attack of the canadians

Started by Blood Wake, August 10, 2003, 05:39:09 PM

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Blood Wake

 no offense to anyone

thegamewolf: blah blah jhgk
thegamewolf: bloogle blabette
soneone: k
soneone: wboi
soneone: monhigh
thegamewolf: DO YOU KNOW WHO I BE!??
thegamewolf: I DON'T
soneone: yeppers
soneone: noppers
thegamewolf: I BE ME YOU BE Ye
soneone: Jesus is lord
soneone: and never the twain shall meet
thegamewolf: BUt OF COURSE
soneone: hee hee
thegamewolf: IS YOU YOU???
thegamewolf: i not me
soneone: absolutely
soneone: i is you
thegamewolf: i is blo
thegamewolf: od
soneone: ribbit
thegamewolf: wak
thegamewolf: e
soneone: Blood Wak-e?
thegamewolf: yuP
soneone: hmmm
thegamewolf: I am me
soneone: Never heard of a Blood Wak-e
thegamewolf: no i am blood wakribbite
soneone: Ooooooooh
thegamewolf: Oooooooh?
soneone: Cool name
thegamewolf: Oooooooooh
soneone: Yesh.
thegamewolf: bloodwakribbite?
soneone: VERY kewlio name.
soneone: Kind of oriental.
thegamewolf: you is me
soneone: Or maybe German..
thegamewolf: lol
thegamewolf: i be chinaese
thegamewolf: turkesyanese too
thegamewolf: and AFRICANIZED!
soneone: EEP
thegamewolf: Ahh
soneone: Even...
soneone: Even..
soneone: *shudders*
thegamewolf: ......
thegamewolf: i'm
soneone: Canadian-ized!?!?
thegamewolf: AAHHHHHHH!!!!!!
thegamewolf: AHHH
thegamewolf: AHHHAAAAAHHHHH!!!
soneone: Eep
soneone: *hides*
thegamewolf: not canadian-ized
thegamewolf: NO!!!!!
thegamewolf: *hides*
thegamewolf: *finds pizza and eats it*
thegamewolf: Oh save me jebus!
soneone: lol
soneone: Er...
soneone: Was the pizza Canadian?
soneone: Because if it was, you're now Canadian also
thegamewolf: i... think it was... NO!!!
thegamewolf: NO!!
soneone: It's a chemical reaction thingy
thegamewolf: NO!
soneone: *GASP*
soneone: LOOK
thegamewolf: WHAT?!?!
soneone: YOUR ACCENT
soneone: IT'S
thegamewolf: NO!!
soneone: CANADIAN
soneone: *dies*
thegamewolf: NO!!!!!
soneone: Bwahahahahaha
soneone: *laughs while dying*
thegamewolf: *falls to knees*
thegamewolf: I dont want to live!
thegamewolf: I'll see ye soon satan!!!
soneone: ???????????
thegamewolf: *picks up knife* AHH! IT TURNED INTO CANADIAN BACAN!!!
thegamewolf: AHHHH!!!!
soneone: *runs away from blood ribbitwake*
thegamewolf: *BLOOD
soneone: Sorry
soneone: *runs away from person*
thegamewolf: *RUNS TO YOU*
thegamewolf: HA
thegamewolf: HA
thegamewolf: HA
thegamewolf: HA
thegamewolf: HA
soneone: NOOOOOO
thegamewolf: HAHAHAHA
soneone: *turns into canadian cow*
soneone: MOOOOO
thegamewolf: AAHHHHHH!!!!!
soneone: *charges him*
thegamewolf: *runs*
thegamewolf: *RUNS OFF CLIFF*
soneone: Bwahahaha
thegamewolf: RUNS BACK*
thegamewolf: ITS A CARTOON
thegamewolf: YISS YISS
soneone: Yay!!
thegamewolf: AAHHHH!! A CANADIAN COW!!!
thegamewolf: *runs to other side of cliff*
soneone: Harr Harr!
thegamewolf: OI BE A MOLE!!
soneone: *gasp*
soneone: A canadian mole
thegamewolf: NOT ANYMORE!
soneone: THIS I have to see
thegamewolf: NO, NO MORE MOLE!
soneone: YAY!
thegamewolf: NO MORE COW!!!!
soneone: ?
soneone: I LIKE being a cow
thegamewolf: I DONT LIKE YOU BEING COW!!
soneone: Oou
soneone: Sorry
thegamewolf: it scares me
soneone: *hides under blanket*
thegamewolf: *hides under spaggheti*
soneone: Yum!
soneone: *munch munch*
thegamewolf: IT HAS CANADIAN BACON!!!!!
soneone: Eeep
thegamewolf: RUN!!
soneone: *dies*
thegamewolf: Cant... breathe
thegamewolf: CANT STOP... laughing
soneone: lol
soneone: lol
thegamewolf: Need... chinese food
thegamewolf: Orange CHICKEN
thegamewolf: *easts orange chicken*
thegamewolf: ALL SAVED
soneone: Yay!
soneone: I gotta go
soneone: Bye
thegamewolf: NO!!!!
soneone: Sorry
thegamewolf: COME BACK!!
soneone: Canadians...
thegamewolf: *dies for good*
soneone: *is zombie-like*
soneone: Byee
thegamewolf: *dies again*
soneone signed off at 3:23:31 PM.  
I am Emperor Cornswallow Balthazar Eradicus Shunt VII, ruler of the Blood Wake empire.

