This is a mess

Started by Angrod Palant?r, September 18, 2003, 05:48:22 PM

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Angrod Palant?r

 I don't really know what to say, except that Athel Loren has done nothing wrong, despite common opinion.
Oh, I also learned something very valuable- In a clan war, never wait for max turns to use them if you want to stay alive. That's taken me about 11 months, but better late than never.
for those of you that wish to kill me again, my new account is Listen To My Laughter. Lasta Lalaithamin means the same thing in Elvish.
I'm not angry, just disappointed in this place. And in myself, for something irrelevant to this topic.
What Aus said was so true about their being favouritism, and I argued it. Heh.

-Angrod Palant?r

The Beatles

 Did you have a name before Angrod Palantir? Like Dies Irae was Azrael recently, etc. Ergo, what was your name and number in  the First Era?

Dead Eye


Brazo Angrod.  Brazo indeed. Actually, I had been maxing turns, TJ too. I had 400 turns, almkman had 450, and TJ had 200 I think. And Loren was a little strict. I ussally hate killing, but we didn't want this war. You did. Which is why you died. And you wanted this war after we had appologized again and again. You brought it on yourself. And Solo got me angry, taking tons of land for my one attack that didnt go through to him. You brought this on yourself.

Also I am very touched. You are a very noble and proud person. You were killed on target, yet you come back and give out your name. As long as you don't lead a clan against me and my friends I doubt I would attack you once. I am really sorry, but this seemed like a good way to end the war. Good luck!
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

Angrod Palant?r

 I thank you for your words of kindness, but I must speak against some of them.
Quote from: Dead EyeAnd Loren was a little strict.
What does that mean? Strict with what?

QuoteI ussally hate killing, but we didn't want this war. You did. Which is why you died.
You brought it on yourself. TJ said some nasty things, so we went to war with him, not Blades. I do not need to repeat what he said, but it justifies any and all actions Loren has made. You said war on TJ meant the whole clan, so it escalated into war, after the majority of the clan approved it.
I died because 3 people tried to kill me at once. Odds aren't exactly even, nor are my chances. After being broken by Cold Stone, my defenses went down completely. I couldn't even stop attacks from the very amusing Shadow Warrior.

QuoteAnd you wanted this war after we had appologized again and again.
You apologised again and again, but I can not say the same for TJ. He was the cause of all this. As Assistant you shouldn't have to excuse your leader. And I still wasn't satisfied anyhow, as I hadn't had a chance as yet to hit back personally. I had only used 600 turns by the time you killed me, isn't that fair?
The majority of the clan also voted to go to war, I'm not the only one in this.

Personally, I think wars are fun. We haven't had one for yonks, and it should have been welcomed, rather than condemned by the forum community, as something to be interested in.

QuoteYou brought it on yourself.
TJ brought it on! Read the "Athel Loren" topic in the clan forum.
QuoteAnd Solo got me angry, taking tons of land for my one attack that didnt go through to him. You brought this on yourself.
What's worng with attacking? Without it the game would be dead. Retal should have no boundaries. If you had broken through, you wouldn't have stopped at one attack, would you?
I like Solo, he's very interesting. hehe. I like you too, but that won't support me very well. ;)

QuoteAlso I am very touched. You are a very noble and proud person. You were killed on target, yet you come back and give out your name. As long as you don't lead a clan against me and my friends I doubt I would attack you once. I am really sorry, but this seemed like a good way to end the war. Good luck!
I thank you again for your kind words, but I fear you will want to take them back. You criticise me, and then you praise me- it confuzzleates (Picked that up from the dictionary) me no end.
I can not promise I won't lead an attack against Blades, in fact, I don't intend to take my death nicely. As said, I'm not angry, but I will prove my worth as a player and repay those who harmed me.


 Killing is Wrong!  
Killing someone barely out of protection is VERY Wrong!  
Attacking someone 40 ranks under you is Wrong!
Starting a War then saying that the other side started it is Wrong!
Using a fack war only as a means to get land from those weaker then you is Wrong!
Asking for a truce only after taking the land of your enemy is Wrong!

The Evil Blades and those that took part of this from Winter are Wrong!

There is a line, and it has been crossed.

