If I hear ONE thing about CHEESE!!

Started by Menatus, January 07, 2003, 07:40:04 PM

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 What the heck was that supposed to mean? Dirt or cheese? Can't we use this section for Role-Playing, and make a "Cheese" section for other cheese topics? I'm really annoyed about Role-Playing turning into "Cheese-Playing". Just because of this topic, I almost feel like ditching cheese, becoming like Alpha. YOU PEOPLE ARE DRIVING ME INSANE!!!!! THIS IS LIKE A ROAHLD DAHL-TYPE BOARD, THANKS TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHEESE IS KILLING ME!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!





 Vengerak, I am not a sir and this is inevitable. There's no possible way to avoid it. Besides not going in this forum. Which is exactly what I shall do.


 I eat cheese only on nachos and pizza.  I can't stand it otherwise.  I think there should be a real war.  Cheese vs. Anti-Cheese.  On RWL.  Not on the forums.
Glory, Glory, Man United!

Quote from: Ashyra NightwingWe all know, Deathclaw. And, who exactly are you, Cheeeeesy??

                        ~I still like cheese, even if no-one else does...~
Who am I?!?! Who am I?!?!?!?! To be honest...i'm just a guy.lol. I used to known as Slagar on here, but i quit for a while cuz i wuz 2 annoyed at dis site!!!(2 many ppl attacking me)!!!! So den i quit, and I came bak now. My acc is 910...!!!

Black Claw

 Vengerak why do you pity me I'm Fine eating cheese. :)  
An Aztec poem.
Where would we not go to find death? For that desire, our heart bleeds.

Me likes moogles


 You spelled Cheese sticks wrong.


 cheese sticks are a beautiful thing. I could eat them all day long. or string cheese. that, too, is beautiful. *smile*

Shael of Torethevel

 Yeah, I invented those RCFC cheese sticks. I'm sorta in the middle, because I was in Cafi, but now I'm getting a bit bored with the cheese. That's why I'm not spelling the whole cheese stick name out. Poor Raine....I mean, I feel sorry for his elbow, not him...*slaps head*  :P  
~The Lady Shael, Once Empress and Third Ruler of Mossflower Country and Beyond

Warlord(ess) of The Black Raiders, #55
Leader of The Band of Rebels, #225
Founder of The Rebels of Mossflower
Leader of El Queso, #419
Commander of the Daughters of Delor, #679
Lady of The Realm of Unspoken Darkness, #1235

"Good evening, I am the main Dish of the Day. May I interest you in parts of my body?"
~The dairy animal, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

Aldor Plain Walker

 I eat cheese with many things.  I like lots of cheese on my pizza.  I often eat cheese by itself.  My two favorite types of cheese are mozerella and "squecky cheese".  As my as I like cheese, I don't think I really enjoy talking about cheese.  Thats kinda cheesy.  I think if the war breaks out, I will side with the anti-cheese people, even though I enjoy eating cheese.

 Cheese tastes nice. Come to think about it, CheeseStrings are one of my favourite foods. If cheese didn't exist, then not only would all pizzas taste horrible, but we would have nothing to argue about.


 Why can't you understand that no-one objects to cheese in & of itself, but to the cretinous morons that flood the RPING board with their mindless drivel?

Aldor Plain Walker

 yes, this has really gotten old.  4 topics started in the roleplaying section, and all 4 of them are people spamming about cheese.  Not one single topic involving role-playing.  Pretty sad posting pointless spam just to get more posts.

 Cheese Isn't Spamming. It's just something to talk about.


 It is very much spamming.  The topics are not Role Playing.  They could at least start of that way and veer of at the end.........
Glory, Glory, Man United!