Started by Trident, August 03, 2003, 07:28:28 PM

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Dead Eye

 Dead Eye ran faster and faster. He knew the hares were after him. But part of his camouflouge had been ripped off during the fight. He would have trouble hiding. Then he heard a voice.

"What is the point of running when you can walk? Come and have a bit of tee."

Dead Eye imeditly took out his daggers. He looked up to see three badgers sitting on the ground. They each had some type of giant weapons...and they had to be badger lords. Dead Eye was prepared for the worse. Hares followed badgers orders.

"Who are you? I have no time to walk...a group of hares chase me...ya...they fast beasties!"

"I am Goldpaw, these are my brothers Tornbane and Bloodrush. We are not commanders of you think. No...we were banished from Salamandtston(aaaaaaaaahhhhh, spl?) Our cousing kicked us off the mountain because of our...blood like ways. Well...go walk down through the forest. You will come straight into a river. Go south. If you go down a bit you will probably find a place called Armegedon(spl?) Castle. This is a place full of vermin. You will find cover there."

As Dead Eye left Goldpaw picked up his giant sword, Tornbane picked up a giant axe, and Bloodrush grabbed a giant yew bow. They were prepared for the hares.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 "Halt, hares, possible hostilities. Those three were banished from the mountain. Archers, exchange for longbows. Aim, and if they put arrow to bow or try anything at all, then fire. Dip the arrowheads in tranquilizers, five each, then fill 'em up and make 'em sleep for a good few hours. Fire!"

The badgers dropped.

"Go up, inject more tranquilizers, and then let's move after that squirrel!"
Glory, Glory, Man United!

Dead Eye

 his two brothers were laid low but Goldpaw was not. When the hares came closer he got up and swished hiw sword about. It took out a few of the hares.

"Die!" he yelled and threw himself recklessly into the hares, swinging and slashing.  
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 OOC: I pumped all of them full of tranquilizers. I doubt he could come out of it... but I'll play along.

Suddenly, Goldpaw slumped. For slaying hares, he would pay. Deathclaw beheaded him and his brothers. Now only 24 hares and Luego remained.

"Up ahead, 'tis a vermin fortress that we've had problems with in the past. Luego, go see what kind of numbers they have." Luego nodded, and ran off for his espionage mission.

He came back days later, with a slash on his paw...

"Deathclaw, five of them, they saw me, I slayed two, one hit me on the paw. I ran and used my throwing knives, and retrieved them, ands they didn't follow me. They'll be expecting us, probably. As to my mission, they run a good 400 to 500."
"Good work, Luego. Now, Sandfur, you're the best and fastest runner in the whole army, eh?"
The hare in question nodded.
"Good, I thought so. Bring half the force, five hundred, to our location, we might move back some to avoid detection. Leave Lieteniant Fireblade to command defences at the mountain. We have a score to settle with Armageddon, and their bricks will fall inward on them. Go now, and bring back five hundred fighters!"

Three days later...

Sandfur gasped out his message. Fireblade nodded.
"I see. Well, I'll go rouse five hundred, and you set off tomorrow morning. I'll announce it at breakfast. Go get some sleep."

Tomorrow morning...

Five hundred fighting hares set off at double time, rushing to get to the battle.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Unknowningly for the hares their reinforcements wouldn't arrive in time for their mission.  Teithi had been lurking around the camp of the hares for quite sometime now and was preparing to make his move, selecting a few well-balanced daggers, each poisoned with his own poison.  Taking aim from his position in an oak tree he let his dagger fly at Luego, the dagger flew straight for the footpaw so it'd be less visible when it came closer to the small unit.
Quickly he moved to another position around the camp so they'd not hit him.
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
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Dead Eye

 Dead Eye couldn't believe this place. It was a giant dark fortress, with thousands of towers. He walked into it and was imeditly questioned by two rats. He had them take him to the ruler. That would be King Darkmoon, a fierce wolf, one of the most dangerous creatures alive.

"So, these bunny rabbits be ach coming to me palace! Me make quick work. Me also know of these badgers! Good fighters. Now ye youn wee beastie, me say me will help you. Send all scout. Me make sure no bunnies come ner me grand town!" Dead Eye bowed then made way to his chambers. This fox was smart and cruel. Maybe the rabbits would be in trouble. But what happened to the vixen and otter?
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 Deathclaw saw the otter before he threw the blade... in its flight, he shot it with a sling, knocking the tip off, the only poisioned part.
"Archers, fire all around the camp, the otter is about. Slingers, sling!"

