
Started by Holby, July 03, 2003, 06:56:23 AM

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 I made a very stupid decision today. I deleted my account and created another one, so I could be in fire.
It was brought to my attention the teams were unfair during an IM convo with a member of Fire. The scores were showing already that Ice was on top, with only one fire member taking up the top ten.

Using this information, I decided I should try and help the underdog. I got Retto to delete my account and signed up, landing in Fire. That is where I currently am.
I did not consider the other points of view, especially as this was a sort of sudden action.
It took an accidental entry into the Ice forum and a conversation with Wolf Bite to convince me I had done the wrong thing.
It was pointed out to me that it is only early on in the game. More players can come along and even things up. I had a duty to my clan. I was winning a vote for leader of Ice, and people relied on me to guide them by this action.
At the least I should have talked it over with ice members, and given a few days notice.
I am truly sorry, and apologise particularly to Wolf Bite and all those who voted for me in the poll.

However, I believe in sticking to a decision once it is made. So I shall continue in Fire, and do my very best to help them in victory.
In the process I have a few battles to overcome with a vain newb, a dealing with a multi, and some awesome players to take on.
I'm sorry I didn't think this over first, I'm sorry I let so many of you down, and I'm sorry I took the selfish way out.
I will not deleted this

General Austin

 It's ok, Holby. *pats* I forgive 'ee.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 BTW, I still have access to the Ice forum, so someone better change it before I stop resisting. An Ice member kindly allowed me to view a topic in which I was strongly involved, so I thank them for that.
I will not deleted this

wolf bite

 Well said Holby.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 I think it's very kind of you to help Fire.  You did the right thing.  
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
user posted image
If someone died for you? Would you care?


 Holby, both your original intentions and your apology bespeak us your noble heart and magnanimity.

I, for one, vastly appreciate your switch... especially since I'm on Fire!


 I second Cal ... well Holbs ... atleast your there to help us all out ... I would be devistated if I were in Ice ... now your all doomed .
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

The Cow

 I love you man, Holbys.

[edit, I do remember, that I said I shall edit insult into something lovely]
2nd Reg. Season BloodThirsty Wolves.
3rd Reg. Season ,Red Horde Of All Evil.
3rd turbo Season ,Blue Horde.
4th turbo season Red Horde Of All Evil.


 Do please space yourself, my good cappie, wot, wot.  Because if you don't it makes it very hard to jolly well read, wot.  (I am a hare right now)

[edit, same for the post above]
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.

Abby The Rat

 No shouting, or I will been forced to take action.

Shouting is where you caps all the words, this is usually frowned on.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]


 Thanks Ad for editing my post and showing me that I want to be a bally hare, wot!
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


 I may be stubborn, but Holby is unfaithful to his original team, and has lost much of my respect for that.  Trying to even out the ties may win respect, but switching teams and letting down those who wanted you as leader is another.

General Austin

 HOLBS COME BACK!!!! We NEED you out here!!! I'll give you 'ee spot as leader! *begs*
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Peace Alliance

QuoteI may be stubborn, but Holby is unfaithful to his original team, and has lost much of my respect for that.
I forgive you holbs, wether it was right or wrong.

i just joined fire... But it seems like fire is really strong, so i'm gonna ask retto if i can switch clans. dont worry though, i'm not even using my turns right now, nor have i gone to the forum.

wolf bite

 Fair is fair! I think we should just call it an even trade.

(starts making lunch for the welcome to ice party for Peace)
Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles