Loren's not the bad guy?

Started by calria, September 18, 2003, 01:17:43 PM

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 I find it interesting that Loran was asked not to attack someone as they got to full turns so they could attack Loran.  If you think Loran is not real smart, you are right, we trusted you.  We will not make the same mistake again.

Now you ask for peace, after killing our helpless leader and backstabing us with a fack truce.  Hummm, I think we should call a truce so that we can waste our turns as you save up turns to gang attack us again to take out more low ranked members of our clan.

This game has seen new lows!


Quote from: Dead EyeHopefully it wont come to that. We have talked with the new leader and I think he may talk peace.
That would be me, the new leader of Loran.  This statement made by Dead Eye is not true.  I did get 2 letters from the Evil Blades.  

One from Scarwake saying he had just noticed the death of the leader of Loran and he was sorry the Evil Blades had done it.  Checking his News, he attacked as much as the rest of the Evil blades causing the Kill.

The other one was from Dead Eye. He told me that they plan on killing whoever is the the leader of Loran, and if I do not agree to his terms, my death will be next!  I had fully wanted to stay out of this disagreement.  I do not take well to threats against my life and lies.

I think this topic was whether Loran is the bad guy here.  I think we have shown who are the ones without honor.

Sun Tzu
Leader of Loran

Dixie Ros?

 Look, I'm no sheep, but I sure know a turkey! I demand you apoligize  or edit your post!

I'm not really involved too much  in the game. Stupid politics like these bother me. It. Is. A. GAME!!!!!!

The reason I'm fighting the weakest, is beacause I'm not strong enough to attack anyone else.  Or really anyone else in the game. So shut up and enjoy the game!
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"


 If I can just stick my nose into this: The idea that Loren is "innocent" is garbage.  I have been repeatedly attacked by members of the Loren clan for no reason.  I have even been attacked twice by a Loren clan member who is in the top ten, for no reason.  The other two members in my clan have also been repeatedly attacked by Loren, even though they had not attacked any of Loren's members.  I have also received extremely rude messages from two different members of Loren.  Consequently, I (and the other two members in my clan) have been repeatedly attacking members of Loren, and we will continue to do so.
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)


 Dixie Ros? you coward.

Your fighting the weakest member of Loren?  I checked his history.  Your not fighting him, because he has not once attacked you.  It isn't a fight, it is a murder.  He has never attacked you, he hasn't focused his attacks on any one person or any paticular clan.  It looks like he is a new player, and just joined the first clan that offered him membership.

Not only do you pick on someone who hasn't done anything to you, or your clan, or to anyone; but you continue to attack him, even though he hasn't retaliated at all.

I hope you feel big.
Do you enjoy picking on those who cannot defend themself at school too?
Since they don't fight back, is it easy to push them around.

Well, if demolishing an empire that has not once raised a weapon against you is what it takes for you to feel worthwhile, then congratulations, you have proven your value.  You can point at that dying empire that did nothing to you and say proudly "Look everyone, I killed the weakest member of Loren!  Aren't you all impressed?"

This game is only now comming back to life, after what appeared to be certain death.  It was about to die, because we were getting no new players.  Wanna know why we weren't getting new players?  Because of people like you!  Someone new joins the game, trying to decide if they want to play, only to be crushed for no reason.  New players quit joining, because they had no chance.

Redwall almost died because of people like YOU!!

We all know how hard it is to attack someone stronger than yourself.  It takes skill, strength, and most importantly, courage.  If an empire attacks someone much stronger than themselves, regardless of if they succeeded or not, they should be congratulated.  It takes guts to attack someone who is obviously stronger.  Instead of saying "Wow, that was a great move for someone with your rank!"  We say, that person is 30 ranks below me, and for trying to attack me, I am going to crush him!"  Not suprising new people stopped joining.

It is only with this new clan war... that new players have finally gotten a chance to play.  Attentions are focused else ware, giving new players a chance to play, enjoy the game, climb a little in rank, and become addicted to redwall.  People are returning to the game, because they are not getting crushed as soon as they come out of protection.

Kinda like what your trying to do.

I sincerely hope you don't drive him away from this game.  You, along with a lot of other players much stronger than him, succeeded in taking just about all his land.  He has been attack FIVE TIMES more than he has attacked!  What did he do to deserve this?  Nothing that I can see.

Maybe you know him personally, and have some sort of grudge against him.  Maybe he has verbally insulted you, sent nasty ingame messages to you.  Maybe he did something to you that I cannot see.  

What I do see, is you are a bully, and a very nasty person.
However, don't feel singled out.  I say this is true for anyone who attacks not for land, but for the simple pleasure of crushing the hopes of others.  All you sadistic people out there who tremble at the though of attacking those stronger than you, and have to spend your turns attacking those people 30 ranks below yourself.
I am looking at his history and I point out:
Checkerpaw's Horde II (#494)
Revengers of Evil (#411)
The Sockferrets (#49)

All of these empires are considerably stronger than him.
In fact, this weakest member of Loren has the smallest ammount of land in the game out of EVERYONE, yet he is still being attacked.

