Started by Abby The Rat, July 16, 2003, 09:29:55 AM

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The Lady Shael

 You're paying for ALL of us?! Even though that's a very good reason for my parents to say yes, I don't know how you're going to raise all that money...

Whoohoo, BJ! His tour has never come to Florida since I was a Redwall fan, so I've been waiting to meet him. I doubt you could pick me up, Cal, I don't know ANYONE on the ROC who lives even remotely close to central Florida...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 I'm not paying for all of you. Listen more carefully. I will not help pay for accomadations for those not in the forums. I fyou are from here, then me and Ad will chip in abit, to help pay for sleeping quarters.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 LOL Hmmm... Central Florida is only about a day and a half drive... I'll grab anyone in Mississippi or Alabama and come grab you too! lol I just want everyone to come!

*wonders if she should go to Minnesota to get Sha, too...*


 Wooo, that's gonna be alot of driving. Pick up the closest to yuo first. so then you can have company for trip.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 Heh, I can probably get to your place in 2 hours if I would drive fast enough. Freeways are a good thing. *Nods* Hmm, I would come of course. Not far for me since I also live in Ontario, Canada.

Also, RedCon '05. Over at Terrouge, they haven't heard from the founder of the idea in a while, so it doesn't look like it will happen. You never know though.


 Heh, good. I will be 16 by the time we hold this. But we have problems. Once everyone here is two years older. We won't be on here anymore. And that means we probably won't meet up. We'll forget about this by next year. It will be just a memory, and we'll never meeet each other.....

I would really love for this to happen. I would beyond all here. Please don't leave RWL and we can make this happen together.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Urran Voh

 Cal, are you going to pick me up? :D   I live in MS.  Does anyone else?

I hope I can come.  That would be so awesome!  *goes off to dream*
I only log into this name when my Badrang name takes too long to log in.  (Sorry if this doesn't make sense...)


 Hmmm... *thinks* About 3-6 months before the scheduled date of whenever we hold this thing, I'll make a route of how to get there *nods* Then I'll figure out who I'm taking.
Problem is that any American kids under the age of 18 would have to get their parents to sign something, because taking you across state, let alone national lines is technically kidnapping, unless I have that... and if I'm kidnapping, I'd rather take you to Australia or someplace funner than Cananananada. *nods*


 It'd be better in amore central location. Us out here in the west, we'll have a heck of a lot of driving to do.....


 Hey, Cal that wasn't nice. Canada is a great place. Eh?
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 Well, if its being held in 2 years I'll sure as heck be there!  I'll be able to drive since I'll be 17 then, I could pick up Shael since she lives in Flordia, its closer for me than it is for Calria.  Its only a day drive to get to Florida, I could get Aqualis too since he's a state away, who else is there??  I'll have an Suv so I can fit about 5 people in the car, and we could always toss some in the cargo area too, though I dunno how safe that would be!  I live in Indiana so whoever needed a ride could come with me if you're close enough, a days drive is as far as I'd go to get you.
Like Cal said anyone under the age of 18 would have to get parental permission, including myself I think.  That and you'll need your birth certificate and possibly social security card to go to Canada and to get back to the US.
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album

Peace Alliance

 This is a wicked plan! I'll be 18 in two years, meaning I can be an adult too. It also means I'll be able to drive up on my own. I'll get my parents minivan and take a whole car full! I can think of 5 people who are within 30 minutes of my house who play redwall... I don't know whats up with my area, but it spread like a bug.

I don't think you should pay for everything though, thats a TON for you to pay. Everyone could just bring a lil cash and chip in, that would be better.

P.S. ... This is important... Will we have to wear name tags??


Quote from: calria... isn't this in violation of:

9. Attempting to set up real-life meetings with other forum members is not allowed on these forums. It introduces a legal risk we are not prepared to assume.
Cal's quite right there.

Heh.  Peace brings up an interesting point.  It'd be interesting if no one wore a nametag, and few posted pics.
If I think of anything I forgot, I'll just edit it in.

To think I almost forgot this.  For those of you that aspire to rule:

For the CAFI folks.

Quamicauzilot, leader of The Sockferrets, #10.

Peace Alliance

QuoteOf couse, there will be adults at the RWLCon

I am for one. Ereptor is another.

Nope, Ereptor doesn't want to go. In fact he called it "that homo convension". I was confused at first, thought he was actually talking about a convension for gay people  :(

But don't worry, i could be considered an adult, I'll be 18!

Ad, are you travelling all the way to canada just for this??  


 Whooohoooo!!  *Grins* I won't wear a name tag, I figure that if I can find everybody who I talk to and they've seen my picture they'll know who I am...And then if you don't know who I am then I'll get a name tag that has my preferred title on it....TJ the Hot
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album