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Started by Angrod Palant?r, September 17, 2003, 06:54:46 AM

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 I didn't know about the 3 attack thing.Like I said early.I could only attack Loren members.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

Angrod Palant?r

 Dead Eye told you to attack Loren members. Doesn't mean you couldn't hit anyone else. :rolleyes:
I odn't have the time to reply to all this stuff, muchly busy. Will come back later.

Mikalae Gildar

 I never 'eard o' any "3-attack rule".  I've only been in Winter for two days now, and no one ever told me "you can't attack more 'n three times a day".  Pish-posh, I say!  And I was attacking people that were the only ones I was able to!  I'm really new at this, and I apologize if i broke any rules or anything.  Just so you know, I am acting apart from Winter when I say the following:

I, Mikalae of the Dark Knights, most solemnly declare war on the forces of Athel Loren.  I cast my lot in with the Blades, through victory or defeat, through death or life, so help me!  I officially declare my allegiances in this coming struggle.  I hope I have made clear that I am acting completely apart from the common sentiments of the Winter Free clan.  Thank you.
"A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place, to force them to acknowledge your greatness."

"Then you kill them?"

"...Only if it's necessary."

--Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "Sacrifice of Angels"

The Lady Shael

 Hm. I heard someone say "three-attack rule", which is why I'm replying. Neat to see some traces of EO chivalry still in the Third Era...I used to follow that rule all the time, even when EO disbanded, but then I turned evil and chaotic. ^_^

On the actual subject of this topic, this is getting chaotic-ly interesting...both sides have good points...I can't decide which side to support, although I'm leaning just a tad towards the Loren side. Not to mention I already admire Mikalae's neutrality and defiance there...*applauds*
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

wolf bite

 Okay, Okay.  I like this.  For a long time I have been saying that Winter is NOT peaceful and no one will respond.  I think other players are worried they will not be invited to the Winter prom.

A law is not a law if there are subjective reasons for not obeying it and there are no punishments for breaking it.

Lets say there is a law that people can not drive 100 miles per hour in a school zone, unless you are in a hurry, or simply feel like doing so.  There is no law.

Now lets look at the Winter ?rule?:

You may only attack a person 3 times per day, UNLESS you have taken a bounty on the person, you are retaliating for any attacks they have made on you at anytime during the past, or you are helping a friend.  And if you decide to break this ?rule?, Winter will not do anything about it because it is not for Winter to tell you how to play.

Gee, by the exceptions to this ?rule?, if ever you where attacked by a horde you can over attack them.  If someone asks you to attack a person, you can.  If you are slimy enough to take a bounty, you can.  And if you can?t find a good reason listed above, you just can.

That is not a rule, but a suggestion!

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 too right wolf bite [I'm a pet and dont even know it!]

go on aim wolf
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


QuoteI've been giving this a lot of thought, and I don't think I'll go to war. My small clan members would just be flattened by the highly-ranked Blades members..

Whaahhhaaa.... Heheheee... I know we would... sorry for dragging you down Ashra...
Me an' Marlox are coming! *looks a little bit too hopeful and is flattened*


 Oh sheesh... I seem to have caused trouble now...

About the Three Attack Rule:
I said it WAS the rule last time there had been one. It used to be in the MOTD, a while back, that it was preferred that you not attack anyone more than 3 times a day without provocation. I didn't say that this was still the case. I, personally, still try to follow it. There's really no good reason not to.

For reference's sake, in regular RWL I am #484, Mistresses of the Black Lagoon.
The reason why I attacked that one warlord so many times (and sorry darling but all those attacks you counted weren't all in one go...) is because it wasn't unprovoked. It was retaliation. True, it was a little over a day after the primary attacks, but I'm full time in college- I don't have the time to be on RRWL all the time, especially with my situations in Turbo, which takes a wee bit of precedence over regular.

Those warlords who want to go to war and who are in Winter should leave the clan and go over to Blades, which is, for the most part, the closest thing we have to a sister clan, seeing as how TJ and Addy are very close friends, and the clans have fairly decent communication lines when it's necessary.

Sometimes I wish I could have a little more in-game action, or get involved in some of the more agressive developments of the game, but, at the moment, I'm with Winter. My allegiance is there, and I will stand for Winter. However, I will stand for Winter and it's players only for as long as its players stand for what I believe Winter is all about.[/b]
I believe this time period may have come to an end.

If I leave Winter, which may happen, I will stand with Blades.

