My opinion.

Started by Almkman, August 05, 2003, 03:35:49 PM

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The Lady Shael

QuoteWould you rather have me do a 2 page long post attacking her in every way possible Shael? Because if you insist, that's fine with me.

*smiles* Oh, no, be my guest, go ahead. Fill up the entire forums for all you're worth, Cal happens to be a good debater. And you're not leaving me out of this, Cal.

Quote"No hope no cheeriness" I'm a very happy person Shael, but I am a realistic person. I am not some fool idealist who thinks everything can be worked out. Positive thinking really does little on a game like this. I state things the way they are, and when I post my posts are meaningful.

While Raine disproved my theory that "Nothing is Impossible", that doesn't mean everything is. And we'll never know if we try, will we? It's always worth a shot. What is there to lose? Nothing. What is there to gain? So, so, much.

QuoteDoes it matter if I know you? Where did that come in for the argument? Wait, I am looking around... No it didn't show up at all. Thank you for that complete waste of a paragraph. I don't care if you've been here since day one, that has nothing to do with the fact that the site's dying. Thank you for your failed efforts once again.

Hm, well, I believe you said in your first post retorting to me that you said, "You've changed since you've become a mod.", or something along those lines. You wouldn't know, because you /don't/ know me.

QuoteThe entire optimistic population of RWL could be counted on one. How many people even post anymore Shael? Truly almost all the people I talk to agree with me, you see all those "leaving" messages Shael? Take a hint? It is kind of obvious, but since you seemed to miss it: Everyone is leaving for a reason.

People come, people go, dear Mercenary. There were around 20 people online in the game 30 minutes back, why they don't post on the forums is their own business.

I'd write more, but my mother wants me to get off the comp, and I need to go pack my school stuff anyways.

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Abby The Rat

 As an Admin of RWL forum, I think I need to have a say. RWL is not dying.

I have access to the stats for the forum, and I found that we have been posting at least 100 each day. And it's still going at that rate. So who's to say the forum is dying.

And why do you think they made two new mods and a new admin who are active? Isn't that at least a sign of life?

And most of all these "leaving topics" are made by people who have come BACK. Klamath came back for a bit. Bloodrath still shows up. I'm still here, and I've been here since the beginning of RWL life.

Didn't you know, with your "RWL is dead," you have caused a burst in posting. Maybe even causing a record for this week. Name me 5 people who have done a leaving topic. I know you two have done one. However, look. You're still here saying RWL is dead. That doesn't count as leaving forever.

There are at LEAST 20 people who post more then one a week, and ask me to name them, because I could go on for a while.

The LOWEST new posts in a day was 49, and that was 3 months ago. Right now, I have inside info that something is being worked on for RWL. So, something new. Do you think this would be happening if RWL is dead?

Do you want me to go on, proving you wrong? As an Admin, with all my souces, I can easily get facts and get others to back me up. You want me to get someone from Terrouge to back me up or from TSOR.

I'm going to stop here and open the topic, as long as there is no more flaming because I want to see the other forum members' opinions.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 I don't see why the fact whether the forum is dying or not is of any importance.  As far as I knew, RWL was a game, not a forum.  I don't mean to sound facetious, but with the exception of people like myself who aren't into the game anymore, the forum had always seemed to me to be a supplement to the game.  While Terrouge forums are big, the core of that place is a mag, so even with the forums there being huge, they could still exist without them.

Now, admittedly I haven't been here for a while, so I don't know all that's been going on - if certain topics have been restricted from discussion or what.  But as long as RWL the game is not dying (over 100 active armies isn't bad, unless my math is wrong, which it very well could be -_^) the forum will probably live on, if a little slowly.

On a side note, some of the comments on page 2 of this thread made me feel physically sick.  There is no word currently available in the English language that can fully express my disgust and contempt.
~High Marshal Svoldira Klamath of the Aurelia Corps~

Underneath the blue sky, the wind blows toward the future,
as if embracing the rays of the sun.
Merely wandering along,
I leave behind only a trail of footsteps.


 *applauds Klamath and her post*

I agree with you 150% (if that's possible), especially with your last paragraph. Now listen up, all you naughty chaps. I don't want to hear any immature name calling or personal attacks of any kind. This is a discussion board, not a "let's destroy each other's self esteem" board. No matter if people say they don't care about your opinion, every harsh word sticks with you. Let's all be civilized and try to discuss like mature teenagers.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


 I've known RWL has lost some of its popularity and numbers since mid-round 2 of Regular. Compared to the numbers early in the round there were virtually no active players by its end.
I've been worried about what's happening for some time, and I questioned Retto at the end of round 4 turbo, receiving the response that it was up to us, as members. We need to bring people back, or involve new ones. RWL is not as popular and busy as it used to be, let's all face it. But we can change it.

I understand there are limits to the game, and I think a few of us have gotten bored with it and left. I'm hoping the expansion changes that, and with its release, new  players flood in, and possibly some vets return, too.

