
Started by The Beatles, September 18, 2003, 03:26:03 PM

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Blood Wake

 lol, i guess i didnt read the other confesion in here. i stopped paying attention at the catfoodmade4dags part
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:

General Austin

 So, Beatles, now that all this is cleared up, may I ask why you acted as josh? To spice things oop?
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Blood Wake

 Oi think they bes weird people
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:


 Catfood started it all, he got Josh saying I was the Mercenary.
OK people, show's over, let's get back to normality.


Blood Wake

 i dont like normality
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:


 I should probably log on as Beatles, don't you think?
In case you are wondering, no, we are not the same person. It would be ridiculous to think so.

The Lady Shael

 I hate it when topics go to four pages before I can have a look at them...

I must admit, that gave me quite a scare. It completely ruins the confession I was about to make: I am Julie. Yes, in that chat I had with Beatles which I posted under my secret screen name where I said I was Shael, it's true. Sorry for decieving you all along.  :P

I hope none of you fell for that last paragraph.

I figured this was a hoax, because you both have pictures in the photo album, very different pictures too. Not to mention you both have a completely different personality, knowledge, vocabulary and spellings. Nice attempt, though. It was amusing to see everyone's reactions...^_^ I liked Retto's. And Ju's.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

TR Shadow

Quote from: The Lady ShaelI hope none of you fell for that last paragraph.
Woah, I thought you were serious for a minute there.  I am so confused!  Who am I?!

*Tries to think*

*Dies from confusion*

Blood Wake

 maybe you're... JOSH!!!!
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:

Blood Wake

 here's my confesion: i am... i am... i can't say it... i am... I'm... Bill Clinton!!*puts face in hands and crys*
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:

The Lady Shael

 Hey, no, I'M Josh! Oh wait, no, I said I was Julie...yes, I'm Julie. *waves a penguin in everyone's face*

Okay, truthfully, I'm Ragefur. Yes. No touchie.

Heh, everyone should pretend to be someone else...

Guess who I am now: ~huggle~
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Blood Wake

 pretend?!?! what the helk are you talking ab... I mean i'll pretend to be T..J. yes... pretend *snikkers*
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:


 No, I'm sorry... it's all been a hoax-

or rather... Josh is me.



It's *cackle* TRUE.

Peace Alliance

 *rolls eyes* ^ I'm With Stupid

Anywho, lets sum it up:

I'm Beatles
Josh is Retto
Ragefus is Julie
Sheal is julies' penguin
blood wake is wolf bite
and calria is brittney spears???

Have i got it all right?