Angrod Palant?r

 My thoughts are all cluttered, not thinking straight.
I just had a lengthy conversation with Ad on this, and he says he will prevent Winter from going to war with us.
But the damage is done, Loren has been harmed greatly, and Winter has to face the penalties for this.
No one has tried to justify their actions without the exception of Calria, and that wasn't enough.
I was halfway through a lengthy post in regards to this topic, when I stopped, reconsidering what I was saying.
Ad has set Loren to Ally to "prevent war", so Winter don't have to be involved. However, it does not satsfy me, nor do I expect it will satisfy the clan. Winter are already involved, in attacking my members. The average warlord thinks before attempting an attack on a Winter member, because of his/her respect for what it stands for. This factor appears to have been overlooked by the majority of Winter, in their vicious attacks.

We will openly go to war with Winter, if that's what the rest of the clan agrees to.
Ad assured me if that happened, Winter could not retal, would not retal- he'd make sure the ally status wasn't changed. This means Loren will be portrayed as the bad guys in the event we go to war, in defending ourselves. I have seen it happen to other clans before.
This is not right. Loren is only looking out for themselves!


 If you retaliate against the entire clan for the actions of a few of its members, then yes, you are the "bad guys."

The actions of these players who've repeatedly attacked you were not actions made on behalf of the clan. Therefore, the whole clan should not have to pay for the mistakes of a few hotheads in our midst.

I have not attacked any member of Loren beyond a few land-grabs, but I have, as stated before, kept to the three-attack rule, and, since this mess has happened, I have been particularly careful when I need land to attack others in-range of me before attacking Loren members. So why should I, and other members of Winter like myself, suffer?

Isn't it bad enough that we have stupid people in our clan with us?  <_<  

Han Solo

Quote from: calriaIf you retaliate against the entire clan for the actions of a few of its members, then yes, you are the "bad guys."

If a clan can't keep control of their own members, uhhhumm winter.  Then it is no ones fault but the clan.  Oh btw keep attacking me cal.  It gives me an excuse to attack you back.  also i don't go by the 3 attack a day rule.


Ashyra Nightwing

Quote from: Skipper
QuoteI've been giving this a lot of thought, and I don't think I'll go to war. My small clan members would just be flattened by the highly-ranked Blades members..

Whaahhhaaa.... Heheheee... I know we would... sorry for dragging you down Ashra...
Me an' Marlox are coming! *looks a little bit too hopeful and is flattened*
Yay! It seems I will be joining in after all!


Quote from: BrainRevengers of Evil (#411) attacked Scarcheek (#527) - 27 consecutive times
Revengers of Evil (#411) attacked Hallucination (#517) - 11 consecutive times
The Sockferrets (#49) attacked Hallucination (#517) - 7 consecutive times
The Sockferrets (#49) attacked Pentephraxis Legion (#7) - 37 consecutive times
Mistresses of the Black Lagoon (#484) attacked  Violet Ray Vixens (#38)  - 33 consecutive times
Dark Knights (#511) attacked Wolven teeth (#515) - 10 consecutive times
Dark Knights (#511) attacked various Clan: Loren members - 31 consecutive times
It is my understanding that a person can only be attacked 21 times a day, unless they are set to war.  Winter claims they have never set anyone to war.  Then how can they attack one person over 21 times?  


 These totals have to have been made based on several days, probably over a week or more.
I know for a fact that Winter's never set anyone to war. Also, in the case of Violet Ray Vixens, she *couldn't* be set to war since she's clanless, which of course proves that it wasn't in one day.


 That is a Lie.

The Sockferrets (#49) attacked Pentephraxis Legion (#7) 29 consecutive times within the span of aprox 15 minutes.  

Starting Wed, 3 Sep 2003 16:17:37 -0700 and ending Wed, 3 Sep 2003 16:31:50 -0700  The Sockferrets (#49)  hit Pentephraxis Legion (#7) 29 times.

Check for yourself.  

It is true that if a person begins fighting back than their max number of being hits goes out the window... but Pentephraxis Legion did not attack ANYBODY during this time.

This you can also check for yourself.

It therefor stands to reason, that the only possible way The Sockferrets, member of Winter, diplomat with ablility to change the Winter Ally/War list... was able to Hit a member of -KOI- is if he/she declared war onto -KOI-'s clan.

Please demonstrate how clan winter
QuoteI know for a fact that Winter's never set anyone to war
managed to attack another person 29 times within 15 minutes without setting anyone to war.