Raine: A coarse, controlling sadist?

Started by Vengerak, July 15, 2003, 03:39:31 PM

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Edited for being gratuitous.  But for the record, I was in the right.  ;)

wolf bite

 Oh now, come on. I was quite pleasant with you and never used any words of insult. You have my letters, why not cut and paste? You are making a lot more then there is.

I simply told you that you had been rude to me when I was a lonely nobody and I have No respect for the way you acted back then. I think the words I used was that ?I hold no vengeance to you, but surly would not protect you either.?

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Oh and Raine just to ease your mind, Wolf bite is a guy not a she.
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of

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 (A guy. Noted.)

But you are incorrect. Your accusations have no basis. I don't know if you have mistaken me for someone else or what, but in any case, I take exception to being accused of brutally putting down an insignificant Warlord, swearing at & childishly insulting one, getting in trouble with the Administrators & being disabled for it, & FURTHERMORE being one of the cheaters involved in establishing all those multi-accounts full of Leaders.

Each & every one of these accusations is untrue. I don't know if you have mistaken me for Josh or for Sovereign Allegiance, or if your memory is just hazy, but I wish to see this matter resolved. No-one likes to have those kind of accusations levelled at them when they have no grounding.

"your long letter to me started with something like ?I am tired of you snot nosed winning wimps ?? and went on from there full with insults. The next day you had turned yellow. When I checked my mail again, your letter had been deleted by the admins. I only assumed you had been punished for your insults."

This is a part of the only message I still have in my inbox.

"Nick, Josh and you then made multi accounts that attacked me with leaders 300 times to lower my leaders so that they could then do murder. Then with no defenses, you guys took me out of the ranks. Had it not been for cheating, that game would have been much different. "

Nothing to do with me. Whatsoever. I take exception to this. Ask an Administrator. My account number was #13.

"I have NO respect for you or your words."

Now, I'm not getting a pleasant, congenial tone out of this. Or out of basically any of your messages. I'm sorry if I've misread something or other.

I'm not trying to start an argument. I'm not trying, as Richard Rahl suggests, to "slander" you. Personally, I'd rather not even make a big deal out of it. I simply wish to have this matter resolved. No-one likes to leave accusations such as these left un-re-butted. Especially not when a few words from Kilkenne or anyone I knew from the time could set this all straight, & we could shake hands (Metaphorically speaking. Typing. Whatever.) & move on. I now feel more obliged to see this through, as Rahl tells me that my account will not last long. Personally, I'm not that fussed, advancing any higher than possibly rank 9 is more or less impossible, & I don't have any great aspirations. But still, I don't feel like I should be coming out of this with enemies.

Whoever you had trouble with back in the day, it was not me.

wolf bite

 Well, at least those are my words. Not all of them of cource.  Just the parts of things that you feel prove your point.

Now in your origenal message there was talk of me making threat to get you back or something like that. Hummm, seems if I had said something like that or used the insults you say I did, you would have posted them.

There is a word of two that I am rather sure was also deleted, I don't think I said you were partners with Nick and Josh, but that "i heard that you were part" of the multis with Josh.  Your post seems to have changed that. There is a big differance.

Although still out of context and the nicer things deleted, that was about it. I don't have to make a truce with someone becasue they fill I should. If I know they were mean to me in the past, I surly would not do so.

As you say your intent is to make peace, then why have you made a post that grossly miss-qoutes me in a defamatory  manor?

I have since those days made peace with Kilk, Ereptor, and others that have had their hands open in friendship.

But I find your attempt to publicly insult me far from any honorable desire to do anything but start a fight.  I have no need to have one with you.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 "I was Wolf Bite then and am Wolf Bite now. Unless there was someone else that was the Sovereign Guard and was the leader of their clan, it was you. But I don?t think you would remember me, I was just a person in the low ranks when I sent you my letters.

I know that out right swear words cannot be sent on the mail system. I think your long letter to me started with something like ?I am tired of you snot nosed winning wimps ?? and went on from there full with insults. The next day you had turned yellow. When I checked my mail again, your letter had been deleted by the admins. I only assumed you had been punished for your insults."

That's the rest. I quoted only certain parts not because I was being selective, but because I feel the rest is irrelevant. & not nice & pally, either. How can you claim that any message was nice, when you capped off the conclusion of your first reply to me with "I have NO respect for you or your words."? I'm not taking that out of context at all. That indicated to me not a brief, friendly message, but complete & utter disdain, lack of respect (Surprisingly.) & the phrase "I spit upon you." in different wording.

I was not "mean" to you. I did not insult you, order Kilkenne to butcher you (For no apparent reason.), & get disabled for gross profanity. These accusations, even more than establishing a truce, are what I would like to deal with. As to reasonably intelligent, capable individuals, I don't think that this is beyond us. I'm not trying to start a fight. Why would I want to? In-game, you're #1, on the forums, I hardly know you & you're well-liked. This whole sorry affair gains me nothing but grief & the threat of destruction from Richard Rahl. I'm apologise if you find this topic to be somehow out to get you, but, in all honesty, it is meant to be nothing more than a casual attempt to resolve a dispute in an open & honest manner. Apparently the jokey nature of the subject title & sub-heading (With goofy shocked face accompanying.) were not enough to convey this.

"Did you post on your Clan crier "Germania has the protection of the clan as he claws his way back up. Any horde that make any attacks on him will be massavly attacked by my clan."

Wolf Bite"

This (If full.) was your last telegram to me. My response was:

"If I remember correctly, it was Josh who wrote that one. Though it COULD have been Nick himself, as he was Secondary Diplomat for a while. Possibly Kilkenne. /He/ was the War Minister, after Ragefur dropped out of the game.

I'm telling you, the League wasn't run like a dictatorship. It was an alliance amongst Warlords. If Germania etc. wanted to threaten people, that was their affair. You will notice that it was not me who launched the revenge attacks. That was a side of the clan I had nothing to do with, more busy with Orcrist & the like. I never saw any need in beating up minor Warlords & insulting them. Too much grief for too little gain.

It's these insults that I don't understand. Perhaps it was Kilkenne himself (Who was the one who actually attacked you, you say.), or Nick?


We have gone from me ordering Kilkenne to do you over to me posting something vague in the Clan Crier & Kilk attacking you shortly after you attacked Nick, & you assuming that the eeevil Raine Valthurak had commanded him, as one commands a dog, to savage you. I could accuse you of being selective, deceitful & such here, but I will choose not to as I do not believe that that was your intent &, unlike your good self, am willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

As much as I would like to simply let bygones be bygones, I think it important that the truth be established beforehand. If, dor example, years from now, you wrote to someone asking if they wanted to come to a High School Reunion, & they wrote back saying "Well, you were a jerk in school, & you got people to beat me up when I asked you to stop taking my lunch money. They suspended you from school for it, but I doubt you remember, because I was a nobody back then. I don't like or respect you." would you just agree to disagree with them? No, you'd say "Uh, that wasn't me, mate, sorry. Are you sure you're not thinking of some other random guy?", or words to that effect, & try to set them straight.

I'm sorry if you find my posts inflammatory & the like, but I swear to you, this is not their intended purpose.


Quote from: wolf biteNow in your origenal message there was talk of me making threat to get you back or something like that. Hummm, seems if I had said something like that or used the insults you say I did, you would have posted them.
Well, I don't have this message any more, but I believe that your exact words were something to the tune of "I am not saying I have had my revenge on you because I havent. I certainly wont protect you.".

Again, by the way, I never asked for protection. To the threat, I never said that you threatened me, exactly (Check my wording. You've misinterpreted.), but, personally, I think that one is at least implied (Though I don't think a serious one.) in "I haven't got revenge on you yet.". To my ear, that implies that you will, at some point in the future. Wasn't it you who said that you noted down how much land everyone owed you & stuff (Even though I never ACTUALLY attacked you, you seem to think I was responsible for your losses.)?

To the latter part of the quote, the insults that I supposedly said that you used...where did I say you insulted me? Quote me. I don't believe I have accused you of insulting me in a direct manner.

wolf bite

 Ah, but you see, what my words "mean" to you may not be what I said or reasonably meant.

I say, " I have no vengeance to you, but I surely will not protect you either"

To you that means "I haven't had my revenge, but I sure as "Heck" aren?t protecting you." ... "So get stuffed.".

I say "I only assumed you had been punished for your insults"

To you that means that you were disabled because of your letters.

We can go on with all the misunderstandings, but I think I have made my point that I can not be held to what you think I mean.

We all have things that have happened in this game, mine are no more or less important then other peoples. If you have read my post on "memories,? the part I left out was that I had written a polite letter to the leader of the clan of Germania and Kilk asking if their actions were condoned by their leader and further whether I am allowed to attack Germaina back for my land he took or if your clan would wipe me out for doing so.  The response was a long letter that was very insulting.  Beyond that, I had no contact with you.

Now I receive a letter telling me that you are a "legend" and that I should give you full immunity from attacks from a clan I belong in because you are you.

I respond that when the tables were turned, you did not even stop your clan from massacring me, even if I had the power to tell my clan what to do, which I don't, why would I give you protection from them.

Then after several letters going back and forth where you grossly misinterpreted what I am saying and tell me what  nice guy you where in era 1, I tell you that I have NO respect for you or your words.

Wolf Bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 If this bickering continues, neither of you will be invited to the RWLcon. Which I and Ad are hosting by the way. (For details look at the pinned notes.)
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 "I have no vengeance to you, but I surely will not protect you either"

Most of that dosen't make sense, anyway. & that wasn't exactly what you said. I believe it was "I have no vengeance to you, because I haven't-" etc. Besides, quoting word for word from my first post is pretty stupid. I wasn't using your exact words, I went out of my way to say that that was just the gist of it, & that I was just trying to casually convey the mood of the received message. That was, in fact, the general meaning of the post. But I did not pretend that they were your words at any point. Look, here's the quote:

What I said: "This, of course, wasn't what she (He?) actually said word for word, but that was the gist." Paragraph three, starts line 4, capped off on line 5. You can't get much more specific than that.

You want me to concede something though, fine, for clarification, I was not insulted, at least in the traditional sense, by Wolf Bite.

"I only assumed you had been punished for your insults"

No, that's what you said after I told you that I had never been disabled. At first you said something to the tune of "You sent me back a long letter full of swearing and got yourself disabled for a week.". It was only later that you said "Well, that's what I had assumed." or whatever it was.

By the way, so you know:

ME: Was I ever disabled for swearing at someone of the messaging system? (These were not my exact words.)

RETTO: No, you were never disabled for that. I don't think you were ever disabled, were you? (These are Retto's EXACT words. The answer to "Have I ever been disabled before", if, of course, no.)

So, that's that one out of the way, yes?

Another thing was your claim that I had ordered Kilkenne to butcher you. This was a deliberate & gross distortion of the truth. You later informed me that this "order" consisted of something or other on a Clan Crier saying that anyone who attacked Nick whilst he was sorting himself out would be hit back harder.

As it turns out, it was Kilkenne who posted that on the Crier. Also, it was Kilkenne, & this you have said yourself, that attacked you. So, not only was it not me that carried the threat through, I didn't even MAKE it. Interesting.

This leaves only the accusation that I insulted you over the in-game messaging system still standing. Shakily.

I suggest that, since I have never been disabled, that it was Kilkenne's other account, Sovereign Allegiance (The name of which is quite similar to my Sovereign Guard.) that you meailed, & that it was Sovereign Allegiance that mailed you back. It will have been Sovereign Allegiance that you saw disabled, as well, since I have had no contact with you before now at all. Believe me, I would remember. Your becoming the number one & me getting disabled for insulting you would ring a few bells in my head. The fact that the guy you messaged was disabled is another reason to support the "It wasn't me." argument, because I have never been disabled.

For clarity: I did not demand immunity on grounds of being a legend (I'm not a legend.). I did not ask for protection, I did not demand that you recognise me as having been a nice guy in the First Age, & nor did I say "Hey, look, I was a nice guy!" or any such thing. In fact, all I did was request a quiet life from Slayer. That I wanted to test myself to see whether or not all the compliments I have recieved from certain people have any basis. My ego needed deflating, so I felt like taking a reality check. However, I didn't want to have to play all dedicated & such, so I requested (Requested.) an individual peace with you.

You responded with all these accusations of slander, bullying & profanity. I take exception to them.

These are the only things I see in this topic that are taken massively out of context & distorted.

Out of your three main accusations:

"I think you got disabled for insulting me." has been categorically disproven by a game Administrator. I have never been disabled.

"You ordered Kilkenne to beat up my account." was first degraded to "You wrote on the Clan Crier that people who hit Nick would die." & then it later turned out that it hadn't even been me who put that on the Crier, it was the guy who actually attacked you (Kilkenne.).

The only accusation I am thus far unable to disprove is "I wrote to you asking if you'd call off your clansmates & you sent me a nasty message.".

I suggest that you messaged Sovereign Allegiance by mistake, since his name is almost the exact same as mine, since he was the one who actually attacked you (As Kilk's Marauders, or whatever.) & since he also headed the League at one time. It is not likely to have been me, because I would probably remember it, you being a #1 warlord, & because the guy you messaged got disabled, & I never have been.

Can you not accept that maybe, just maybe, with you being mistaken on two out of three counts for sure & probably mistaken on the other, that it might not have been me who gave you a hard time?

I'm not asking you to like me (Which you probably still wouldn't even if God himself came down & went "Yo, Wolfie, it wasn't Raine.", simply because of human nature.), I'm not asking you to give me immunity & worship me as, as Richard Rahl puts it, a "legand" ( :rolleyes: ), I'm just asking you to consider that there's a fair chance that it WASN'T ME who did all that bad stuff. The cards are certainly stacked against it.


 ('Lo, Blackeyes. Seriously, I'm not bickering. I'm not getting all angry & such as I type. I'm just trying to establish the facts.)


 Lol. Ok, well point established. wolf bite was hit. He blamed you. You pointed out it wasn't you. He said it was just some crazy balogne. I'm tired of talking like this. I'm gonna stop now. Your both invited. Just stop this topic or you won't be.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

The Mercenary

*agrees with Vengerak* Yup thats most certainly the Wolf Bite I know.