The Four

Started by The Beatles, July 10, 2003, 12:02:52 AM

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 To add to what was said about Ereptor, you also have to take into account the atmosphere of his reign...

He and his followers tried to sort of put into effect this near-LOTR storyline. His was the land of Mordor, and all the rest fought for Mossflower's freedom. A lot of the smaller-name players fought him, and the mood overall was quite opressive. His was probably the empire that cemented the idea of an emperor we loved to hate... or at least hated to love, at any rate. Luckily, I didn't get too horribly mixed-up in the main battling, since I was in Winter at the time, and we were, if I remember correctly, respectably neutral.

Urran Voh

 Ereptor was in Legions of Legends when he took over.  Then he and Orcrist left the LL to form Imperial Regiment (or something like that).  After that, Ereptor left the IR and founded Mordor.  He forced the LL and IR to disband because of his attacks.  Ereptor was made instoppable because Josh sent Ereptor all of his troops, money, and food.
I only log into this name when my Badrang name takes too long to log in.  (Sorry if this doesn't make sense...)

Peace Alliance

 Yeah but then Josh came back after being banned and tryed to kill him with leaders... But I saw that he was going to backstab me so i took him out. You can thank me for that now Ereptor! lol


 Those sure were the days. Ereptor tried to get me to leave PAL but I wouldn't even thouhg I was like 1.8 billion NW less then him. He stole like 2-3 billion dollars from me. I even tried to hit him. I was of course unsucceful. But when I saw that I had lost 50k stoats he had lost lke 2 million. I was scared. I never dod leave PAL though.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


Quote from: VengerakEreptor...was Ereptor ever really that great? I understand that he & some flunkies dominated the game until he got hit by a tornado, or something, but I always remember him as being sort of good-to-mediocre, hovering around in the doldrums of the top 25.
Your memory is a little shaky. Ereptor was a solid player in the top 10 by the time I joined. Things went downhill, though, after he was disabled for a week. But he finished up the top 10 again that round.
And I joined before you did...
I will not deleted this


Quote from: Urran VohEreptor was in Legions of Legends when he took over.  Then he and Orcrist left the LL to form Imperial Regiment (or something like that).  After that, Ereptor left the IR and founded Mordor.  He forced the LL and IR to disband because of his attacks.  Ereptor was made instoppable because Josh sent Ereptor all of his troops, money, and food.
I think i should post on this topic.  I humbly accept this honor by beatles on those who pitched in.  Thankyou.  Thanks for all the compliments.  Wolfbite was right on the dot as usual about my ability to come back from being hit hard.  I can say i learned that from the first era.  I was beaten by germania and josh and all the others in the top ten, DAILY.  It was horrible.  Thats when i learned you need to know people and know a bit of politics to get ahead.  Urran Voh has the best memory so far of the last ere.  Except for one point.  josh did give me aid.  But that was after i gave him aid.  He rose fast.   then got mad after being attacked and gave some aid back to me and told me to kill him.  At that point i had allready taken the top ten for myself and claimed the game.  I was although weak.  Wolfbite knew this, Peace knew this, Merc knew this and josh knew this.  They all wanted to kill me at one point or another.  I know that certain days i would have bet money on me being taken down, even when i was "thought" unstoppable.  I didn't have the leader thing down.  Although my leader count was in the millions.  

My rise to power was simple backstabbing and jumping from clan to clan.  Everyone wants power in the beginning and they will join with you if they do not think you will destroy them.  I did not form any clan until after i rose to power.  It was simply to risky.   TBV wasn't even in the second era, except for the fact that an ex member of my clan started it like the first day.  That did not make me happy.  Bloody fool.  Anyway.  I rose by destroying those who thought i was on their side.  Most of these were people i disliked anyway.  It was my revenge.  Although nevada cow and a few others i deeply respected, i was forced by my vision of mordor to take them all out.  I did this.  I accomplished a feat few have done in this way.  But there is luck involved to.  Along with skill, wit and quick thinking.  I have always thought of myself as Ereptor.  But when i thought of changing my name i decided not to and to try and fit a story line into the game.  I was a big fan of the previous story lines with retto and stormy.  I wanted to be mentioned in their stories and i tried very hard to make it.  Alas the first era was not my era.  

TBV was my first clan.  I made it along with my brother.  Mable Woodsmen.  He quit after a month.  We had some good people.  Cal, skull riders, jedi, and others.  Even kilk at one point.  But he headed off in the search of power.  I was mad at him for doing that.  I felt he betrayed our clan loyalty.  I was a very loyal clan member.  When people would leave tbv.  It would make me mad.  I would try to punish those.  But it is hard to do when people are hitting you everyday.  Even before i was emperor i was tearing clans down and tossing them aside.  More than one occassion i dismissed a clan without a shot even being fired.  I tested clan members.  Some stayed to their clan.  I respect them.  Others ran for cover.   While others just joined the next available one.  Clans can play a huge role.  My rule was a harsh one.  But underneith it all i had some good intentions.  As i grew i realized if i could do this, than anyone could.  Somethings needed to be changed.  I stayed up there for weeks talking to retto.  Most of our conversations didn't go to far.  I was even asked to step down.  I never said i wouldn't.  I wanted to talk to the admins first.  I was never granted an audience with them, nor did they hear my pleas until it was to late.  Then the tornado.  Blasted thing.  I was in fact a lucky one though, for others lost their lives and houses in that thing.  

Well i have left rwl.  I may return one day.  But as for now i have not seen anything to make me even want to return.  Wolfbite and Age still hold onto turbo.  Not killing each other and making everyone else play in vain.  That used to make me mad.  Now it is just sad.  In regular server i have seen slayer dominate, along with a false war to gain land from the innocent.  RWL needs to be reborn.  If their is a expansion i think it should be named.  RWL Reborn.  

Good-day and good-night,

Ereptor The Great
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


Quote from: HolbyYour memory is a little shaky. Ereptor was a solid player in the top 10 by the time I joined. Things went downhill, though, after he was disabled for a week. But he finished up the top 10 again that round.
And I joined before you did...
Fair enough. Just going by what I saw myself. It's true you've been around longer, so you'd know better. I wasn't a double or single digiter. You were...#22?


Quote from: Vengerak
Quote from: HolbyYour memory is a little shaky. Ereptor was a solid player in the top 10 by the time I joined. Things went downhill, though, after he was disabled for a week. But he finished up the top 10 again that round.
And I joined before you did...
Fair enough. Just going by what I saw myself. It's true you've been around longer, so you'd know better. I wasn't a double or single digiter. You were...#22?
*Whispers* No, just an avid admirer of the famed double digiters. Don't tell anyone that I was actually a triple. Slynder was #22, to refresh your memory.
I was good ol' #121. Sounds rather crisp pronounced correctly.
I will not deleted this


  ::cries::  ::cries:: Ereptor. Please don't go. It isn't RWL without you. Retto, anyone who is an admin. Please hurry with that expansion and make it a good one. Before he is gone forever...
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 Yeah, Kewima. Kicked off the Pansy vs. Weakling thing, didn't he?

The Beatles

 Your coming back has given back some of the old forum atmosphere, Raine. Holby and Shael post more frequently, and even I find myself magnetically attracted towards the forum.

The Lady Shael

 *nods* I've noticed it too. I've been remembering things from the past, and I even had sane chat actually discussing RWL yesterday, but it was on MSN, so maybe that's it. Raine coming back brings back a lot of memories which we buried unintentionally.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 It's mostly because I'm sooo far off being up to date, & thus have to resort to bringing up the only thing I know: The First Age. My talk of the First Age is probably what gets the "Oh yeah!" stuff going. ^_^

Plus my naturally argumentitive nature might be riling a few people into activity. But that might not be so good for me. <_<  


 Hey! Talk about the First Age is good... reminds all these young whippersnappers what we went through in the olden days, when there were only four races and no other lands to inhabit... *feels crotchity*

Am I, like, a first age elitist or something?
*thinks so*

Ashyra Nightwing

 Well, you had #41 or something like that...
I agree with everyone. Raine coming back has just...improved the forums. It's become interesting again! And Shael has someone to argue with...