My opinion.

Started by Almkman, August 05, 2003, 03:35:49 PM

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The Lady Shael

Quote from: The MercenaryShael I said I was leaving as well, but I do check in now and then to see if anything has changed for the better. (It hasn't, it's gotten worse actually) Ereptor and many others have left for the same reasons, the only reason you and Teufel are going "Be happy, its great, don't give up!" is because you just got your new jobs and like the authority.

You were never that way before. I agree with Ereptor completely, and do not meen to attack you as respected old friends, but at the same time I disagree entirely with your viewpoints.
Fine, disagree with us if you want, but I, mod or not, would do anything to bring life back into RWL. I could prove it to you too, by asking Ad to remove my mod powers, and I wouldn't care.

Don't say "You were never that way before.", because you don't know what I was like before. I've been here forever since a week after RWL went up, and I've been here through everything, seen people come and go, watched Emperors rise and fall, and played all Eras from beginning to end.

I'm not saying that RWL ISN'T dying, it's hard to ignore that. What I'm saying is that while you and Ereptor with your little RWL pessimist group shouting, "RWL's dead, posting on these forums is useless because there's no one here." that's not true because as long as this forum is up, I'll be here, with Teufel, and a good load of other people, I'm sure.

You guys are sitting around, convinced RWL's dying for sure, and providing evidence that it is. Me and Teufel are trying all we can to avoid that fate, and we're actually keeping a positive attitude and doing something.

There's nothing wrong with being an optimist. "Risk a chance, and if you make it, that's wonderful, but if you don't, then you can learn from those mistakes and make better decisions next time." Teufel has a point, because of all of you pessimists, you're not in the least helping this forum at all. We're just trying to do a job. Being a mod doesn't mean predicting the end of RWL.

Go ahead then, go on and ask an admin to take away my mod powers, right now, if you wish. Becoming a mod didn't change my determination and effort. Removing a mod would only put another wound in RWL's side and you'll have that on your consience. I wouldn't care.

I can't express my utter disgust at all of you. It's plain to see that the number of RWL members are dwindling, yet you only confirm it and don't do a thing about it.

"If anything has changed for the better", eh? So what's this now? *sweet voice* I'm sure you'd love to join RWL again, to play against worthy competition, to argue and agree and debate with others on the forum, now, wouldn't you? *sweet voice now laden with poison* So you just sit back, enjoying your life, watching RWL's struggling progress from afar, just hoping that maybe with a stroke of luck, the life will jump back into RWL by itself, eh?

Don't say that there isn't any way for you to help, because there is. First of all, shut up about RWL: Armageddon, and get rid of that idiotic attitude. Second of all, try to post more on these forums, spa room, polls, strategies, whatever. Third, sign up for RWL if you don't have an account. Fourth, tell your friends about RWL. Fifth, go out to other sites, don't care what, and ADVERTISE. Sixth, don't EVER get me angry again, because it makes my fingers sore with typing, and I usually stay in this mood for the remaining week.

You're all lucky this is over the internet, because if it wasn't, I'd slap all of you in the face with all my strength, right now. And I guarantee that would be a slap you won't forget right away.

It's a shame Raine left without a arguments are usually longer and a bit more clever when we're both in the same debate.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

The Mercenary

 I am almost amused by that post, but not quite. You see your completely and totally wrong, and blinded by the viewpoint that everything will work out in the end. So you have stuck with the game for a bit, you and who else? No one really is interested in the least.

My little pessimistic group? Do me a favor Shael, and see how many people think RWL is doing fine, and then see how many people agree with me and Ereptor? Wait, hold on, no... You're completely wrong again! Shame, it really is.

Good for you, you won't give up hope! Maybe you and Teufel can have yourself a wonderful two person debate on these forums. Never give up, never surrender. I can just imagine a year from now seeing you two the only members posting away. Have yourself a grand time!

Let's prove another point here... Have you been active most of this era? Have you Shael? You weren't on vacation for 90% of it were you? So you don't play, you merely post on the forums about playing. Then say you've stuck with the game for oh so long.

Yes I do sit back here seeing if something will change. Since everyone is so positive and enthusiastic like you, loads of people in your words, then I am quite sure you can get the job done. Go advertise around Shael, do what your telling everyone else to do... Guess what though? It will fail pitifully.

See when people get angry and upset, like you in this argument, its usually a sign they are on the losing end. Your trying to convince people your right by saying you would slap them. Great idea.

I really don't care how optimistic you are: Hope and dreams don't accomplish anything alone.


 Since it's apparently time for heated debate, elevated language, Terrouge vs. RWL, and extremely long and multi-paragraphed posts, I suppose I ought to stick my prodigiously eloquent nose in and say a few words.

Get out your dictionaries now, children, because I'm in English teacher mode at the moment, and I only bring down the level of my vocabularly when I feel like it.

First, to almkman:
You have made the statement that the forums have become "increasingly annoying," and therefore condemn the activities of our little group, saying that we have nothing left to discuss. I make the following points in response:
1) You have not been around these forums near as long as some of us have. You joined on May 11th. Therefore, you have seen the forum's activity only during the summer months, when we, a group that generally consists of students, are on break, and therefore at our peak of Internet activity. I have been, for over five years now, involved in many web communities filled with people in our age demographic, and know from extensive experience that a drop in activity is always to be expected in late July, and that it generally will not resume it's usual tenacity until September. Think about this: Who are our forum's best and most active participants, and where are they now? Aus has been on vacation for the last few weeks. Ad only returns from a week in Germany today. Julie, our beloved TR Shadow, is also on vacation. There are others as well who are involved in end-of-summer activities, and will be distracted subsequently by the beginning of school.
Understand the causes behind any problem before you speak, lest you reveal yourself as a propigator of only half-masticated truths.

Also, my apologies should you find this point insulting in some manner, but the time period in which you came into these forums was, in reality, the end of the "newbie problem" on these forums, at the very least in my experience. True, there have been isolated incidents of newbism since then, but, when compared to the extent of annoying newbism this forum has seen in the past, they're completely negligible. Once again, experience will show you what limited observation cannot.

In regards to Terrouge, my opinion:
Terrouge is an excellent forum, currently experiencing an extreme peak in its activity, due to QBIII. However, while in surface appearance they are a forum similar to ours, in truth, they are not. RWL is based on a game, which is in turn based on the Redwall series, and has a member base in the 12-16 crowd, and a less elevated and less literary focus. Conversely, Terrouge's focal point is their zine, which intrisically causes their forums to have posts of greater literary merit, a better reaction to spagging, a higher age range, and a more inclusive range of subject matter. You cannot fairly compare the two. I, personally, enjoy the Terrouge forums, but place my first priority with Redwall: Warlords. Is there truley a need for competition between the two sites?

I may come later and make more points, but, for the moment, I believe I've said my rightful piece.


 Actually I joined in April but my account got deleted at the same time Ashyra's did.Have you read Aqualis's goodbye address yet?
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

The Mercenary

 Calria, I advise you not to call me a little child again. Please don't even get me started with you.

The Lady Shael

 You're a very dark person, you know that? No hope, no cheeriness, no humor, no optimism, no sense...if you didn't have stubborness and pessimism, you'd be an empty person.

Let's go through this by each paragraph, shall we?

1st: What I was trying to say when I said I've been here for awhile is, that you haven't. And so you don't know me. This is the first time you've ever acknowledged me on RWL anyways.

2nd and 3rd: Please notice that the entire population of RWL has not posted in this topic, only a few members, and that that does NOT necessarily mean that they will all surely agree with you. This also doesn't mean more people will join later on.

4th: Maybe I haven't been active on the game for a while...I'd like to see you try with my schedule. Added to all the other things I do at RWL, I also: visit Terrouge, visit quite a few role-playing sites, chat on AIM and MSN(on which my connection has been broken lately because of a storm), update my Redwall website, not to mention work on ideas for my other FOUR sites, among other various things. That doesn't even include the things I have in my REAL life. Lately I've had to go out and buy all my school things, since my school starts tomorrow, at 7:30, and I've had a lot of AP American History work the teacher assigned us over the summer(which includes sixty notecards, reading "Profiles in Courage", and an essay). I also volunteer to play the piano at some nursing homes, participate in a Filipino dance troupe which travels around Central Florida, and manage to spend time with my family to watch movies, eat out for dinner, visit theme parks, etc, etc.

5th: Fail? No, my dear Mercenary, not if you know where and who to advertise to.

6th: When people are angry and upset in an argument, it usually means that the other person refuses to be reasonable and is blind to see the obvious. I couldn't convince people I was right, they're all so confused now they probably don't know what to believe anyways. You yourself could use a good slapping, though.

7th: "Nothing happens unless first a dream." What makes you think I'm only hoping and dreaming about the rebirth of RWL?

[EDIT] Didn't see Cal's post.

8th: No one else, hm? Worried Cal might get the better of you? No, probably not, but that was a rather weak retort.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 I have a problem with your 6th paragraph.You could be the person blind and is unreasonable.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

The Lady Shael

 I noticed that as well, but I was trying to be a little less biased, I was only trying to correct his definition of an angry person.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Quote from: The MercenaryCalria, I advise you not to call me a little child again. Please, don't even get me started with you.
Darlin', I'd love to see you start with me. It would make my day.
However, until you find it in your grammatically-challenged and puerile mind to do so, I will indeed continue against your advice.

You are, indeed, a little child.

For kicks, I've corrected your post. You really must pay more attention in English class, you know...

The Mercenary

 Would you rather have me do a 2 page long post attacking her in every way possible Shael? Because if you insist, that's fine with me.