This most likely slew, injured, or flushed out the otter. The hares would arrive soon, the dust cloud was visible... about an hour, and there would be his reinforcements. Luego's footpaw was bandaged, and Deathclaw looked at his campsite.
"Fire at our entrance, the only place not blocked off! Cease fire. Now, to my other runner... go in the woods, find the stream. The shrews and otters will be there, they owe us a favor. The stream is in sight, I see them now. Bring 'em quick!"

An hour later, 100 shrews and 150 otters came into the camp. They awaited the hares.
"We come here to return the favor you did for us two seasons back. We are ready, most of my beasts are honing blades or collecting stones for slings. Give us the word and we'll attack."
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 The otter had survived the attack from the hares and their pathetic bow and arrows, a tree can hold much protection for a single beast.  Now, with the shrews and otters collecting stones for their slings, he grabbed a few herbs and mixed together a small vile of poison for later use.  He spotted a shrew that was alone and snuck up behind him and stabbed him with another poisoned dagger and then took the accessories that the shrew had carried with him.
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album


 The vixen realized that the noise came from a wounded lizard.  She cautiously and hesitantly made her way towards it.  It was sprawled out on the ground, its leg cut grotesquely.  She set poultices down on the wound, and tried to get the lizard to talk, or at least hiss what had happened to him.  For a few seconds the lizard looked in the vixen's turquoise eyes; his own eyes the color of liquid gold.

"I ve ze Vaster of monitor Lizardsss.  Ze name of vyself be none zother than Zunryon."

The vixen smiled softly, and whispered calmy, "Please to meet ya, Zunryon.  I am-" apon the last few words, she was cut off by the lizard.

"Zarr be a h'eagle flyun t'words me!  Wot iff ze burd triz to zet me?"  

The vixen put her paw in the air, and the eagle landed on her arm, it's huge talons griping her soft, slender paws.

"Goldsferow?  He wouldn't dare," she reassured the paranoid Zunryon.

"Etch come," the eagle squawked "To tell thou that vi war hasth come."

The vixen nodded, her eyes reflected thunderish clouds.  The odd trio, consisting of a pretty vixen, paranoid lizard, and strong eagle, set off towards the war between the squirrel, otter, and hares.  The vixen was equipped with a double-sided ax; the lizard had twin scimitars which he was quite skilled at, and the eagle had metal talons that could easily deal out damage.  

Apon entering the scene of the war....

Eyes narrowed, the vixen peered out at the fighting creatures from the shelter of the over hanging foliage.

"W-hoo do thou fight fer," the eagle voiced the question on everybody's mind.

"I don't know who to fight for.  The 'rabbits' I know are good, but the squirrel and otter seem rather odd.  I don't wish to upset any alliance we could of had betwixt us by fighting for the wrong side, keep in mind."

The trio then occupied themselves with watching.  Hey, it might come in handy....


 "You two shrews, guard the entrance. There is no other way in, so the otter will have to come through there."
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 The otter's long leather whip had come to swing out of the tree cover to be aimed to hit Deathclaw's head from behind, the whip had small little spikes protruding from the end of the whip.  At the sametime another dagger flew low towards Deathclaw's lower spinal area incase he tried to duck below the whip, he'd still be hit by the dagger.
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album

Dead Eye

 Dead Eue rushed out with a group of Armegedeon vermin. They charged head long into the hares.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


Quote from: Dead EyeDead Eue rushed out with a group of Armegedeon vermin. They charged head long into the hares.
OOC: My vermin were hidden, the entrance guarded, wide enough for one vermin, two shrews due to shrews being so small. Your vermin would be easily killed.

As the whip and dagger came, a shrew bumbled along and tripped Deathclaw, apologizing profusely. Deathclaw looked at the quivering dagger.

The vermin group was starting to enter the hideout... "Eulalia! 'Tis reinforcements!" Then, from the back, all the vermin were hit like lightning. Struggling for life, they were outnumbered almost 7 to 1. Dead Eye, not so valiant, snuck off, leaving the vermin to fight it out themself.

