Islander - Woodlander War

Started by Deathclaw, July 01, 2003, 03:42:51 PM

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 Deathclaw's forces mounted on the brink of his island, named Gridsave. His only allies were a band of otters in the woodlands, spies, and a crew of rooks. Deathclaw's red kite's and rooks circled the sky, anticipating war. (I'm going to be an otter for this RP).

His sleek fur was glistening in the sun, and his javelin point showed death. His sling lay in his left paw. Otters, hares, shrews, and squirrel archers were at arms. The full force wasn't assembled... a few sentries were at other sides to defend a possible invasion. Tensions were high, and they couldn't afford to leave anything unguarded. Archers gathered fire arrows and shot them into the sea. The massive numbers of arrows shot created a smokescreen that lasted for a plentiful amount of time, and that was when three war galleons shipped off. They got to the edge of smoke protection, still covered, and fired fire arrows into the woodlands to give the woodlanders trouble. Then, a longboat unloaded several shrews to chop at the woodland trees, to spread around forces and try to injure enemy numbers. A few otters slivered into the woodlands and hid outside of a home to 7 young of a woodland weasel. 3 were almost done training to defend their home. Luckily for the otters, they outpowered those three, and captured the other four, giving them the first four prisoners. They receded back to the homeland, and then, one war galleon went to defend the waters and report enemy movement. Double sentries were posted, and watch towers were given more firepower. Tensions were strung high, and now one side went off. They started the inavoidable war. Mass production of weapons went underway, larders largened. Now, the enemy had to come for death. The seas would soon flow red.

OOC: I need my two allied woodlanders to be picked by someone, and the head of the woodland defence force, as well as maybe, at most, two more allies.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Deathclaw, you need to explain it better.  I am confused.  I will join as the head of the woodland defence force.

Bluddwar was a redkite and a strange one.  Said to be the desendent of great kite warriors like Stryk and even had an ancestor that was related to Bluddbeak the adder hunter.  He was the head of his army of woodlanders and birds of all types that was the WDF, the Woodland Defence Force.  They all obeyed the great fighter faithfully, from the shrews to the hawks and falchons.  Rusty red and gold feathers covered his body except for the fearsome curvered beak and yellow feet with the huge, black, hooked talons.  On top of that, Bluddwar the slayer was bigger than other kites and hunted adders for sport, all obeyed him, even the few eagles in the army who were bigger than him knew he was a natural leader that would never lead them wrong.  The redkite had trained everybeast in the WDF how to use weapons, he even taught the birds how they could use spears and pikes, like the large spear Bluddwar had, along with their talons and beaks.  Deathclaw started this war and now the woodlanders under the command of Bluddwar had to defend themselves.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


 About five of Deathclaw's otters had stayed in the woodlands. Now they ran from door to door, slaying families that could produce young into the army, and burning the houses. They set fire to various woodland trees and sent up walls of smoke everywhere. They had knocked on the doors of four homes, and the hostage count was now 14. The few eagles that were allied to Deathclaw carried the hostages back to the island, and the otters tacked a message to a tree, saying:

"We have 14 hostages. Some are in training for your army. Others are too young to speak, some in between. They will be under heavy guard, and tormented into telling all they know."

Then an otter sent up a flare, yellow, so that allies knew that it wasn't a flare of trouble, but one of a trick. Then, the otters escaped via air (eagles) and returned to rest. They would do more of this later.

Deathclaw led a band of fighters to the Woodland Harbor. He had, all in all, five hares with torches and small blades, three otters with saws, an eagle flying with a torch, and himself. Five shrews came as sentries. All torches were dropped on the ship. The otters sawed holes in the bottom of the ship, and five squirrels shot the guards. Then, they waited until the ships were sufficiently ablaze, and returned to the island in the longboat that brought them. They sent their ships to sea to avoid destruction, but not too far, so they still could attack.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Ravens and crows carried torches in the night.  They flew with shrews on their backs carrying flint and steel to light the torches when they got over the longboat, before that they were invisable in the night.  The flames hit the longboat straight on and it went imediatly into a great fire.  Bluddwar and his eagles  (in the meantime) were taking care of a few of Deathclaws eagles he had found with the creatures on their backs.  Taking an otter hostage they carried her to the allies to see what they would make of it.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


 OOC: You can't believe your crows would take my eagles on at all, eh?

Luckily, the eagles escaped. Right before the boat sank, 2 archers shot one arrow apiece, making 4 enemy casaulties, due to the shrews astride the crow and ravens backs. One archer drowned. The others made it to a rescue boat in time, and the otters swam ashore.

Deathclaw quickly assembled a recon team. He gathered five otters, three hares, and four shrews. An eagle already had tracked the captors to their hideout. He dropped several flares. One hundred assorted otters, hares, and shrews gathered as an emergency extract source. Another 20 came as the distraction team. All hares. They distracted the brunt of the enemy to a major fire. Archers fired at them to annoy them more.

The hostage was being kept in a small cabin on a island small lake. The island was large enough to hold out there for a few days. The forces quickly set up an ambush. Their were only 5 enemy sentries. They burst in and subdued the only awake sentry, and bound and gagged them all. They freed the otter and gave him a weapon.

Now flares were set up to have the one hundred awaiting troops to help defend the recon teams' spot. Deathclaw decided to build up that area. He sent in thirty more distraction fighters to douse the forest in flame. Twenty archers, thirty hares, fourty otters, and ten shrews came and doubled the number in the cabin. They brought plenty of food. They would hold their spot.

The distraction forces retreated to the island once more, and returned safely. Deathclaw planned on his extract of the 201 stranded soldiers who would hold their own as much as possible. They would bargain with the five hostages.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Later on that day, before the stranded islanders were found, three eagles flew overhead and dropped food packages and weapons, enough to last for a good while. If they were extracted, they'd destroy it so that the woodlanders couldn't benefit. Flint and steel was a welcome sight, as well as the arrows were for the archers. They set out cots for those who would be sleeping, which they'd do in shifts. They set out extra weapons in easy access spots. The five hostages were sent to the island. They didn't have room. 19 were now in the prisons.

Every attempt to construct ships in the harbor was doused. They sabotaged it. They had spies inserted in the woodland armies who would eventually secretly get supplies to the stranded force. If they came under enough fire, the forest could burn and they'd easily bring down the enemy.

For now, Deathclaw had otters and shrews cut down trees at random times of both day and night to meet their weapon and shipbuilding needs.

Four ships were sent out, twenty archers each, fire arrows, and they shot simultaneously at the same time, aiming for the woodlands. They set part of it ablaze, and even struck one enemy shrew with an arrow, injuring him.  
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 RazorClaw had been a seafarer all of his life. A Penguin, he could swim as well as an otter, and though it was iregular for his species, he could fly. This made him an excellent assasin, spy, scout, and forager. He had his ship, the Iceberg, brought up to an island, that, to his dismay, had beast on it, armed and ready. He cried out, "Oy! I come in peace! Please, show me to your leader!"


 Deathclaw's second-in-command came to his chambers.

"A penguin comes with a ship of searats and corsairs. He wants to see you."

Deathclaw replied, "Send him in, but inform him that, as a precaution, five archers are watching in case he tries anything. Send fifty otters aboard, so that if he turns into an enemy, they will be able to destroy them. If they are friends, then the otters will disembark."

The penguin entered.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 OOC: Will no one help me!
Bluddwar set up traps with his strongest warriors inland.  If any of Deathclaws' forces went to far inland and they would be slain in various ways and they could not be seen or foiled.  Further more the redkite took his eagles and kites with him and together they killed any of Deathclaws' eagles before they could screech.  Also some falchons were serching north and south for something, when they found one they were to report imediatly to Bluddwar.  What they were looking for was classifed to the falchons and Bluddwar, but the kite knew that it could ensure victory if he used it right.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


 Luckily, only two of Deathclaw's eagles were out. He had plenty left. A spy told Deathclaw of the falcons disembarkment. Double the number of them were sent out. Of seven falcons, two were captured and five slain. The captured would not speak. To entice the other bird to speak, the interrogator burned one. He finally chopped off various body parts until he killed the falcon. Deathclaw had his spies and resistants mine traps and disable them carefully and quickly. The stranded force was not yet found.

Two archers went out from the stranded area. They seeked out enemy forces, and sniped from above. Several were downed. The archers left when a large enough force assembled to seek them out, but not before they fired several volleys. Then they backtracked to the stranded forces position.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 The archers were slain instantly from behind by some ferrets and rats.  Luckily he had his sparra with some falchons out of the area in their search.  They couldn't be caught.  Any of Deathclaws' forces venturing into the woodlands were killed by their native inhabitents, who knew the woods better and could not be captured or even detected; but they could slay the enemy easily, from their positions.

OOC: I think you are kind of god moding Deathclaw
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


 OOC: And you're not? You auto-kill any of my soldiers. Your traps are gone, my archers killed anyone they saw, working inward, and escaped back. Let's get a battle going at the rally point of stranded soldiers.

Four eagles flew in, staying with the stranded. Deathclaw had a plan for them. For now, they found safety perimeters. They had to avoid being overrun. Deathclaw sent ninety-five soldiers, almost completely shrews, around past the large defenses of the woodlanders. They encountered few resistance forces, disposing of them quickly. Three archers covered them as they went. A scout was ahead, a hare. They made it to there destination. Now 300 were there. The scout and archers hurried back to the island hurrying to make it to their boat.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 OOC: Sorry it took me so long.

RazorClaw yelled up: "I come unarmed, and therefore your archers needn't trackme. But they may if they wish." RazorClaw went in, to discuss arrangements that would hopefully mutually benefit both parties.



It turned out that the ultimate weapon was closer than expected, a whole nest of them.  Deathclaw could not take the woodlands with these creatures used to defend it; Adders!  With all of the WDF together they could not be stopped.  Flitcheye dug trenches at the coast/woodland border ready to keep the Adders in it; in the meantime patrols of all spieces went and killed any of Deathclaws' forces in land, air or water, Bluddwar went to deal with the Adders himself.  They were swarming around, all close to a great hole in the earth where many tunnels branched out underground.  A score of creatures from the enemies forces: hares, otters and squirrels, were sent in there, fully armed with their regular weapons, among hundreds of serpents.  They didn't stand a chance; it only took two adders to kill them although it was done by three of the giant snakes; before they barely made a stratch they were dead and eaten.  All of the monster snakes were bigger than normal ones and were looking at Bluddwar, who was now alone and unarmed.  Knowing exactly what he was doing the big bird of prey challenged the leader to a fight.  The Ungised as he was called was on of  the biggest snakes of all the serpents; he struck at Bluddwar with his fangs but the Adderhunter flapped up and smacked Ungised a blow to the head that sent the Adder flying in another direction and getting his fang curved around a rock.  Ugised was too heavy to lift into the air so Bluddwar grabbed the giant tail and flew into the hole, (the other Adders were watching from the woodlands) the force was so great that the fang broke!  When the evil serpent recovered he struck at Bluddwar who was standing still; but the kite was waiting for the snake with a rock in his talons.  The Redkite general threw the rock at the second fang and left the monster not being able to put venom in any creature anymore.  The shocked Ungised tried constricting but in the end he was lying on his back with the Redkite the air above him.  Bluddwar came down on his quarry and landing on his neck, talons percing the chest; it was all the work of a momenet for the bird, he brought up his leathel curved beak and it came down.  The monster would never kill again!  All of the other Adders worshiped the Adderhunter in fear and Bluddwar outlined his plan to protect the woodlands.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


 RazorClaw heard the screams outside, and grinned. "Looks as if the party's already started. Fortunately, I brought snacks."

RazorClaw pointed his wing outside of the window, and an arrow zoomed in, through the other window, and directly into one of the adders' heads. He made a croaky call and thousands of creatures zoomed in, killing all in sight. Pikepaw's task force was cut in half, but 2/3 of RazorClaw's troops were alive. RazorClaw was in the center of the battle. Then the remaining two adders through a midst of Pikepaw's fighters. (Oops, Pikepaw needs to be substituted with Bluddwarr) RazorClaw looked as if he would die, then shing! Two knives were drawn. RazorClaw threw them, only to find two weasels had jumped in the way. He took out some shrapnel, then voot! it was flung into the adders' eyes. They thrashed around for two seconds. in three, they were each beheaded. RazorClaw's forces advanced, victorious, back to Deathclaw's forrtress.