picture made by my brother Klowd19

My project, Fasba Fpel broke world records and collaborated with some incredible musicians. Download the free music or watch videos:


At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?

Ungatt Trunn II


Ungatt Trunn II


Sorry, I meant Canadia. Not Canada.


I have learned not to trust Canada. Not since I found that Canadian bacon was really just ham.

Kyrolin Zenyar

Highest Rank: 1 (turbo)
Lowest Rank: Last?
Status: Playing Skyrim...
Quote from: Krowdon on May 29, 2011, 08:52:15 PM
Who goes to war over spam? ohrite, we do. RSL!



how dare you use the name of spam in vain!
1. Mike Oxlong (#14)
$16,999,999,999 with 275,000 Acres
3. AL CAPONE (#23)
$887,873,381 with 14,939 Acres
3. wrecking balls (#9)
$801,398,171 with 32,301 Acres
1. Nazgul (#5)
$1,503,190,327 with 201,952 Acres

Kyrolin Zenyar

Highest Rank: 1 (turbo)
Lowest Rank: Last?
Status: Playing Skyrim...
Quote from: Krowdon on May 29, 2011, 08:52:15 PM
Who goes to war over spam? ohrite, we do. RSL!


But I'm not using the word spam in vain. I am using it to put emphasis on the topic.

Kyrolin Zenyar

Highest Rank: 1 (turbo)
Lowest Rank: Last?
Status: Playing Skyrim...
Quote from: Krowdon on May 29, 2011, 08:52:15 PM
Who goes to war over spam? ohrite, we do. RSL!


That, my friend, is using the word spam in vain.

Kyrolin Zenyar

Highest Rank: 1 (turbo)
Lowest Rank: Last?
Status: Playing Skyrim...
Quote from: Krowdon on May 29, 2011, 08:52:15 PM
Who goes to war over spam? ohrite, we do. RSL!


1. Mike Oxlong (#14)
$16,999,999,999 with 275,000 Acres
3. AL CAPONE (#23)
$887,873,381 with 14,939 Acres
3. wrecking balls (#9)
$801,398,171 with 32,301 Acres
1. Nazgul (#5)
$1,503,190,327 with 201,952 Acres

Kyrolin Zenyar

Highest Rank: 1 (turbo)
Lowest Rank: Last?
Status: Playing Skyrim...
Quote from: Krowdon on May 29, 2011, 08:52:15 PM
Who goes to war over spam? ohrite, we do. RSL!