The biggest factor in players leaving game wise was Ereptor's reign. No one could get up, nor did they have a chance to. They left because they felt there was no point in playing.
Now Slayer, though trying to do the right thing by the game, is turning the same way. No one can get to the top.
Players need reasons to stay, and there's not many for them to.
Let's try to change.
I will not deleted this

The Beatles

Quote from: Klamath... with the exception of people like myself who aren't into the game anymore, the forum had always seemed to me to be a supplement to the game ...
Well, well, well. That's me, certainly!
I haven't made new accounts on the game since March or May, I should think (with the exception of bugtesting accounts), but I have participated in the forums.

No, Teufel. Check your math. 100% is the bally limit.

Every time people thought the game was dying, I laughed, when admins left, I rolled my eyes, but when there was talk of the forum dying, I immediately sprang into action ... uh... speech. :rolleyes:


Quote from: AdenMaybe you guys should start some more interesting topics then, to encourage better discussions. Most of the threads here have no value and content; it's just ramblings and short posts.

There's some interesting discussions at Terrouge, and people there are generally older and less "annoying".
Dude, will you please shut it? I'm sorry but I'm tired of always hearing you talking about Terrouge! " Oh, Terrrouge has some interesting topics." " Terrouge has less annoying people." I honustly would like to take a peice of Terrouge and wipe my ... with it! So there's to your Terouge Aden!
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 In case you haven't noticed, that was the only post that I have mentioned Terrouge in the general forum. Your intolerance should be kept somewhere else.

If you guys start up some threads that can get over 2 pages of responses, then it would be a good discussion. Any small topic can turn into a big one. I think a reason why the forum might seem "dead" is because not many new people come here now, to make the forum fresh.
Woodren Swiftsword, former leader of the Mossflower Liberation Army
May 20, 1999 - May 20, 2001


Dead Eye

 Blackeyes, there was no call for that. Aden is trying to help our forums grow. Aden is giving us ideas. He/she(sorry, don't know what gender you are) He/she is right, Terrouge has been around longer, and it has more people, and lately it has more discusion. I said earlier this can change. You are the annoying one. Please, Aden is helping these forums. And if you can't be nice to him/her then shut your mouth. Seriously....I have been to Terrouge, and every forum there has more posts then ours, and they are getting way more by the day. So stop dissing Aden and post. And not those 1 liners you went up and posted in the poll topics saying "I nulled" Because those aren't helping anyone but your post count!
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

Ashyra Nightwing

 Fwah. The forums are not dying. They showed a few signs of slowing down a little while ago, but now they're as active as ever. Well, maybe not as active as they were once upon a time, but there's still about 200 posts a day. Which is pretty good for a forum.

The Beatles

 It's summer, come on, what do you expect, full bloom?

By the way, the people who are causing the greatest injury to this forum are the flamers and spammers like [edit] (a specimen of both). Who wants to make new topics and posts if they are going to get flamed?

That's the reason I became less active and went into hiding. Too many new and pointless topics. I rmemeber, at one time, marriages were all the rage. Pure spam, IMHO. But that's not the only example I could recall...

Raine helped, a bit. As did CoolClaw perhaps. The forums are, indeed, getting a bit better...

[edit, no need to name names, it will only cause more flame]


 You know, I'd heard that there was a lot of anti-Terrouge rhetoric here, but I never thought I'd see it with my own eyes until now. And I must say, it's somewhat amusing... probably a lot of these anti-Terrougers have never been to Terrouge, yes?

Anyways... I'd like to point out that those of y'all who sits around on your duffs, insulting other people (and places *cough*) are doing nothing but adding to the problem. What RWL needs to revitalize itself is to not necessarily make itself a Terrouge clone, but to learn by example from a more successful and popular site. Maybe it's the age thing. I don't know. Maybe it's the vocabulary (haha... yes... I know I certainly spice up my choice of language just to impress people...  ;) ), but I really doubt that, since vocab and age kind of go hand in hand (let's face it, folks, a 20-year-old English major is probably going to have a more inclusive vocabulary than a 14-year-old middle school student, aff?).

Anyway, my only real suggestion is for you to stop looking for the source of the problems here and instead look for ways to solve it.

Anyway, toodles, RWLers, and I wish you luck in your future endeavors!  :)  


 *timidly tiptoes back into the topic*

I think if some of us who've gotten out of the habit of playing the game(s) go back into them, maybe we can stimulate more activity on here?
I remember that up until the end of Ereptor's reign, most of the talk on here was related to the game, but that fell off. Maybe that would attract more of the gamers back in here? ...because it seems like we've turned into two separate groups: the RWL players and the RWL forum-goers.

Dead Eye

 I agree Calria. I may start up playing again...just to show these pups what I am made of. And to show I am not some smart, handsome, good talking guy, like all the forum goers see me as. Right?
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov