The Official RWL Photo Album

Started by The Lady Shael, July 18, 2003, 07:13:37 AM

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 Well, you've all kinda seen a picture of him before...

Angst Vulpine

 Only what looked to be  a  toupee...


*ducks gunfire*
Angst Vulpine  
-Unofficial forum artist, and resident furry..Now an Unchallanged Retto Fangirl, and owner of teh one and only  Retto Plushie, OtterSocks, Big Plushie Donut, X-mas Wolf Bite Plushie, A Pink Lightsaber (With a flower coming out the end), and a TGF Plushie!

I have the X-mas Wolf Bite plushie. It's mine, no one else has a Wolf Bite plushie, except Teufel, she's got the original one.  Mine's wearing a Santa Hat. <3

Boze (Admin)

 My God! That picture was taken in 2062!
That's me!

wolf bite

 Time travel, try it, tis cool.

Maybe not the best picture of me, but that is I.

Funny how the girls knew how I would look.

(a six foot long, yellow wolf with green eyes)

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Dad, was that new picture of yours taken at the Santa Barbera airport? It looks a bit like it.

wolf bite

 Yes, that was the one that Bloodwake took when you were there.

Wolf Bite
aka dad
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 I thought you'd look a bit different, wolf bite.
Somehow, the top of your head gave a more geek-er-ific impression, if that makes sense. (Not that it does, but my verbal skills are somewhat less than usual. Ah, jet lag, how I love thee...)


 This is pretty cool, getting to see what everybody looks like! By the way... Tania, you are H-O-T HOT!    The cats cool to.
I dont  go looking for trouble,<br>trouble usually finds me.<br>-Harry Potter<br>Make sure you kids keep it clean this summer!


 boze is alive? :blink:  
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up I fade away from all existence.


Quote from: IFmanboze is alive? :blink:
If nothing else, his thumbs are.
This is most certainly true.

Angst Vulpine

 Woah, Sonoras, Wolf Bite is your dad? Now, that's just cool!  <3

Poke the Boze!  ::agrees::  *chases*  
Angst Vulpine  
-Unofficial forum artist, and resident furry..Now an Unchallanged Retto Fangirl, and owner of teh one and only  Retto Plushie, OtterSocks, Big Plushie Donut, X-mas Wolf Bite Plushie, A Pink Lightsaber (With a flower coming out the end), and a TGF Plushie!

I have the X-mas Wolf Bite plushie. It's mine, no one else has a Wolf Bite plushie, except Teufel, she's got the original one.  Mine's wearing a Santa Hat. <3


 Lol, I KNEW WHAT WOLFY LOOKED LIKE before like everyone, not including himself, blood, sean....
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album


 Geuss what! I submitted a new pic of myself, I took that pic like 2 days ago. I liked it!
Whaddaya think of it?
P.S. I just sent it in like an hour ago so it might not be in there quite yet
I dont  go looking for trouble,<br>trouble usually finds me.<br>-Harry Potter<br>Make sure you kids keep it clean this summer!

Larrusus Deathspear

 +heres's the link to my pic

+heres the link to wildwoods

The dimensions got skewed and they take forever to load
Jesus Is a LIE
One of my classmates remarked that I "emanate evil"
MY science teahcer thinks i'm a muslim extremist
The mormons came to my house and I told them I worship satan
My neighbour think that I perform evil rituals on my porch when i burn candles
maybe I should run for president......

Regular Era 2
#391 Slasssk Troopers
Regular Era 3
#92   Slazzar Ectalask
#214  Slasssk Troopers
Regular Era 4
#37    Slasssk troopers

TR Shadow

 Nothing like ~small~ pictures, eh?