GenCon Pics

Started by TR Shadow, August 11, 2003, 02:05:01 PM

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Quote from: Mark
Quote from: BlackeyesHeh, well it's old here. I actually have some still I should go looking for them.*Wonders off aimleslly.*sp?
Aimlessly, Mate.

I never got very many, I only got a couple to see what they were.  I'm not very fond of pokemon myself really.  And it's almost 5 years old's a waste of time and money, if ya ask me.
Thank ya mate.

And it's not shiiny. There called holographics. Yeeesh, I don't even play and I know what their called.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Ashyra Nightwing

 I don't care. I call them shiinies, and that's what they are. Shiny, see? *waves one in front of Blackeyes's face*


 *Pulls out of Ashyras hand and rips into tiny little peices* Haha, nowit's all diiiiirty lol!
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 No! Don't hurt the shiny object! *buys another holographic Pokemon card* *to give to Shael* *perhaps*
"JWPOINGKLGNF, she says. This is non-typical. Why she says it, we're not sure."


Quote from: Blackeyes
Quote from: Mark
Quote from: BlackeyesHeh, well it's old here. I actually have some still I should go looking for them.*Wonders off aimleslly.*sp?
Aimlessly, Mate.

I never got very many, I only got a couple to see what they were.  I'm not very fond of pokemon myself really.  And it's almost 5 years old's a waste of time and money, if ya ask me.
Thank ya mate.

And it's not shiiny. There called holographics. Yeeesh, I don't even play and I know what their called.
(Isn't it annoying when people reply to quotes inside of quotes in quotes?)
Shiny is a much quicker and easier to say. Holographic has 4 syllables, shiny has two. When you're talking about cards in a frenzied manner (which people do), which would you rather say, holographic or shiny? The latter is obviously the choice.

I had Pokemon cards once, my little bro still loves his.
"Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig!" "TRIO, TRIO, TRIO!"
I will not deleted this

Ashyra Nightwing

 Yes. No-one touches the shiiny stuff. Got it?

*hides her shinies in a safe in the cellar*

The Lady Shael

 *takes card from Ashyra* Oooh......shiny. *admires card*
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Dixie Ros?


I wanted to go....
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"

Kenny Boy

 No offense to you people, but man you have the nerdiest games!

And notice how Colin is like the only normal looking kid there, everyone else is fat or wasting their time.

I mean man, why do you spend all your money, and most of your time, to buying peices of cardboard to show off, I have never met anyone that goes "Woah what a great card!" I personally think teenagers are getting sucked into a fad, and they dont wanna get off thier behinds and go outside.

The only reason I play this game is so that I can rival my cousins in yet another thing, If they didnt play I would spend the 15 minutes a day I come on here outside Accomplishing something, or getting a workout, I'm sorry but this is kinda a dumb fad too, call this post flaming but I really mean it!

Watch all you nerds are gonna sit here for another long while trying to give me a nice explaination on why they like this site and pokymon and whatever other dumb fads they take part in, but really inside you guys are all in denial.
Hi! I'm Ken and I am cooler than you!

K Money (#25)

highest rank:3

Hello everyone, I have given up on regular and now I only play turbo.
user posted image

Duke Aubres

 0.o Oooooo-KAY. I come here, and came here because I homeschool. When you homeschool, you have almost no social life whatsoever. My friends can vouch for me. I did this to meet people. We are NOT nerds. I took a check at the photo album for RWL. Most of us are pretty good looking, anyway. NONE are fat. Please, when you have an opinion like that, keep it to yourself, as it only hurts people's feelings. Tah-Tah!

~Duke Aubres~


Kenny Boy

 I'm homeschooled too, dosen't mean you can't go around trying to meet kids, believe me I have girls hitting on me, and older girls too, im in 7th and someone in 9th wants to make out with me and shes hot, but believe me, if you want to meet friends do something somewhere besides your computer, and not pokymon or [not allowed] (Note to all: I'm a fool.) like that, cuz mostly nerds play that, just go and meet friends, believe me I was completely a nerd but then I met people, got some good hobbies that I like that dont wast my money or time, and now I literally have girls asking me out every day.

Homeschooling stinks yes, but school isn' the only place to get a social life!
Hi! I'm Ken and I am cooler than you!

K Money (#25)

highest rank:3

Hello everyone, I have given up on regular and now I only play turbo.
user posted image

Ashyra Nightwing

 Ken, shut up. we're not nerds. If you think we are, you can keep your opinions to yourself. I do have friends. You can still have a social life /and/ play RWL, you know. If you think we're all nerds, you can leave.

Duke Aubres

 Is girls all you care about? I am confused. Ah, yes. I DO do things besides the computer. Except, I don't talk about it here. I bet you do something that is not considered cool during your lifetime. And even if we are nerds, it means little. Do we get fined for not comforming to the social norm? Will be be tarred and feathered? You might want to re-organize your priorities. Mine are:

1. God

2. Family

3. Soccer, 4-H club, Historical club

4. School

5. RWL

Please do not write off everyone here as dorks. It's really unbecoming of you.

Kenny Boy

 See you guys are in denial, I never said you are a nerd for playing RWL, and I never said computer people are nerds, I mean people that waste their time DEFENDING and TAKING PART IN these stupid fads, not RWL I mean pokymon and whatever else, and if yopu have a social life and still like pokymon its not that great of one, its with other nerds that are desperate for a social life!
Hi! I'm Ken and I am cooler than you!

K Money (#25)

highest rank:3

Hello everyone, I have given up on regular and now I only play turbo.
user posted image

Ashyra Nightwing

 Shut up! If I like Pok?mon, how does it affect you? You don't need to go on ranting about it to everyone..
I know Pokemon isn't a very "cool" thing to like. I don't collect the cards to be cool, I collect them because I actually like them. You can't just go around telling people what to like! Keep going this way, and you'll be gagged.