Mortclaw the Bladeslayer

Started by Mortclaw the Bladeslayer, July 27, 2003, 09:54:31 PM

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Mortclaw the Bladeslayer

 Yes, I am a traitor to my clanmates. I shall one day rise up and become emperor, killing Moonfang and Scarleg and Tasora and Ursurper and Macemen, destroy them all and those too weak to bother about, but I shall bother about them anyway, because I am MORTCLAW THE BLADESLAYER!
=--->Mortclaw has spoken.<---=

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Bow down upon the sword of Mortclaw.

Peace Alliance

 wow... that made... very little sense.... *hides*

Lupus Moonfang

 :blink: Mortclaw, just to let you know, I'm removing you from our clan...
You've gone crazy, I think...
*grumbles about weird wildcats*
I need to change that thing on my signature that says 'Friend of Mortclaw'
~Lupus Luno Moonfang, Esq, Warlord of The Darkmoon Army, Leader of the clan of The Moonraiders, friend of Bloodknife Scarleg
Email me at

Mortclaw the Bladeslayer

 Bow down to the sword of Mortclaw, fools, I COMMAND IT!

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=--->Mortclaw has spoken.<---=

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Bow down upon the sword of Mortclaw.

Peace Alliance

 Mortclaw... Maybe you should sober up before going on the forums next time??

Mortclaw the Bladeslayer

 I'm sorry....I seem to have lost my head for a second. Peace Alliance, why is it that you're on vacation on the regular server?
=--->Mortclaw has spoken.<---=

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Bow down upon the sword of Mortclaw.


 Here's a fun idea!

We'll all bow down to your sword if you comply with the following simple and easy conditions:
1) Stop acting intoxicated.
2) Stop being a total and complete [not allowed term]
3) Take that ridiculous and needlessly long thing out of your signature.
4) Put things concerning clans in the "Clans" forum.
5) Actually bother to show yourself to be a memorable  warlord... and by this, I mean better than the best, most revered warlords we've had yet, because I know we don't all unanimously bow down to a single one of them.

The Lady Shael

 *shakes her head* Now why does that remind me of someone....

Of course, if you plan a mutiny, it would be rather wise to keep it a secret before you actually do it, other than announce it to the entire congregation. Just letting you know. ^_^
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Lol, Shael. The master at mutiny( just kidding ), well this guy seems like a huge fool to me. I am surprised he even shows his face here. By the way. Welcome Lupus. ( And regretfully, Mortclaw.)
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Lupus Moonfang

 Yes, erm, hello Blackeyes...
Nice meeting you, and all.
How's it going?
~Lupus Luno Moonfang, Esq, Warlord of The Darkmoon Army, Leader of the clan of The Moonraiders, friend of Bloodknife Scarleg
Email me at


Quote from: Mortclaw the BladeslayerYes, I am a traitor to my clanmates. I shall one day rise up and become emperor, killing Moonfang and Scarleg and Tasora and Ursurper and Macemen, destroy them all and those too weak to bother about, but I shall bother about them anyway, because I am MORTCLAW THE BLADESLAYER!
Well ... sounds a little ambitious.  Heh, I think that peace is right about you and being drunk.
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
user posted image
If someone died for you? Would you care?


 I'm fine. Do you have AIM or MSN. It's easier to converse then over this.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Lupus Moonfang

 I have AIM....
My name is Limchopps on it.
In case you needed it spelled out for you.
Which I doubt you do...
~Lupus Luno Moonfang, Esq, Warlord of The Darkmoon Army, Leader of the clan of The Moonraiders, friend of Bloodknife Scarleg
Email me at

The Lady Shael

 No more sugar for you, Lupus, I think you're getting weird ideas...*shakes her head* Any more and I'll have to use my complete and the far reaches of my supreme mod powers to a good use. Which is rather limited. But I can always ask Ad for favors.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Lupus Moonfang

 Right. And a merry good morning to you, too, Shael. :snicker:
~Lupus Luno Moonfang, Esq, Warlord of The Darkmoon Army, Leader of the clan of The Moonraiders, friend of Bloodknife Scarleg
Email me at