
Started by Trident, January 26, 2003, 08:07:42 PM

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  :rolleyes:  This pol is self-explainatory, but Beatles think that Fenix will have more enemies than friends *quote* "You sure have a good way of making enemies, huh Fenix" *unqoute*


Glory, Glory, Man United!


 *High fives Deathclaw*


 4/0 ....I nulled....wow...all I can say...

Well, more people will log in and vote for choice 2, probably...but I might as well bask in the current statistics.:)


 Ah well. Forget them. Your cool, anyway.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 heh...  I think Fenix is, ah, "looking for a good word... for lack of a better one I shall put, eh.." cool...
He tried to kill my horde once (with the first Tarsonis), but other than that...
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 I think Fenix is cool. I once that he was a jerk, until I actually go to know him a little better.


 Josh can get annoying occasionally, but still, c'est awesomeness.

that was my attempt at forgien languages for the day, btw.

*dies* Why do I see a recurrence of those "me" polls from the old forums lurking in the background of this board's future? yaaaagh!


 Calria, you take French? I dont pay attention in that class, all I know how to say is Je suis fatigue, bonjour, au revoir, and some other basic stuff, and I am in 2nd yr. and I maintain and A in that class. Its sad, out teacher is psychopathic b*tch.


 I took it in like 5th and 6th grade when I went to magnet school. For some reason, though, when you go from middle school to junior high in my school district, they decide to only offer spanish. and then in high school you can only have spanish or latin. I took latin... go me...

brittania insula est. woo.


 In my school district they give you German, Spanish, and French in 8th grade, just so you have an idea of what it will be like to take a fl class. Then in high school you can take either German, French, or Spanish, or any combos of them in your 4 yrs in high school. I am a sophmore and I am in my 2nd yr of French, although I should of taken German becuase it is fun to talk in German, plus it is the easiest class.


 lol my school is messed up. I'm mad because they cancelled latin this past year. To graduate with a "distinguished acheivement" seal on your diploma, you have to fulfill a bunch of requirements, like passing your AP tests and doing special projects and stuff, and one thing you have to do is have 3 consecutive language credits in the same language. I finished latin 2 and was about to take my final semester of latin when they decided to cancell it just because there were only 3 of us taking it (most people took spanish then too because it was an easier class and supposedly more fun, though I think it's definately more fun to see your class in togas than sombreros... and think of the blackmail oppotunities!)


 I take Chinese, on the subject of languages, and Latin. About Josh- he's still cool, even if he did screw, for lack of a better word, my first horde.

"We will win the war...it is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

Shael of Torethevel

 Josh is pretty cool. I, um, didn't really used to be on good terms with him before, but fortunetly we straightened it out, and we're pretty good friends now.......
~The Lady Shael, Once Empress and Third Ruler of Mossflower Country and Beyond

Warlord(ess) of The Black Raiders, #55
Leader of The Band of Rebels, #225
Founder of The Rebels of Mossflower
Leader of El Queso, #419
Commander of the Daughters of Delor, #679
Lady of The Realm of Unspoken Darkness, #1235

"Good evening, I am the main Dish of the Day. May I interest you in parts of my body?"
~The dairy animal, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

TR Shadow

 GO FENIX!!!  We all love fenix :) .