
Started by Boze (Admin), July 31, 2003, 03:40:20 PM

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Boze (Admin)

 Who has been assigned the task of actually calling up the Chicago area hotels? Aden? If it has not been decided, we need to decide now. The farther ahead we book in advance, the cheaper it will be to book the hotel. Additionally, anyone who has not done so, please go take the RedCon survey so that Aden can give us a head count. Whover calls up the hotels will likely be asked for a rough attendance estimate.

One more thing... if you live in the Chicago area and are willing to help in any way, please drop a line here.
That's me!


 I'll see what we can do with the hotels for 2004. First, we'll need an estimate of how many people will be able to attend a 2004 meeting to plan for the 2006 convention. Once the RedCon staff figures out a date for the 2004 meeting, we'll ask for everyone who will likely attend to post their names. We'll be able to get a hotel soon after that then. It is very likely that each person will have to pay for their own transportation and hotel costs for 2004.

The survey is not intended to serve as a poll to see who can come or not.  
Woodren Swiftsword, former leader of the Mossflower Liberation Army
May 20, 1999 - May 20, 2001



 Any calls that need to be made long-distance I'd be happy to make... I've got free long-distance on my cell-phone so it's not a problem for me where I know it would be one for a lot of folks...


 Hmmm....I live just a state away from Chicago, its about a few hours drive and what not...Problem is I can't drive yet so, blah...
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