"Now that you are here, we can prepare the siege of Armageddon. I see you have the siege weapons. Here is the plan. Aim two trebuchets at the door, as well as ten archers. Then, two more trebuchets and ten archers at any other exits, and all the walls. Get the Onagers ready for combat, put them in the empty spaces. Put the ammo by the weapons. I want the rest of the archers positioned at the walls, shooting anything that moves, provided it is enemy. Triple sentries, and campsites behind the seige weapons. Dig in trenches and the sandbagged walls we've used before, everyone has one, especially those on the front lines. All tents have wooden overhangs above them. Gather anything that can be used as a weapon. Luego, give a map to a runner, he'll need to bring some ferrets from Kilkenne. How many can be spared?"
"I'd say 400, sire."
"Good, then Sandfur, tell him to send 400 if possible, or whatever can be spared, and maybe some siege weapons. Go now, bring us more backup."
Sandfur nodded and sped off. It helped that the route was opposite of Armaggedon.
"Now, my tent needs to be in the center of the camp, nothing fancy, make sure they can't tell that it's a leaders.... make a very large and ornate one, and if they shoot it with arrows, drag around someone like they're dying, make a big scene. Anything on the battlements or windows, sentries, whatever, kill it. Now, send me the Elite Brigade.
Quietly, to the best fighters in the lands, Deathclaw spoke softly.
"I have a mission for you. It will come soon. You might run it several times, it can be used as seige, murder, rescue, and sabotage. Oh, and don't forget assassination, if it comes to that. Now stay near me, I'll decide when it's time. You'll need a canteen, your weapons, and various lockpicking tools. That is all."

Deathclaw stayed out of range of arrow or stone, as well as did all of his seige weapons and troops.

Glory, Glory, Man United!


 *The Ferret-Lord had indeed not turned North, as Shael had once thought him to have done. Oh no. He had actually stayed South, sending all but his Sovereign Guard to his citadel and the surrounding area in the North. He laughed slightly to himself when Deathclaw's forces made for him, asking for reinforcements, and were sent back with a simple "You may have but 50, and you must bring Luego back to me."*

*Immediately, the runners withdrew and Luego was brought before the Ruler of the Northlands within that very hour.*

"What have you learned?" Growled the Crimson-robed Ferret
"Only tha' they 'ave banded t'gether..." Said the small, dark Ferret, cringing.
"Not good enough. Who has banded and for what purpose?"
"Sh-Shael an' 'er friends...'Gainst Deathclaw..."
*Kilkenne smirks and in an instant, before the fool can react, he draws one of his guards-ferrets' daggars from his side sheath, and sticks it in the Spy's midsection, his red eyes blazing in fury. As the former servant gasps his last breaths, the warlord looks him right in the eyes, about 5 inches away* "I TOLD YOU TO REMAIN A SECRET. YOU WERE ONLY TO WATCH THE MOVEMENTS OF THEM, NOT GET INVOLVED!" *He kicked the falling body to the ground, spat in the dirt, and stalked off into the midst of his guard to think for a moment before moving*

*Within moments, his scouts were returning to the small meadow where he was encamped. They brought tidings of a small-scale war starting, and fresh runners were immediately set out to gather forces that were set near to him, reinforcements for the guard in case they were to be attacked, they were also the last remaining from the initial holding of the area long ago, the only that had yet to be sent to the North. Soon, a full-scale army had amassed on the plains, all fully geared and ready to assault and destroy any foes. The messages were sent, he wanted information from the leaders of the forces, and the original companions themselves. They were to report to his camp under neutral status, disarmed, and if savage, they were to be blindfolded. Now all the ferret-lord had to do was wait...*

The Lady Shael

 OOC: I wasn't planning to rp in this post anymore, but you're forcing me back into this, so I must. *sigh* ^_^ BTW, I haven't exactly banded with anyone, I was sort of neutral back there. So maybe we can assume Luego was lying about me or something...

BIC: Shael returned to the horde camp, and, as she predicted, Rayla was waiting for, dutifully awaiting her next orders. The young female weasel didn't say anything however, and walked silently to her tent.
"I know I said we'd be staying here to camp, Rayla, but there's been a slight change of plans. Tell my captains to rouse everyone, and pack quickly."
The ferret knew better than to ask, as her mistress' temper had been known to escalate to impossible heights in some situations. She bowed and backed out of the tent.
Shael watched her leave, and pulled out a map from her satchel. "Something's brewing here, behind my very back. Kilk obviously didn't want me involved, but I'll see about that." she murmured to herself. Quickly she packed her things and rolled up the canvas of her tent.
She walked to where her female horde members were busy packing their own things, and beckoned to her Captains. "Listen carefully now, we're heading towards the forest in the hills, and we must do so as quickly and as silently as possible. Avoid being seen, and if you spot any of Kilk's soldiers, report to me. And be very cautious, you already know his trackers are none but the best. If anybeast gets in your way, kill them."
They all nodded, and issued orders to their own divisions. Shael looked to the east, and saw the rising sun beyond the trees. This was definitely the beginning of something.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.