This game is only now getting fun again.  I hope you and the rest of the bullies out there haven't squashed this new seed of life, just as it was beginning to grow again.

Abby The Rat

 Haven't it once came to your mind Brian, that Dixie Ros? is also new to the game. Very new. So all the time you're shouting at her, you're shouting at a new member.

I'm not very pleased with all the flames being thrown around, please put some thoughts into your post and stop all theses insulting post being thrown around. Keep thy tounge to yourself when it comes to making names for other people.

I am trying very hard to keep this forum a good place to be. I will lock this topic if there are more hate to be coming from it.

Please, this is only a game. No fighting it out in the forum. Not like this. There are limits. Laugh at getting beaten and fight back with joy. Message other players and give them a well done for breaking you.

It's really easy to make it more fun.

Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]

Dixie Ros?

 Look...I STOPPED attacking the guy....


He asked me to. So I did.

*Sniffle* *sniffle*

Why can't you just sit dowm and enjoy it?  

Thankie Ad...


QuoteI hope you feel big.
Do you enjoy picking on those who cannot defend themself at school too?
Since they don't fight back, is it easy to push them around.

How DARE you! I only push around people because IT IS THE OBJECT OF THE GAME! DUH! WAKE UP! I don't feel "big" right now, I feel quite bleeped. I DON'T enjoy picking on kids, because even when I was in school,  (homeshcooled now) I was the smallest, weakest, most picked on  person in the class!  I never really tried hurting anyone, 'cos I'd get the bleep kicked out of me! I hope you feel big yourself! Asulting someone with words is just as low, if now lower!

*Curls up and dies* *calms down* Can't we just get along?
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"



Don't you understand?  I am trying to protect the game.

Up until just a very short time ago, the game was stalled.  Frozen.  People had left the game, nobody was joining.  Many of this games players have chosen to take the low road and chose only to attack people significantly weaker than themselves.  This game is full of bullies and poor sportsmanship, people who see red whenever someone weaker even tries to climb the ranks.

In my opinion, the stagnent nature of the game resulted in most of the experienced player leaving.  This assault on anyone who tries to start playing has resulted in no new members joining.  As a result, there was almost NOBODY playing RWL.

As mentioned above, due to this clan war, things are once again made possible for new players to have fun, and become hooked to the game, like so many other.  I do not want to see the game revert to what it was.  I want new members to have a chance, not to be crushed from the moment they exit protection.

I mean not to flame, but I DO mean to point out that the style of playing of specific people illuminates a very dangerous charecter flaw.  I speak from experience when I say, seeing flaws in your own charecter can be hard.  Often times the offender doesn't realize that what they are doing will hurt others, and have serious reprocutions.

It is my intent to ilistrate these flaws, in the hopes that these, and other people will recognize what they are, and work to correct them.

I hope that Dixie Ros? is not intentially trying to drive away new people.  But her actions, and the actions of others, can result in the loss of players.

I have not said an untruth.  If you can argue or disprove anything that I have said here or on any other post, I truely want to hear it.  I do my very best to believe and forward the truth.  If something that I have said is incorrect, please tell me, and I will appologize.

Dixie Ros?

 Stop picking on me! Go bug CP for a while...

'cos I'm deleting my account.

It's people like you who stall RWL, not me.  
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"


 I am sorry that I hurt your feelings.

I just felt that what you was doing was wrong.  A guy was getting blasted for no reason other than he joined a clan.

I don't want you to delete your account.  Your a good and sensitive person.  I just wanted everyone to stop and think about things from their victims point of view.  

I am glad to hear that you stopped attacking him.  It would even be neat if you guys could work together.  If your both new to the game, maybe you could help each other.  Just a thought.

Dixie Ros?

 Now you get all sweet. Figgures.

Also, IT WAS NOT just because he  was a Lorener, though that had something to do with it...

I'm just too weak because I came in so late. *Mutters as she leaves the topic*
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"


 Sweet?  Me?
Now who is calling who names?

I really don't want you to delete your account.  That is the complete opposite of what I am attempting to do.  I am trying to keep the game fun and exciting for all players, both old and new.

Dixie Ros?

 Then drop the politics, and start kicking some bleep!
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"


 Perhaps you have identified a flaw in my own charecter.

Actually, it is not a new flaw.  I do have a problem with tunnel vision.  I can get so focused on what I see as being wrong, I am only focused on correcting that problem and not on what is going on around me.  In my efforts to protect new people to the game, I did exactly what I accused you of doing.... not considering the "victims" point of view; and for that, I appologize.

I do not claim to know everything, to be smart, or to be wise.  I only want to see everyone have fun, and everyone have a chance to succeed.

In attempting to ensure the second of those desires happens, I violated the first one.  I ruined your fun.  I appologize for that as well.

I am sure there are many ways and different words that I could have used to bring my point across without attacking you so viciously.  I assure you that this conversation will result in a great deal of self-reflection on my part.  I am truely sorry that I hurt you.  That was never my intent.

Dixie Ros?

 Thank you. *bow*

Now, what's your warlord number?
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"