Dead Eye

 Yes, I understand. I don't know what to say. I am thinking of leaving blades, just to get out of this war. Only thing I wish to mention is you mentioned how 3v1 is unfair. Well it was 12v3 loren vrs blades. Just want to point that out.  
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 A little one sided that post is Kitty.I was brought into this war because of attacks by several Loren members.In a clan war killing a person out of protection is not wrong.It is just getting rid of future opponents.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!


 Kitty your post was completely one sided and lets note something, WE (BLADES) had more damage done to us than ANY of the Loren clan, AND we never wanted war in the first place.  Oh, and I think that you need to look into everything that happened before you go and make big one-sided posts, especially when you were NOT present in a chat that was made on AIM to try and discuss peace.

Now, to Angrod.  On a reply to your post where you say that we only declared war on TJ, not the entire clan.
If you've ever paid attention to the Blades clan in any of the past eras you'd know that when you fight one member of the Blades you fight us all.  We are the united clan that will stick up for a member no matter what the cause, unless it was treachory towards our own clan, then that will be dealt with.  If you expected only to fight one member of a clan and your WHOLE clan is fighting him, that's way unfair and you can't expect that and you shouldn't. Why be in a clan that is not going to unify to help each other? What would be the point of something like that, doing that would only make you an easier target for other clans to hit, especially when they know that your not getting help from your so called "clanmates."

Anywhoo, TJ did somewhat apologize in a chat with Two of your members and I also tried to send YOU a peace message, but I sent it to the WRONG person in your clan and they obviously never sent it to you like I asked them to or you just simply ignored it....

Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
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 here is how this all started:

Loran said it was going to to great in the ranks to get new members.

TJ said that he would be sure that no members of Loran ever climbed the ranks.

Loran had no choice but to attack TJ because he was going to attack Loran.

The Blades called for a full on war against Loran for defending its self.

Loran retaled against the Blades.

The Blades foced Winter into the battle.

The Blades told Loran that the one Peace would be Loran agreeing to be farmed by the Blades.

Loran will not be the Blade's land source!

The Blades Killed the Leader of the Blades.

The Blades now threatens personally the new leader to die or allow Loran to be a land source.

I don't see any misunderstanding.


 Blades never forced Winter into the war.Certain people willingly joined Blades to oppress your clan.We are allys and we help each other out.We killed your leader to try to end the war.You and your fellow clanmates are so blind you see what you want to see.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!


 Maybe the "peacefull" clan of Winter should have gone the Peacefull way.  


 Kitty, unforunatly your sources tell you wrong.  Blades never and I mean never said that peace agreements would only be made in terms of Blades farming Loren for land!  It was more so the other way, Loren wanted us to dish out food to most of their members.  Loren is also the one who FIRST declared war, Blades did not!  Blades did not FORCE Winter members into anything.  My clan assisstant asked for some of the members help in which they accepted to do so.  Blades DID NOT threaten the new clan leader of Loren at all!!!

Kitty, I suggest you get your facts straight before you get in over your head and everyone stops listening to you and your pathetic lies.

As you can all see this is the lies that one such 'believer' of the Athel Loren clan has allowed themselves to be trapped in.  I've never threatened the new clan leader of Loren, I offered peace is what I did and he replied with "OH, I saw that you helped knock down the former leader so he could be killed, what will you do next kill me too?"  And he also said that you may have put a bigger head on the snake.
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
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 As you said in one of your posts, that Loran has found you lieing as you said that you had nothing to do with the death of Loran's leader because your attacks on him where at the same time as the other with you getting only 5 land for each attack.  Now your atacks on me have forced me into the war, you do not want peace.  Face it, you are a lier and declared war on a new clan. what does that make you??????

(trying real hard not to use the words that TJ is)


 No, I did not lie about anything concerning me attacking the former leader of Loren.  I just simply said "I was sorry for the tragedy" and a few other words concerning trying to make a peace arrangement.  I never said I didn't have anything to do with him being killed, so therefore I never lied(sp?).

You are the one who consistently keeps twisting the facts inorder to make Loren look sooo great.  Loren for one shouldn't have been saying how they were going to dominate the game if they didn't want to receive such a harsh reply to their statements....
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album


 Your old leader has brought this war upon you.So start dealing with it and stop trying to base the whole blame upon TJ and Blades.Winter is not the same player.So one may be peaceful and another might not.So it's not the clan of whole that makes up the peaceful part.It is the individueal warlords.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!