My windhound picture

Started by Trident, July 02, 2003, 08:56:38 PM

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 Coolness! I'm gonna put on my Kilk pic for some reason...mostly cause I'm too lazy to make a new topic. Lazy me.


 Hey Kilk , nice to see ya around ... once I get the chance I will show everyone my eagle that I drew . It's pretty good and I won an art award for it .
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

The Lady Shael


That's a great picture, Trident, you definitely draw better than I do, but then, everyone draws better than I do. 0.o

And Kilk, unless you look like a red X on a transparent background with the words "user posted image", I don't see that as a very truthful self-portrait.  :D Just kidding, of should come in more often....

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 *Gets angry and stomps on his pic, trying to get it to work again and shrugs* Oh well. If you didnt see it yet, then too bad for was a good'n!   ;)  


 Now I know who you are on VI, Trident!  You are none other than Latryal M. Skydancer there.  Your kitten pictures were identical so you had to be the same person!  I am Urth W. Rath matey.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


  :rolleyes: Yep that's me  :D

Urth?  Um... The name seems familiar... Were you the one who kept asking me for gilders?   *rofl*


 Yep!  About 1,650 short when I last checked and I have to wait a week because I am just on sea.  I am very poor.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


 If I were less lazy, I would link up my Calria-the-Stoat picture...

Oh... whizzle bananas, I'll do it anyway...

Laugh if'n ye wish... it's rather bad.
Remember, though- it was drawn for the Calria I play with on VI, not RWL... the one on VI is a tad more dangerous, you see!


 *Glares at Calria*

It's not nice to be better than than other people when it comes to art  :rolleyes:  

Ashyra Nightwing

 *stares* Wow. It's a great drawing. Definitely better than anything I could do. Wolfies are schweet!


 It's a good thing Cal didn't see you post that , " schweet" lol I'm j/k .
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 I wish I had a scanner.  I can remember one great picture I made, but alas it shall never be shown on the computor for lack of scanner and not wanting to recreate it on computor (It would be hard and kill me).  I can tell you about it though.  It was a horderat for an army I will have one day; I coloured it too.  Anyways it wore and tunic of chainmail with plates of metal on his chest and back, leaving only chainmail around the neck, on the sides where the plates conected (I draw side views, I'm better at that) and in a short kilt below the belt; he also had a helmet with a spike on top and metal leg greaves held on with leather straps.  He had blues eyes if I remember and wore a golden hilted (the hilt also had blue gems on it and was wrapped in leather) sabre on the brown leather belt and in a brown leather scabbered with gold on in a pattern sort of.  He also wore metal shoes and a quiver of arrows on his back with the top of the bow going on above his left shoulder and going on till the bottom was beyond the belt on the right side.  This rat also carried a three pronged trident in his hands and was white with a black nose and pink tail that went up in the air; my horderats are going to be all different colours when I have them, this one was white.  (I didn't have time to colour the body).  That is my picture in words and it is not a thousand words.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


 sounds neat Pikepaw..

QuoteMeh... I always thought Windhound as a wolf...
really?  *shrugs*  I've never had that impression, but, tis a good picture, and if ye dont mind I think I'll make it my avatar for now...  the dolphins are getting on my nerves at the moment...  doesnt quite work with windhound...  *nods and hopes Trident doesnt object*
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't