"No hope no cheeriness" I'm a very happy person Shael, but I am a realistic person. I am not some fool idealist who thinks everything can be worked out. Positive thinking really does little on a game like this. I state things the way they are, and when I post my posts are meaningful.

Does it matter if I know you? Where did that come in for the argument? Wait, I am looking around... No it didn't show up at all. Thank you for that complete waste of a paragraph. I don't care if you've been here since day one, that has nothing to do with the fact that the site's dying. Thank you for your failed efforts once again.

The entire optimistic population of RWL could be counted on one. How many people even post anymore Shael? Truly almost all the people I talk to agree with me, you see all those "leaving" messages Shael? Take a hint? It is kind of obvious, but since you seemed to miss it: Everyone is leaving for a reason.

Do you really think I care about your schedule? At all? I mean congratulations you dance and read books. I really could care less, actually I couldn't care less. Thank you, yet again, for missing the point of my paragraph. In simple words the paragraph said: You don't play, so don't tell others to. Now instead of saying I am correct, which I am, you responded by saying why you couldn't play. Stop making failed, off-topic, foolish points.

Fail? You are already failing. For every person you get to join, three more good old players leave. RWL is over, everyone agrees. Talk to the people on Terrouge if you want to see why they left Shael.

You can't prove your point because you are blatantly wrong which is what I have been saying. You go ahead and do your best to rebuild RWL, maybe you can multi account 900 times and make 50 forum names, then you'd save it! Good luck to you!

Warlords is dying : Some are to blind to see it.

Ok Calria, you can spell. And YoU have Nothing, better: at all/ then to correct other people's writing. Mainly because, look at your picture. Actually go look in the mirror for a second at yourself. ROFL. That is why you have the time to spend your life online correcting people's spelling. Everyone was so happy when you left, I barely go on the forums anymore just so I don't have to look at the picture on your avatar. My family is having nightmares about it.

No double posting, now, my hopeless Mercenary, tsk, tsk, I thought you read the rules.


 If you are, as you seem to be, so intent on the death of RWL, then perhaps you should go ahead and leave, and further your cause that much more.

Your hatred for your fellow RWLers is apparent in every post you make, and these negative energies certainly aren't helping those of us who love these forums keep them alive.

Shael, ignore his immaturity. Some children take a long time to do what others do by instinct: grow up.

-edited to reflect this msot recent post-
Ok Calria, you can spell. And YoU have Nothing, better: at all/ then to correct other people's writing. Mainly because, look at your picture. Actually go look in the mirror for a second at yourself. ROFL. That is why you have the time to spend your life online correcting people's spelling. Everyone was so happy when you left, I barely go on the forums anymore just so I don't have to look at the picture on your avatar. My family is having nightmares about it.

Yes, I can spell. I can also write, compose music, play it on several different instruments, draw decently, and code webpages. First and foremost, though, I love the people who I care about with a certain level of ferocity. That is something you don't seem to grasp.
As to your comments regarding my personal appearance, yes. I am overweight. I know that I'm not the most beautiful person in the world. If my avatar is keeping you away from the forums that much, though, maybe I should put a larger picture in my signature, and keep you away permanently. Moreover, if your family has seen my picture, then I congratulate you on the fact that their lives are just as insipidly inane as yours is.

If all you can resort to is personal attacks on my appearance, in an attempt to insult and hurt me beyond any abilities I might posess to respond, you've picked the wrong girl. I am beautiful where it counts, and I've withstood worse persecution than even you, with all your torturous words, can muster.

The Mercenary

 I hate no one here, with the exception of you, I am trying to keep my argument here calm with Shael. Either way though, I think my argument with you goes like this:

Subway, Eat Fresh. Six new sandwhiches, with only six calories.


 See the edit to my post above.

The Mercenary


Calria you started this argument with me. I will attack you personally as it seems to have no effect on you. Are you overweight? big-boned? or do you prefer another euphemism?

Anyways, where are you beautiful? Your not funny, your personallity is lacking at best. You are very fond of yourself, and a very large group of people really dislike you. You find it somewhat rewarding to correct younger children's grammar who are trying to have a good time, and you seem to think your constant berating and patronizing tone is appreciated. So how are you beautiful?


 Merc, I used to have a shred of respect for you both as a person and a player. You've completely gone over the line though. Anyone who is so immature as to attack someone because of their weight can't even be taken seriously.

I just wish everyone who thinks that RWL is dead/dying would leave and never come back. You are the ones who are making it die because of your stinking attitudes toward the game and the people who play the game. The admins are working on things to make RWL better. They need to be given time, not be told that it's a lost cause (which it's not).

I happen to be an extremely optimistic person, but I'm also quite a practical person. RWL will die if something isn't done to revamp the regular server. But if something is done, I don't believe it will die.

-edit- After seeing your latest post, Merc, I believe I'll close this topic, since you seem to not know the meaning of NOT FLAMING.

"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart