Massive Terrible Bug!!! It will east us all!!!

Started by Peace Alliance, July 13, 2003, 11:40:36 PM

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Peace Alliance

 AHHH! run and hide! theres a massive bug!

when you do pressgang, there is no space between the amount fo rats i got and the word rats. I makes  it hard to read!! Run for you're lives!


Whatever disease [shimpman] has that makes him recite weird nonsense, it's catching...

It's going to East us all? So we'll all move to Mossflower Country or something? Hmm...

[This forum goer's name has been changed by one of our lovely admins. Please use his new name. Thanks!]


 *smile* Thank you, Teufel! I posted that before his name was changed... or at least before I knew it had been. *nods*

Peace Alliance

 I'm so confused!! what the heck did
Whatever disease [shimpman] has that makes him recite weird nonsense, it's catching...

It's going to East us all? So we'll all move to Mossflower Country or something? Hmm...
mean??? Its a big massive bug!! its not wierd nonsense!! Its important that it gets fixed right away!!!!!

TR Shadow

 *Grins* If Calria posts one more time, she'll have 1337 posts.  *Giggles*


 I'm too cool to be 1337. *grin* I want to have 4242 posts. Then I will be the product of double the meaning of the universe.


Ashyra Nightwing

 When I reach 1337 posts, I will get someone to freeze my post count. Then I can annoy people for eternity... *evil sneeze*