The Great Hall of Incandus

Started by Blackeyes, August 30, 2003, 09:57:19 PM

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                              The Great Hall of Incandus

  As the soft playful breeze blew silently through Swiftpaws tall lanky ears , he thought back to the days of when he was a young leveret travelling through the grand beaches of Salamandastron . He was roaming along the high sand dune hill tops while talking to his old friend Longfoot . He and his friend lead the perilous group of Long Patrol hares of Salamandastron . Soon Swiftpaw was remembering the great battle of  Auman The Angry . Auman was an enourmous fox that went to the end of his rope trying to over take Salamandastron , of course the great battle lord Moyenne had sent him to his grave while all those left living of his horde were sheperd down south .
   As Swiftpaw sat dozing he heard a cry of help as if it travelled upon the wind , he was at it in a dash , Swiftpaw jumped up from his back using his enourmous legs to propel himself . While in mid air Swiftpaw grabbed the large double-ended javelin that all hares carried . Swiftpaw knew excactly what to do , he cried out the old Salamandastron battle roar and took off after the screams .
    He soon realized that this was a problem for all the hares in Salamandastron , marching from behind of an unberable horde of vermin stood a fox who was none other then the son of Auman , obviusly back to get revenge for his father .
   Lord Alcaline had been one of the many hundreds that heard the war cry , almost every hare in Salamandaston was at any opening they could get at to see outside. The badger lord and his hares were down to the main gate in a flash armed to the teeth , Alcaline ran out with three hundred hares behind him to rescue the woodlanders who were running away from the horde while Swiftpaw dropped back and started to run beside his badger lord . "It's a group of 'bout two score of woodlanders runnin' from that horde sir thought you aought to jolly well know wot wot!" "Thank you my friend and how many vermin may there be?"  "About five 'undred me lord." "Good I feel like a grand ol' scrap today , go and tell Rolcky to get four hundred up to the arrow slits and pick off all the outer scum."  "Aye , Aye sir !" "O and Swiftpaw take two hundred and get these pore beast inside will ya?" "At the jippy ol' lad ... I mean yes m' lord." So the battle of First Summers Day began .


                                Redwall Abbey

    Mean while back at Redwall Abbey there was a great feud between the Cellar hog , Durrel and the abbey Friar , Erif . It turned out that the two creatures had been given two different lists of what to make for the father abbots feast . And the fact that the impulsively annoying hare , Setad was snooping around looking for any "extra" bits of food lying around to snich wasn't helping them out atol . But when Setad says extra he means almost a whole bowl of candied chestnuts and a large jug of elderberry wine . So the two old friends quickly put aside there differences and practically hauld the perilous hare out with all there strength being tested over the screams of horror from Setad " I say ould' chaps you wouldn' hold a creature of his scoffin would ya ? " " Yes , we would if it's you askin' you little find . " " I think i'll handle this " said the old badger mother Citam . " Thank you mother we can't stand having that great food walloper hanging about while were tryin to make the father abbots cake . He gave us a list of ingrediants to put in his cake . " "I'll say that abbot of ours is just like a dibbun around times like these" yelled Citam over the never ending cries of the hare . "So Sarhin whats on your mind ? " the father abbot asked a young squirrel " Not much , I'm just realy busy tryin to help my mum and dad organizin the acrobatic display for your twelth season of being abbot . " replied the young squirrel " O well thank you Sarhin , I wont stand in your way any longer , good luck ! "


                            The Never Ending Army

 The fox Whild was in a very bad mood , he had lost atleast one third of his army to the badger and his hares and all he gained was two dead hares of no importance . He called upon his right hand officer " Longfang , I want a word with you . " " Aye , capin wot is it yud like ? " " I want you to gather half the horde and get some good climbers , take them and climb the mountain to night get the horde in there and open up that big boulder then we'll come stormin in and rush em' . " " But sir we don't even know how many hares there are in there ! " exclaimed the frightened weasel . " Well I guess we'll find out won't we ? " " Aye sir " as Longfang trundled off , the warlord was hoping dearly that the amount of hares inside of the large mountain were all that he saw earlier .


                               The Night Time Fall

  But a few of the hares were watching the vermin climb up the steep  slopes of Salamandastron . The leader of these hares was non-other than Longfoot the old Long Patrol Captain . He chuckled to himself at the stupidity of the small minded vermin , they actually thought that they could scale the mountain without being noticed ? The old hare took four others with him , for there was no need to disturb his lord over something so ridiculous . He grabbed ahold of the grappling hook that was hanging from the window and threw it out into thin  air , this was rewarded with many petrified screams , he motioned for the others to do so with the rest and stared down on to the sand laughing out at the expression that was laid upon the dead vermin .


                               The Grand Feast

 The hedgehog and mouse were getting along well in the kitchens due to the less distraction of the quite annoying hare . Meanwhile back at the abbey pond the dibbuns were washing up none to easily for the feast , the mother badger was inspecting all the wet paws before the little babes ran off to eat , standing among a group of little moles a small leveret tried to run without having to bathe but the mother caught her by the scruff of the neck and hauled her back to make an example of . " You all see this little tyrant she will have to be seated down last due to her unberable appetite , what would your father be thinking Awasha ? " " He'd proly say " Awasha you know you gotta clean before eaten doncha wot wot? " and then I'd say " Well papa I was hungry , you know that a hare needs her food to live doncha ? " "Well I'll give yea A for effort missy but to bad your last wetha you like it or not ! " " O but motha Citam I'm really hungry please don't ould' me back , please ? " " The mother badger could not resist any dibbuns face of tears so she threw Awasha into the pond and dragged her out . " There now you can go eat hahahahahaha! " " Will ya look at that one go brother Tordle she's a right old two legged stomach that one is ! " " Aye that she is mother but you gotta feel sorry for her , I mean her and her father were barely alive when we found em' ." " There they were just escaped from that evil hall Incandus and they still had to run for there lives from the vermin . " " That's why I let her go " she explained . " Your such a good soul mother " pruposed brother Tordle .


                                 The Big Problem

 Once the warlord heard of the loss he was furious , he immediatly ordered his two fastest runners to his aid . " Listen , I want you two to take a score others and make a run for the hall return with the other hordes and gather vermin on your way back , we'll need all the help we can get ! " shouted the furious fox " Aye , Aye captain we'll go double time if thats how fast it takes ! " they shouted as they ran off to pick the score of there choice . The two runners weren't that stupid , they decided to pick more than a score and make a run for it for they knew this was a battle not to be won . The pair were also very smart to take the trackers of the group to make sure the lord did not trake them down and have them killed . The runners whos names were unknown due to the fact that they were brothers of many secrets  , were well on there way when they found they had easily just robbed the lord of Southsward of over two hundred armed soldiers . They decided to travel north east and gather vermin from the north because of the tales that were told by the camp fires ,  northerners were fierce fighters .  


                                The Angry Warlord

 The lord of Salamandastron was in a fine old mood   , he had heard the conversation and the fact that the scouters were going in a totally differnet route made the badger smile with glee . He would soon march out of the large front gates with fifty hares and defeat the warlord once and for all . The badger lord went down to the Grand Hall and tolled his hares of his thougths he was overwhelmed with the power the voices brought to him . " Take me sir I'll elp' you slaughter the dirty rapscallions ! " " Nay sir you want a brawn beastie like me , I mean sure I'm a mountain hare but I kin still do the same as any here  are you kin ? " These were just some of the many shouts that were blasted his way. " O.K. , O.K . I'll take you there sir , yes you and you o  and how could I forget my old friend Rolky.
      It went on until the badger finnaly had to growl to get attention , " Now I've chosen my bunch I want the rest of ya to watch from the window and arrow slits and make sure they arent tryin to pull a trap upon us . Thank you . "


                            The Unexpected Visitors

    The feast was a grand old one to remember , the abbey Recorder  , Lanop was swept up from his recordings by a small gang of otters who looked as though they had had far to much to drink . " Well I do say you young rips lemme down or the mother will have to her bout this ! " "Go ahead brother tell me I'm right here . " She was there to , she was helping lift him ! Infact the feast was going so well that almost no one with an exception of the father abbot heard the great abbey bell tolling out  as loud as stormy night on the high seas . The bellringer Kearb was to tired to dance and sing any more , so he chose to go out and have a stroll around the ground . He was suddenly surprised to hear banging upon the large oaken doors , he stopped and stuttered out " W.. Wh..Who goes there ? " " It's us your ol' mates from way back let us in ! " shouted a  unfamiliar voice . The bell ringer took off up the wall steps to look out over the battlements to see who it was and was startled to see a large army of scary looking vermin . The leaders vermin  of the horde would not tell there names but they told the mouse to go fetch his leader ,  they wished to bargain with them . The small bellringer was so over reacting that he didnt even know were he was goin until he found himself tugging the big bells rope and yelling out " Vermin in the front wanting to see the Abbot , Father Abbot please report to the front gates ! "                                                                                                 The Skipper of otters and the Log-a-Log of shrews were at the gates in a flash , with over threehundred shrews , otters and hedgehogs by there side . "What do you want vermin ? " shouted the Skipper " Please we only come in peace friend , were seekin some food and clothinig in a trade for many weapens and rare valuables . "  the two vermin leaders cried out together " Ye can wait a moment vermin ! " the shrew leader screeched out .


