The Official RWL Photo Album

Started by The Lady Shael, July 18, 2003, 07:13:37 AM

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 *sniff* I feel old again.

Juby (Tercios)

 me and you both  ::cries::  
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96


 Nohc, you are a grade A stud! Lookin pretty snazzy in the outfit, I like. Did you go to a dance or something?
I dont  go looking for trouble,<br>trouble usually finds me.<br>-Harry Potter<br>Make sure you kids keep it clean this summer!


Quote from: IFmanoveractive putuitary gland.... :rolleyes:

fuzzy walls, almost as good as fuzzy floors
*pokes him* YOU WANT SOME OF THIS?  ER... *hits caps lock* You want some of this...? XD

QuoteNohc, you are a grade A stud! Lookin pretty snazzy in the outfit, I like. Did you go to a dance or something?
LOL, right.  And that was taken after the End of The Year Dance.  8th grade... ^_^

Edit: And Cal!  You're plenty young! XD At least you don't feel older than you are.  I hope.  Hehe.


 Ummmm I feel old enough to get drunk occasionally, but the government says I'm not. Does that count?


 It means you think your older then you are! Drunk is Bad!
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 Drunk isn't bad!

If it's with White Russians, it's quite good, actually... and better than other things I could be doing.


 Drunk Bad! Wine good! Drunk BAD! People do STUPID things when drunk!
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 Only stupid people do stupid things when drunk, everyone else is smart enough to stop before they turn stupid.

Wine, awful stuff, almost as bad as beer, and don't let me start on rum and vadka

(I haven't tried any of them(though I have tried a margarita without alchohol in it))

nohc, I'll have some of what you're going to give me, what is it?
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up I fade away from all existence.




tis me... Neobaron


I prefer Lafayette Cocktails to anything... good stuff =-)
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


 *pokes* You're too tall...  
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


 Wine is el goodo! But if cal says drunk that means stupid.
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 Too tall indeed... ;-(


Drunk isnt bad... its rather silly! =-P


What kinds of wine anyways John?

Anything in particular?

Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


 How tall are you? You look kind of scarily tall in that pic.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


 Bah, cal should not be drinking under age.