Gurrila Rats

Started by Dixie Ros?, September 19, 2003, 10:11:20 AM

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Dixie Ros?

 What ya do, is when you're under protection, you only loot to get cash, or scout for land. Early in the game, built 10  or more huts, which will get you lolalty everytime you use a turn. Also, build lotsa  guard towers. You'll find out, hang on. Also, as you use turns to loot, mass rats. Rats. And get skiffs, too.  You can get a buttload of rats quickly. When you're unproteted, you should have about 3000 rats, ten huts, and 5 guard towers. Using the same strat, buying more towers and huts, and making sure you don't run out of food, you procide to kick the nearest Loren member's tail in. Just kidding. When you attack, you use only gurilla strike. Anyway:


You can attack quickly using 1000 or more rats at once.
You have plenty of loyalty for healing
You lose less when you lose fighters
You also have plenty of loyalyty for missions

Dis.: Otherwise, you're pretty bad off, with less of a way to defend thyself.  But at least you can heal. (See above)
Landfat. If you ain't using it, it's gonna get snaped up. Watch out, and use that land right away!

Yeas....I don't think so, looking back. Anyways, comment.
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 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"


 meh.  Peace was one of the best rat massers..  I prefer skiffs..  wonderful things, most people chose never to have enough of them..  

anyways, tis not a bad strat methinks, but when I'm under protection I only use turns for scouting and constructing, looting is basically worthless.  Also, I usually take out what little loan I can before I use any turns, and construct on the 200 or so acers the game gives you to begin with.  Then scout, construct, scout, construct..  yeah...
but making one troop type your primary is a good strat, as you will always have it if somone attacks you, as in the Turbo verson I have about 4-6 mil skiffs at any time and very little of anything else, and although my defence is terrible, I can retrieve my land in an instant because noone has as many skiffs as I do...  'cept the emporer ofcourse...
*has drifted*
anyways, when you come out, it is a good idea to buy what you can off the market (either one), it gives your small army an extra boost...
anyways, tis a good strat, with some tweaking, everyone has their own ideas, and thus everyone is at a different level...  some attack till they cant break anymore, some just do landgrabs, depends on style...
*drifts off*
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Dixie Ros?

 Hey, thanks for the review! *marries*
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 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"

Ashyra Nightwing

Quote from: windhoundmeh.  Peace was one of the best rat massers..  I prefer skiffs..  wonderful things, most people chose never to have enough of them..  

anyways, tis not a bad strat methinks, but when I'm under protection I only use turns for scouting and constructing, looting is basically worthless.  Also, I usually take out what little loan I can before I use any turns, and construct on the 200 or so acers the game gives you to begin with.  Then scout, construct, scout, construct..  yeah...
but making one troop type your primary is a good strat, as you will always have it if somone attacks you, as in the Turbo verson I have about 4-6 mil skiffs at any time and very little of anything else, and although my defence is terrible, I can retrieve my land in an instant because noone has as many skiffs as I do...  'cept the emporer ofcourse...
*has drifted*
anyways, when you come out, it is a good idea to buy what you can off the market (either one), it gives your small army an extra boost...
anyways, tis a good strat, with some tweaking, everyone has their own ideas, and thus everyone is at a different level...  some attack till they cant break anymore, some just do landgrabs, depends on style...
*drifts off*
Yissh, the strat is spiffy.

Mweh! I mass skiffers!

Massing skiffs is, indeed, highly reccomended.. I haven't attacked with anything other than a Naval Assault for a loong time. No one seems to have any skiffs... I suppose, if they did, my strat would be ruined..

Be A Weasel  ::agrees:: ?


 Skiffies! And Stoaties!
:D :D :D

Rat massing is one of those things that a few people do well at, and the rest of us fail at miserably... *sigh*

Ashyra Nightwing

 Yes.. I've always had a problem with rats.. I had 2 million once, then I got attacked. I lost them all in about 20 seconds.. With skiffs, you can  have millions and no one will come along and kill them, as no one attacks you with them..

Not stoaties.

:D  :D  :D  :D  


 Nah- what you should have is a decent amount of leaders and a decent amount of money. That way, you can see your opponents stats and top off your already high # of troops by buying from the market- it's much easier to gain land that way...

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

wolf bite

(A page out of my journal)

Coming out of protection
There are only three ways that I have found to come out of protection.  I am sure there are many others, but I can?t see them working any better.  For different reasons I have use others like a defensive strategy to see who would attack me as I held my little land, but it is best to stay with these.

The game does not give enough money or food to start building, let alone support an army.  So the first thing that must be done is to go to the bank and take out a maximum loan.  Then use that money to build mostly markets.  Build everything always all at once so you get the benefit immediately from your land.  As you are scouting, go back to the bank and keep taking out bigger loans because with the increased net worth, your amount you can barrow is increasing.  Keep doing this and before you get out of protection, you will be able to pay back the loan easily and will be far ahead then if you where trying to use only the cash they give you.  Be careful not to go out of protection too soon.  There will be no land to take, you will be the only target, and you will not have the turns to defend yourself.  Scouting is nearly useless after leaving protection, so don?t give much care about increased race bonus for scouting unless you are HPR.

If you are going for strictly a food based non violent strategy, then you will concentrate on foragers. About 90% foragers, 9% markets, and 1% tents should work fine.  You can adjust the amounts as you gain land from scouting if you find yourself running low on money.  Leader huts are not that important because it is very unlikely that early in the game anyone will have leaders to poison you.  Even if they have enough, you will not be making attacks when you come out of protection so there is no need to fear retaliation so early in the game.  When you get ?fat? with food, worry more about building huts to protect it.

Some times dismantling your enemies early may be more important then your own growth.  Even a Leader strategy starts with an army beginning.  So this is only used to damage others that may be a threat.  Few people can afford to build huts early in the game and still fight with armies.  Further, they don?t have the turns to fell up their huts.  So some very aggressive players will try to take control early in the game by taking a ton of land and building towers, but their leader ratio will be very low.  By building about 15% foragers, 20% markets and a few tents, the rest in huts will pick your leaders up fast.  As you are scouting and building, you should be getting sufficient cash and food to support your turns. As you get bigger and have resources, build only huts.  Then when you do come out of protection.  Your leaders should be able to pull even the highest player down.  Build mostly huts on that land as you keep leader attacking.  Don?t care about defenses because you know they will take all the land back.  It is better to not use all your turns at once, but play several times a day, damaging them each time they try to make a run for it.  If you take too much land, someone will come and take all your land and become a bigger problem. So take down one person and wait to be attacked.  After you have been attacked, your leader to land ratio will be even higher to take the next person.  This only works when the highest player does not have too much land that they can build enough huts to defend.  So plan on using this only a few days to damage your enemies, then switch to a different strategy.

Most Used and Best
All other strategies start with this one.  Change your army management to 100% of one army, that will be your fighting army.  Scout 25 times, build mostly foragers and markets. You will want to get your food and money high for later.  Keep doing this until you have a good supply of resources.  After using more then half of your turns, start building barracks.  Keep with the 25 scout and then build until you about to come out of protection.  You will now have a large attacking army (and the resources to support them) that can break at least the bottom half of the players and as you use your turns and gain land.  With the gained land you could even take the top players.  Even if you plan to use a leader strategy, you will need the gain land and build loyalty.  It is very easy to switch from this strategy to any others.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 I use this strategy a lot. Works very well for me.  But if I attack with anything else I usually get slaughtered.
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 That will be very useful in the duels, thankx for sharing your wisdom...
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