                             The Bringers of Death

 The warlord woke up the next morning to find almost all he had left were about four score of vermin , this did not add pleasure to his mood . " I want those yellow bellied , lizard kising , manging mungrels back her with there heads on a stake . " the warlord cried out to his followers . His right hand companion was out lookinig for the warlords trackers in a flash hoping to dear god that he found them , but alas his search came in vain , he did not find any trackers atol . He reported this with four vermin that saw what happened the night before by his side . The right hand companion told the four vermin to tell the leader all they had seen while other vermin rose slowely to the ferocious yells from there lord , the badger and his hares could be heard laughing at the pitiful site that met there eyes .


                           Redwallers Enter The War

 The otters and shrews were all for attacking the foe beast showing the abbot that it could be done easily , but the father would not hear of it , he sent some helpers to gather a score of haversacks full of food . While he himself went down to the pond and gathered as many canteens full of water as he could carry . The vermin were glade the abbey creatures were so nice because if they weren't the plan would fail completely ... The otters and shrerws had other plans on there minds while the abbot was getting the water and food ready they slipped out of the east wicker gate and started after the small army that was headed north . The small leveret Awasha saw the army go out after the vermin and slipped out after them wanting to show she wasn't little any more , she armed herself with a fallen dagger and a sling that her father had made her . It wasn't till later that Setad soon found out that the small east wicker gate was left completely open . Setad was away in a flash  desperetly searching for the Skipper of otters or the Log-alog of shrews , he soon came upon the father abbot . " Father you must gatha the army my little darling Awasha is gone i found the east wicker gate wide open ! Please help me ! " shouted Setad .


                           The Small And Pathetic Battle      

   The small army of vermin on the beaches was growing less and less each day due to the fact that nobody wanted to face the badger lord when he came . The warlord now had only one hundred vermin left and was getting scared , so he decided one night that he would just so happen to disappear , he would then go back to the grand hall that he loved so dearly and bring a brand new better horde . The badger lord saw everything from his window sill he watched the fox scurry away along the cliff side to the long rope ladders he had used with his horde to get down after the woodlanders he had wanted to catch as slaves . The badger and his hares charged , it was over in the blink of an eye there was hardly any blood because the vermin ran to the shallows hoping to get a chance to run away . The badger kept on running after the sly fox that was already at the top of the rope ladder and slowing down thinking that he had no persuers . Lord Alkaline grabbed the javelin of a nearby hare and threw it , it was hard and almost true had the vermin kept going the pace he was it would of killed him but it only took him threw the leg . The fox screamed with pain but kept on climbing he breeched over the top to find him self staring into the eyes of the two vermin he had sent off in search of help . They were trying to cut through the rope that held the ladder up . The lord screamed " Don't cut it yet the badger and his hares are coming and the hall is just over those hills let them come we'll defeat them with our horde . " " To hell with the badger there's an army almost as big as ours after us , put the two together and were all doomed . " " Aye , yelled the second comander we should all run for the hall and board it up good we can beat them off from there . " But the lord was already up running off , heading up north once he saw the woodlanders coming . He shouted back to his old horde  " Either follow me or diiiiiii ! " his shout was cut short by an arrow shoot deadly by the skipper . The badger breeched the top with his hares just as the woodlanders arrived the battle had finally started . The other hordes came from The Great Hall of Incandus but even with the back up support the army was soon demolished the guisom shrews had made tiny circles and were pulling off a miraculous defeat with only few being taken down by long javelins other woodlanders that were being chased in the first place were helping out aswell , but with no need to . The badger Lord had the bloodwrath upon him and was taking them on ten by ten and hurling them off the cliff face , you could hear their screams from far off.

                 Families were reunited with  families and gladily taken back home to Redwall . The hares and there lord accompanied the small band back to Redwall and were welcomed with a grand feast that was really made for the finding of Awasha . She was discovered by an old friend of the Abbots that lived just near to the Abbey , her name was Elbix and was soon traced back to find that she was the grand mother of Awasha . There was enough food laid out  in the Great Hall that night that those eating were literally bulging with food , infact there was so much that they said that there was enough food to last a horde coming home from a ten season famine and they really needed it with all the hares about !

                  The End
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Ashyra Nightwing

 That was very well-written, Blackeyes! A good story as well!


 Thank you. But I think I need to extend the ending abit. I mean it dosent tell of them going back to redwall or anythign. But thanks anyways.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

The Beatles

 Great. Just please run it through a spell checker, it took me effort to read some bits.


 Sorry about that. I was hoping cal would read it and give me some help there.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....