!
"JWPOINGKLGNF, she says. This is non-typical. Why she says it, we're not sure."


 I'm scared now... *stares at Sha's grammar*

Hmmm... Yes, I miss Tania... she was fun.

The Lady Shael

 *smirk* What did I tell you? I knew you'd be back soon...

Me misses Tania least Ju's fully active again. Boze and Ragefur hardly ever come on the forums...somebody must poke them furiously...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Quote from: The Lady Shael*smirk* What did I tell you? I knew you'd be back soon...
*laughs* Shushies, Shael... I'm proud to have been gone as long as I was... you have no idea how hard it was! *sob*